Korean fakes, Korean traits, Intellectual property rights problem, Liquidation of Pro-Japanese

Korean plagiarisms


  1. General Library for boys and girls (Kyoyuk Churpansa)
  2. Education library for boys and girls (Kyoyuk Munhwasa)
  3. The complete series of world literature for boys and girls (Samseongdang, Hanrim publisher)
  4. The world complete series of winning prize literature for boys and girls (Jungangmunhwasa)
  5. The complete series of modern world masterpieces for boys and girls (Kyemongsa)
  6. The complete series of world literature for boys and girls (Yukyeongsa)
  7. The complete series of world literature for boys and girls (Keumseong Churpansa)
  8. Korean plagiarisms・World masterpieces of children’s story, color version (Samseongdang)
  9. The famous stories retold for children (Tonggukmunhwasa)
  10. The complete series of world masterpieces for boys and girls (Kyomunsa)
  11. Takdaguri Great Books (Tongseomunhwasa)
  12. ACE88 - The world’s best books for boys and girls (Tongseomunhwasa)
  13. The books of Chigyeongsa & Mungongsa
  14. Love Book Series / Manhwabaekwa Series (Mungonsa)
  15. ABE complete works(Hagwon Churpansa)
  16. New world Children’s Original stories Milky Way series (Keumseongchurpansa)
  17. Choices of Masterpiece of World S. F. adventure (Hagwon Churpansa)
  18. Choices of Masterpiece of S. F. for juvenile (Keumseongchurpansa)
  19. Color Series of Mini Encyclopedia
  20. The masterpieces of world literature for boys and girls (Tongachurpansa)
  21. The masterpieces of world literature for boys and girls (Samseongdang)
  22. The Saes-byeol library, Taegeuk version (Taegeukchurpansa)
  23. The world complete series of winning prize literature for boys and girl (Hwimunchurpansa)
  24. The masterpieces of world literature for boys and girls (Adongmunhaksa)
  25. Color television the educational fairy tales (Keumseongchurpansa)

Korean plagiarisms

Korean plagiarisms・Anastasia Series(Chigeongsa)



Anasitasia Krupnik / Lois Lowry
わたしのひみつ秘密 ノートNote1
愛って、なあに? (1979)
translator: 掛川恭子 (Kakegawa Yasuko)
illustrator: 小泉るみ子 (Koizumi Rumiko)
Anasitasia Krupnik / Lois Lowry
나의 비밀秘密 노트Note1 (1989)
translator: 김경애 (Kim Kyeong-ae)
illustrator: 이명선 (Ee Myeong-seon)
Wikipedia has neither 김경애 (Kim Kyeong-ae) nor 이명선 (Ee Myeong-seon).
“わたしのひみつノート” is “My secret notebook”. “나의 비밀 노트” is same as Japanese translation.

Anastasia Again! / Lois Lowry
わたしのひみつ秘密 ノートNote2
おとなりさんは魔女かしら (1989)
translator: 掛川恭子 (Kakegawa Yasuko)
illustrator: 小泉るみ子 (Koizumi Rumiko)
Anastasia Again! / Lois Lowry
나의 비밀秘密 노트Note2 (1989)
translator: 김경애 (Kim Kyeong-ae)
illustrator: 이명선 (Ee Myeong-seon)
Wikipedia has neither 김경애 (Kim Kyeong-ae) nor 이명선 (Ee Myeong-seon).
“わたしのひみつノート” is “My secret notebook”. “나의 비밀 노트” is same as Japanese translation.

Anastasia at Your Service / Lois Lowry
わたしのひみつ秘密 ノートNote3
ただいまアルバイト募集中 (1989)
Anastasia at Your Service / Lois Lowry
나의 비밀秘密 노트Note3 (1989)
translator: 掛川恭子 (Kakegawa Yasuko)
illustrator: 小泉るみ子 (Koizumi Rumiko)

translator: 김경애 (Kim Kyeong-ae)
illustrator: 이명선 (Ee Myeong-seon)

Korean plagiarisms・Der Kleine Vampir(Chigyeongsa)

The original Angela Sommer-Bodenburg: Der kleine Vampir

Kumon Educational Japan Co. Ltd.(Japan)


2 Der kleine Vampir zieht um,
2 ちびっこ吸血鬼のひっこしそうどう (1987)
1 Der kleine Vampir,
1 꼬마흡혈귀吸血鬼비밀秘密 데이트date (1991)
1 Der kleine Vampir,




リュディガーRüdigerの妹。まだ吸血鬼のきばがなく、ミルクをのんでいる。 アントンAntonのことが大のお気にいり。
흡혈귀 이야기를 읽는 것이 대단히 좋아하는 남자男子 아이. 루디거Rüdiger와 친구가 되어 여러 가지 소동騒動을 일으킨다.

아빠는 회사원会社員. 엄마는 학교学校 선생先生님. 안톤Anton흡혈귀吸血鬼 이야기를 혀 믿지 않는다.

꼬마 흡혈귀吸血鬼 루디거Rüdiger는 어둠을 싫어하는 외로운 아이. 인간人間의 어린이 안톤Anton과 친구가 된다.

루디거Rüdiger의 여동생. 아직 흡혈귀吸血鬼의 뾰족한 송곳니가 없어 우유牛乳를 마시고 있다.
안톤Anton을 대단히 좋아한다.
Japanese アントンAnton
Korean 안톤Anton
吸血鬼のお話よむ大すきな男の子。 リュディガーRüdiger 友だちになり、さまざまなそうどう騒動 ひきおこす。
흡혈귀吸血鬼 이야기읽는대단히 좋아하는남자男子 아이. 루디거Rüdiger 친구가 되어여러 가지소동騒動 일으킨다.
アントンAnton 両親
안톤Anton 부모父母
おとうさん会社員。おかあさん学校の先生。 アントンAnton 吸血鬼のまるっきりしんじていない。
아빠회사원会社員.엄마학교学校 선생先生님. 안톤Anton 흡혈귀吸血鬼 이야기믿지않는다.
ちびっこ吸血鬼リュディガーRüdiger は、闇のみをこわがるさびしがりや。 人間子どもアントンAnton ともだちになる。
꼬마흡혈귀吸血鬼 루디거Rüdiger 어둠을싫어하는외로운 아이. 인간人間 어린이안톤Anton 친구가 된다.
リュディガーRüdiger 妹。まだ吸血鬼 きばなく、ミルクのんでいる。 アントンAntonのことが大のお気にいり。
루디거Rüdiger 여동생.아직흡혈귀吸血鬼 뾰족한 송곳니없어우유牛乳 마시고있다. 안톤Anton대단히좋아한다.

translator: 川西芙沙 (Kawanishi Fusa)
illustrator: ひらいたかこ (Hirai Takako)
川西芙沙 (Kawanishi Fusa) is a translator of German literature.
translator: 김혜숙 (Kim Hye-suk)
illustrator: 이명선 (I Myeong-seon)

The Korean plagiarizes the cover from 2, and the contents from 1.

4 Der kleine Vampir auf dem Bauernhof,
4 ちびっこ吸血鬼のかいぶつ農場』 (1987)
2 Der kleine Vampir zieht um,
2 꼬마흡혈귀吸血鬼이사소동移徒騒動

Korean plagiarisms・Malory Towers(Chigyeongsa)

The original Enid Blyton: Malory Towers



First Term at Malory Towers,
はりきりダレルDarrellは新入生 (1987)

translator: 佐伯 紀美子 (Saeki Kimiko)
illustrator: 田村 セツコ (Tamura Setsuko)
First Term at Malory Towers,
발랄溌剌신입생新入生 다렐르Darrell

Second Form at Malory Towers,
はりきりダレルDarrellと麗しの転校生 (1987)

translator: 佐伯 紀美子 (Saeki Kimiko)
illustrator: 田村 セツコ (Tamura Setsuko)
Second Form at Malory Towers,
다렐르Darrell와 별난 친구들

Third Year at Malory Towers,
はりきりダレルDarrellと女優志望の女の子 (1988)

translator: 佐伯 紀美子 (Saeki Kimiko)
illustrator: 田村 セツコ (Tamura Setsuko)
Third Year at Malory Towers,
다렐르Darrell배우지망생俳優志望生  다렐르Darrell와 귀여운 여동생

Upper Fourth at Malory Towers,
はりきりダレルDarrellとかわいい妹 (1989)

translator: 佐伯 紀美子 (Saeki Kimiko)
illustrator: 田村 セツコ (Tamura Setsuko)
Upper Fourth at Malory Towers,
다렐르Darrell와 귀여운 여동생

In the Fifth at Malory Towers,
はりきりダレルDarrellシンデレラCinderella (1990)

translator: 佐伯 紀美子 (Saeki Kimiko)
illustrator: 田村 セツコ (Tamura Setsuko)
In the Fifth at Malory Towers,

Last Term at Malory Towers,
はりきりダレルDarrellの卒業ノートnote (1991)

translator: 佐伯 紀美子 (Saeki Kimiko)
illustrator: 田村 セツコ (Tamura Setsuko)
Last Term at Malory Towers,

Korean plagiarisms・St. Clare's(Chigyeongsa)

The original Enid Blyton: St. Clare's



The Twins at St. Clare's / Enid Blyton
おちゃめなふたご (1982)

translator: 佐伯 紀美子 (Saeki Kimiko)
illustrator: 田村 セツコ (Tamura Setsuko)
The Twins at St. Clare's / Enid Blyton
말괄량이 쌍둥이
The Korean title is same as the Japanese.

The O'Sullivan Twins / Enid Blyton
おちゃめなふたごの秘密 (1983)

translator: 佐伯 紀美子 (Saeki Kimiko)
illustrator: 田村 セツコ (Tamura Setsuko)
The O'Sullivan Twins / Enid Blyton
말괄량이 쌍동이의 비밀
The Korean title is same as the Japanese.

Summer Term at St. Clare's / Enid Blyton
おちゃめなふたごの探偵ノート (1984)

translator: 佐伯 紀美子 (Saeki Kimiko)
illustrator: 田村 セツコ (Tamura Setsuko)
Summer Term at St. Clare's / Enid Blyton
말괄량이 탐정探偵 이야기 (1991)

right and left inversion
(English original)
'Ah, this first form! You have learnt nothing this term! nothing, I say. Ahhhhhh! Tomorrow I will give you a test. A test to see what you have learnt. Prudence, do not stare at me like a duck that is dying! You and Doris are bad girls. You will not work for me. If you do not get more than half-marks tomorrow I shall go and complain to Miss Theobald. Ah, this first form!'
The girls listened in horror. A French test! Of all the things they hated, a French test was the worst. The girls always felt certain that Mam'zelle chose questions that hardly anyone could possibly answer!
Prudence sat down, hating Mam'zelle. She knew she would do badly in the test. She had cribbed most of her written work from Pam - but in a test she would have to rely on her own knowledge - unless she could copy Pam's answers.
Japanese「まったく、このクラスclassときたら、なってない! 今学期なにをやっていたんですか! あしたもテストtestをします。今までの総復習です。
プルーデンスPrudence死にかかったアヒルのような目をしないでちょうだい。 もし五十50点以下だったら、院長先生に報告します。」
풀덴스Prudence,다 죽어가는오리같은눈을하지 말아요. 만일萬一50점 이하點 以下 점수點數가 나오면교장 선생校長 先生님께보고報告하겠어요.”
풀덴스Prudence원망스러워 죽겠습니다.시험 점수試驗 點數나쁠 것이뻔합니다.
宿題はだいたい大体パメラPamelaのを写していました。 でも、テストtestでは自分の力でやるしかありません。
숙제宿題대개大概파멜라Pamela의 것을베꼈던 것입니다. 하지만시험試驗자기自己힘으로할 수밖에 없습니다.

right and left inversion

The twins at St.Clare's / Enid Blyton
おちゃめなふたご (1983)

translator: 佐伯 紀美子 (Saeki Kimiko)
illustrator: 田村 セツコ (Tamura Setsuko)
The twins at St.Clare's / Enid Blyton
말괄량이 쌍둥이 (1991)
The Korean title is same as the Japanese.

The O'Sullivan twins / Enid Blyton
おちゃめなふたごの秘密 (1983)

translator: 佐伯 紀美子 (Saeki Kimiko)
illustrator: 田村 セツコ (Tamura Setsuko)
The O'Sullivan twins / Enid Blyton
말괄량이 쌍둥이의 비밀秘密 (1991)
The Korean title is same as the Japanese.

The second form at St.Clare's / Enid Blyton
おちゃめなふたごの新学期 (1983)

translator: 佐伯 紀美子 (Saeki Kimiko)
illustrator: 田村 セツコ (Tamura Setsuko)
The second form at St.Clare's / Enid Blyton
말괄량이 쌍둥이의 신학기新学期 (1991)
The Korean title is same as the Japanese.

Fifth formers at St.Clare's / Enid Blyton
おちゃめなふたごのさいごの秘密 (1983)

translator: 佐伯 紀美子 (Saeki Kimiko)
illustrator: 田村 セツコ (Tamura Setsuko)
Fifth formers at St.Clare's / Enid Blyton
말괄량이 쌍둥이의 마지막 비밀秘密 (1991)
The Korean title is same as the Japanese.

Claudine at St.Clare's / Enid Blyton
おちゃめなふたごのすてきな休暇 (1985)

translator: 佐伯 紀美子 (Saeki Kimiko)
illustrator: 田村 セツコ (Tamura Setsuko)
Claudine at St.Clare's / Enid Blyton
말괄량이의 멋진 휴가休暇 (1991)
The Korean title is same as the Japanese.

Korean plagiarisms・Naughtiest Girl series(Chigyeongsa)

The original Enid Blyton: Naughtiest Girl series



The Naughtiest Girl in the School / Enid Blyton
おてんばエリザベスElizabeth (1986)

translator: 佐伯 紀美子 (Saeki Kimiko)
illustrator: 若林 三江子 (Wakabayashi Mieko)
The Naughtiest Girl in the School / Enid Blyton
외동딸 엘리자베스Elizabeth (1987)

translator: 김경애 (Kim Gyeong-ae)
(English original)
The little girl sat silently as the train rattled on and on. The others chattered and talked and offered sweets round the carriage. Elizabeth shook her head when the sweets were offered to her.
‘Oh, come on, do have one!’ said the tubby little girl, whose sweets they were. ‘A sweet would do you good - make you look a bit sweeter perhaps!’
Everybody laughed. Elizabeth went red and hated the tubby little girl.
‘Ruth! You do say some funny things!’ said a big girl opposite. ‘Don’t tease the poor little thing. She’s new.’
‘Well, so is Belinda, next to you,’ said Ruth, ‘but she does at least say something when she’s spoken to!’
‘That will do, Ruth,’ said Miss Thomas, seeing how red Elizabeth had gone. Ruth said no more, but the next time she offered her sweets round she did not offer them to Elizabeth.
It was a long journey. Elizabeth was tired when at last the train drew up in a country station and the girls poured out of the carriages. The boys came to join them, and the children talked eagerly of all they had done in the holidays.
‘Come along now, quickly,’ said Mr Johns, pushing them out of the station gate. ‘The coach is waiting.’
There was an enormous coach outside the station, labelled Whyteleafe School’. The children took their places. Elizabeth found a place as far away as possible from the tubby little girl called Ruth. She didn’t like her one bit. She didn’t like Belinda either. She didn’t like anyone! They all stared at her too much!
For some reason, Japanese translator translates “Thomas” as “Thoma” and “Belinda” as “Linda”. The same goes for Korean translations.
Korean여자女子난폭亂暴하다는 것을보여 줄 테니까.
汽車は走り続けます。エリザベスElizabethだまっていました。 ほかの子供たちはおしゃべりをしています。キャンディcandyまわってきました。 エリザベスElizabeth首を振ります。
기차汽車쉬지 않고 달렸읍니다.엘리자베스Elizabeth잠자코 있었읍니다. 다른 아이들은수다를 떨고 있었읍니다.사탕砂糖돌아왔읍니다. 엘리자베스Elizabeth고개를흔들었읍니다.
“한 개 먹으렴.”하고뚱뚱한 여자女子 아이가말했읍니다.
사탕砂糖먹으면네 얼굴도조금은부드러워질 거야.”
みんながわらいました。エリザベスElizabeth顔が赤くなります。 その子がだいきらいになりました。前にすわっていた年上の子が口をはさみます。
모두웃었읍니다.엘리자베스Elizabeth얼굴이빨개졌읍니다. 그 아이가몹시 싫어졌읍니다.앞에앉아 있는나이가 위인 듯한 여자女子 아이가참견을 했읍니다.
루스Ruth,새로아이를놀리면 못써.아직익숙해지지 않았으니까.”
「あら、リンダLindaだって新入生よ。 でもリンダLinda話しかければちゃんとこたえるわ。」
“어머나!린다Linda신입생新入生이어요. 그렇지만린다Linda말을 걸면분명하게대답을 해요.”
루스Ruth,그쯤해 두어라.”
トーマThoma先生がたしなめたので、ルースRuthだまりました。 ただ、つぎにキャンディcandyまわしたときには、 エリザベスElizabethにはすすめませんでした。
트마Thoma 선생先生님께서타일렀기 때문에,루스Ruth입을 다물었읍니다. 다음에사탕砂糖돌렸을 때에는 엘리자베스Elizabeth에게권하지도 않았읍니다.
長いでした。汽車からおりたとき、エリザベスElizabethくたくたでした。 駅にはバスbus待っていました。
여행旅行이었읍니다.기차汽車에서내렸을 때,엘리자베스Elizabeth녹초가 되어 있었읍니다. 에는버스bus기다리고 있었읍니다.
子どもたちは思い思いに席をとります。 エリザベスElizabethルースRuthという女の子から、 できるだけはなれてすわりました。
아이들은각자 앉고 싶은자리에 앉았읍니다. 엘리자베스Elizabeth루스Ruth라는여자女子 아이로부터 되도록멀리 멀어져앉았읍니다.
(English original)

IT WAS half-past one by the time the children arrived, and they were all hungry for their dinner. They were told to wash their hands quickly, and tidy themselves and then go to the dining-hall for their dinner.
‘Eileen, please look after the three new girls,’ said Miss Thomas. A big girl, with a kindly face and a mass of fair curls, came up to Belinda, Elizabeth, and another girl called Helen. She gave them a push in the direction of the cloakrooms.
‘Hurry!’ she said. So they hurried, and Elizabeth soon found herself in a big cloakroom, tiled in gleaming white, with basins down one side, and mirrors here and there.
She washed quickly, feeling rather lost in such a crowd of chattering girls. Helen and Belinda had made friends, and Elizabeth wished they would say something to her instead of chattering to one another.
Japanese translator translates “Eileen” as “Elena”, and shortens the original. The same goes for Korean translations.
Korean화이테리프Whyteleafe 학원學園
学園にいたのは一時半ごろでした。みんなおなかがすいています。 手をあらって食堂に集まるようにいわれました。
학원學園도착到着시간時間은 1 30쯤이었읍니다. 모두배가고팠읍니다.손을씻고식당食堂으로모이라는선생先生님의 말씀이 있었읍니다.
"엘레나Elena,신입생新入生을 돌보아 주어라."
트마Thoma 선생先生님이말했읍니다.
やさしそうな女の子がやってきました。 新入生のエリザベスElizabethリンダLindaヘレンHelenの三人を 洗面所に案内してくれます。ヘレンHelenリンダLindaもう仲良しになっていました。
상냥해 보이는여자女子 아이가다가왔읍니다. 신입생新入生엘리자베스Elizabeth, 린다Linda, 헬렌Helen 세명장洗面場으로안내案内해 주었읍니다. 헬렌Helen린다Linda벌써해져 있었읍니다.
おしゃべりしている少女たちのなかで、エリザベスElizabethひとり、とりのこされた気分です。 わたしにも話しかけてくれないかな。
재잘거리는소녀少女들 사이에서,엘리자베스Elizabeth혼자남겨진 기분氣分이 들었읍니다. 나한테도말을 걸어 주지 않을까?

The Naughtiest Girl Again / Enid Blyton
おてんばエリザベスElizabethのすてきな夢 (1986)

translator: 佐伯 紀美子 (Saeki Kimiko)
illustrator: 若林 三江子 (Wakabayashi Mieko)
The Naughtiest Girl Again / Enid Blyton
외동딸 엘리자베스Elizabeth의 꿈
(English original)
“Anybody want any extra money?” asked Rita, jingling the box to see how much there was in it.
“It's my Granny's birthday this week,” said a small girl, getting up. “I want to send her a card. Could I have extra money to buy it with, and for the stamp, too?”
“No,” said William. “That should come out of your twenty pence. Not granted. Any more requests?”
There were none. Elizabeth knew that the time for complaints or grumbles would come next, and she went red with excitement. William knocked on the table for silence.
“Any complaints or grumbles?” he asked. Elizabeth stood — and so did Robert — but Robert was just half a second before her.
“You first, Robert,” said William. “Sit down and take your turn next, Elizabeth.”
Elizabeth didn't sit down. She didn't mean to let Robert speak first.
“Oh, please, William!” she said. “I have such a serious complaint to make.”
“Elizabeth, do as you're told,” ordered Rita. “You will have plenty of time to say all you want to.”
JapaneseリタRitaなかみをたしかめるように、 箱をゆらしながらききました。小さな女の子が立ちあがりました。
Korean리타Rita안에 든 것을 확인確認하듯이 상자箱子흔들면서들었습니다.작은 여학생女學生이 일어섰습니다.
「おばあちゃまにバースデーbirthdayカードcardおくりたいの。 カードcard切手のお金、もらえますか?」
“할머니께생일生日 카드card보내고 싶어요. 카드card우표郵票값을받을 수 있을까요?”
자기自己몫에서쓰십시오!그 밖에는?”
だれもいませんでした。いよいよ、ロバートRobertのことを報告する 番です。エリザベスElizabethは顔がほてってきました。
아무도없었습니다.드디어로버트Robert한 이야기를 할 차례次例입니다.엘리자베스Elizabeth의 얼굴이상기되기 시작始作했습니다.
“그러면불평 불만不平 不満이나건의 사항建議 事項있는 사람말해 주십시오.”
ウィリアムWilliamのことばで、エリザベスElizabethさっと立ちあがりました。 ところがほんのいっしゅん早くロバートRobertも。
윌리엄William의 말이 끝나자엘리자베스Elizabeth일어났습니다. 그런데거의 동시同時로버트Robert일어났습니다.
“그러면로버트Robert,엘리자베스Elizabeth앉아 주십시오”
엘리자베스Elizabeth선 채말했습니다.
“시키는 대로해요.자신自身 순서順序오면,말해도 되니까.”

The Naughtiest Girl in a Monitor / Enid Blyton
おてんばエリザベスElizabethのすてきな友だち (1987)

translator: 佐伯 紀美子 (Saeki Kimiko)
illustrator: 若林 三江子 (Wakabayashi Mieko)
The Naughtiest Girl in a Monitor / Enid Blyton
엘리자베스Elizabeth의 멋진친구
(English original)
She had said she would keep awake and tell everyone when it was time. She was so excited that she had no difficulty at all in keeping her eyes wide open until she heard the school clock strike midnight from its tower.
She sat up in bed and groped for her dressing-gown. She put on her slippers. Then, taking a small torch she went to wake her friends, giving them little nudges.
They awoke with jumps. ‘Sh! whispered Arabella to each one. ‘Don't make a noise! It's time for the midnight feast.'
Elizabeth was sound asleep, and so was Kathleen. They did not wake when the others padded out of their room to meet the boys, who were now coming from their own part of the school to the common-room. There was a lot of whispering, and choked-back giggles could be heard all the way down the passages.
The children crowded into the common-room and lighted candles. They were afraid to put on the electric light in case the strong light showed through the blinds.
‘Anyway, it’s more fun to have candles!’ said Arabella gleefully. This was the kind of thing she liked. She was queen of the party! She wore a beautiful silk dressinggown and blue silk slippers to match. She really looked lovely, and she knew it.
The children set out the food and drink. What a lovely lot there was!
‘Sardines! I love those!’ said Ruth.
Japaneseみんなを起こしてあげると、約束していました。 興奮しているので、眠らずにいることが、ちっとも苦ではありませんでした。
Korean모두를깨어 주기로약속約束했던 것입니다. 흥분興奮해 있었기 때문에자지 않고 있는 것이힘들지 않았습니다.
침대寝臺에서일어나가운gown을 입고슬리퍼slipper신었습니다.
작은회중 전등懐中 電燈손에 들고다른 아이들을깨우러 갔습니다.모두벌떡 일어났습니다.
“쉬,조용히 해!한밤중의생일生日 파티party시간時間이야!”
エリザベスElizabethキャサリーンKathleenも、ぐっすり眠っています。 少女たちは足をしのばせて部屋をぬけだし、 自分たちの部屋から出てきた男の子たちと合流しました。
엘리자베스Elizabeth캐더린Kathleen잠들어 있습니다. 소녀少女들은발 소리을 죽이고빠져 나와, 자기自己 에서나와 있던남자男子 아이들과합류合流했습니다.
ろうか廊下じゅうに、ひそひそ声がひびきわたります。 みんなはプレイルームplayroomはいると、ろうそくをつけました。電気をつけてブラインドblindから、あかりがもれたらたいへんだと思ったのです。
복도複道 안에소곤거리는 소리가울려 퍼졌습니다. 모두휴게실休憩室들어가서촛불을켰습니다.
“촛불을 켜니까,훨씬멋지구나!”
アラベラArabella大よろこび。このパーティpartyの女王、 アラベラArabella美しい絹のガウンgown着て、 ガウンgownよくあうブルーの室内ばきをはいていました。
아라벨라Arabella몹시 기뻐했습니다.파티party여왕女王, 아라벨라Arabella고운 비단緋緞가운gown입고, 가운gown어울리는파랑실내화室内靴신고있었습니다.
무척귀엽게보입니다.아라벨라Arabella 자신自身그것을알고 있었습니다.
맛있는 것이 정말 많이 있었습니다.
사딘Sardine(정어리를 올리브 기름에 절인 통조림)!내가…… ”……

Korean plagiarisms・Flossie Series(Chigeongsa)



Flossie Teacake's Fur Coat / Hunter Davies
おしゃまな少女の夢みるデートDate (1987)
translator: 久米穣 (Kume Yuzuru)
illustrator: 折原みと (Orihara Mito)

Flossie Teacake's Fur Coat / Hunter Davies
플롯시Flossie의 꿈꾸는 데이트Date (1989)
translator: 강명희 (Kang Myeong-hwi)
illustrator: 이명선 (Ee Myeong-seon)

“おしゃまな少女の夢みるデート” is “The date a precocious girl dreams”. “플롯시의 꿈꾸는 데이트” is “The date Flossie dreams”. You can know that Korean version traslates the Japanese version.
Wikipedia has neither 강명희 (Kang Myeong-hwi) nor 이명선 (Ee Myeong-seon).

Flossie Teacake Strikes Back! / Hunter Davies
おしゃまな少女のバレリーナBallerina (1988)
translator: 久米穣 (Kume Yuzuru)
illustrator: 折原みと (Orihara Mito)
Flossie Teacake Strikes Back! / Hunter Davies
플롯시Flossie는 깜찍한 발레리나Ballerina (1989)
translator: 강명희 (Kang Myeong-hwi)
illustrator: 이명선 (Ee Myeong-seon)
“おしゃまな少女のバレリーナ” is “The precocious girl is a ballerina”. “플롯시는 깜찍한 발레리나” is “Flossie is a precocious ballerina”. You can know that Korean version traslates the Japanese version.
Wikipedia has neither 강명희 (Kang Myeong-hwi) nor 이명선 (Ee Myeong-seon).

Flossie Teacake Again! / Hunter Davies
おしゃまな少女の人生相談 (1987)
translator: 久米穣 (Kume Yuzuru)
illustrator: 折原みと (Orihara Mito)
Flossie Teacake Again! / Hunter Davies
플롯시Flossie는 오늘도 따분해 (1989)
translator: 강명희 (Kang Myeong-hwi)
illustrator: 이명선 (Ee Myeong-seon)

An Old-Fashioned Girl / Louisa May Alcott
おしゃれなポリーPolly (1988)
translator: 岡上 鈴江 (Okanoe Suzue)
illustrator: 飛鳥 幸子 (Asuka Sachiko)
An Old-Fashioned Girl / Louisa May Alcott
내 사랑 폴리Polly (1991)
The girl on the cover is different from that in the text. It isn’t described who drew the picture, so you can not know that.

Just Patty / Jean Webster
おちゃめなパッティPatty (1973)

translator: 白木 茂 (Shiraki Shigeru)
illustrator: 山中 冬二 (Yamanaka Fuyuji), 桜井 誠 (Sakurai Makoto)
Just Patty / Jean Webster
요지경 파티Patty (1989)

translator: 강명희 (Kang Meong-hui)
The Korean title is different from the original English title, but it is same as Japanese. So that means Korean book translated Japanese one.
순간瞬間 두려움으로 몸이 움츠러들고 말았습니다. 파티Patty는 겨우 레몬파이lemon pie를 들고 방을 빠져 나왔습니다.
그러자 에버리나Evalina의 외침 소리가 여기저기에 부딪쳐 복도複道 전체全體에 울려 퍼졌습니다.
Japaneseいっしゅん一瞬おそろしさに、 からだが、すくんでしまいました。 パッティPattyは、やっと、 レモンlemonパイpieかかえて、 部屋からにげだしました。
Korean순간瞬間두려움으로 움츠러들고말았습니다. 파티Patty겨우레몬파이lemon pie들고 방을빠져 나왔습니다.
と、エバリーナEvalinaさけび声は、 あちこちのぶつかり、はねかえって、廊下じゅう、さけび声でいっぱいになりました。
그러자에버리나Evalina외침 소리 여기저기부딪쳐복도複道전체全體울려 퍼졌습니다.

幽霊はデートDateがおすき (1986)
Author: 薫くみこ (Kun Kumiko)
illustrator: 若菜 等 (Wakana Hitoshi)
데이트Date 대작전大作戦 (1987)

Author: 최연 (Choe Yeon)
illustrator: 이명선 (Ee Myeong-seon)
The book writes the author is 최연 (Choe Yeon), but it plagiarised the Japanese Popurasha’s book, a book of the <Omakase Tanteikyoku> series.

Irène à l'Opéra / Lorna Hill
ピンクpinkバレエシューズballet shoes
ポプラ社Popurasha) (1986)

translator: 長谷川たかこ (Hasegawa Takako)
illustrator: 若林三江子 (Wakabayashi Mieko)

Irène à l'Opéra / Lorna Hill
핑크빛pink色 발레슈즈ballet shoes
(지경사Chigyeongsa) (1988)

translator: 황용희 (Hwang Yong-hwi)
illustrator: 박 미숙 (Pak Mi-suk)

What Katy Did / Susan Coolidge
すてきなケティKaty (1986)
translator: 山主 敏子 (Yamanushi Toshiko)
illustrator: 青山 みるく (Aoyama Miruku)
What Katy Did / Susan Coolidge
멋장이 케티Katy (1988)

translator: 강명희 (Kang Meong-hui)
The Korean title is different from the original English title, but it is same as Japanese. So that means Korean book translated Japanese one.

What Katy Did at School / Susan Coolidge
すてきなケティKatyの寮生活 (1987)
translator: 山主 敏子 (Yamanushi Toshiko)
illustrator: 青山 みるく (Aoyama Miruku)
What Katy Did at School / Susan Coolidge
케티Katy기숙사寄宿舎 생활生活 (1989)

translator: 강명희 (Kang Meong-hui)
illustrator: 이명선 (Ee Myeong-seon)
The Korean title is different from the original English title, but it is same as Japanese. So that means Korean book translated Japanese one.

Peggy Goes Overseas / Emma Bugbee
少女記者ペギーPeggy (1963)

translator : 吉田 比砂子 (Yoshida Hisako)
illustrator:桜井 誠 (Sakurai Makoto)
少女記者ペギーPeggy (1977)

translator : 諸星 澄子 (Moroboshi Sumiko)

소녀기자少女記者 페기Peggy (1987)
“少女記者ペギーPeggy” is “Reporter girl Peggy”. The Japanese title changes the original. The Korean title is same as Japanese.
Rose in Bloom / Louisa May Alcott
ローズRoseの幸福 (1965)
(岩崎書店Iwasaki Shoten)
translator: 槙本 ナナ子 (Makimoto Nanako)
illustrator: 櫻井 誠 (Sakurai Makoto)
Rose in Bloom / Louisa May Alcott

Eight Cousins / Louisa May Alcott
ローズRoseの季節 (1973)
(岩崎書店Iwasaki Shoten)
translator: 村岡みどり (Muraoka Midori)
illustrator: 山中 冬児 (Yamanaka Fuyuji)
Eight Cousins / Louisa May Alcott
로즈Rose행복幸福” means “Rose’s happiness”. And “로즈Rose계절季節” means “Rose’s season”. They are different from the original English titles, but they are same as Japanese titles. So that means Korean books translated Japanese ones.

Rose in Bloom / Louisa May Alcott
かわいいローズRoseの小さな愛 (1989)
translator: 山主 敏子 (Yamanushi Toshiko)
illustrator: いがらし ゆみこ (Igarashi Yumiko)
Rose in Bloom / Louisa May Alcott
귀여운 로즈Rose의 작은 사랑 (2003)
translator: 고상미 (Ko Sang-mi)

Eight Cousins / Louisa May Alcott
かわいいローズRoseと7人のいとこ (1988)
translator: 山主 敏子 (Yamanushi Toshiko)
illustrator: いがらし ゆみこ (Igarashi Yumiko)
Eight Cousins / Louisa May Alcott
사랑스런 소녀少女 로즈Rose와 일곱 명의 사촌들 (2005)
translator: 이승숙 (Ee Seung-suk)
“귀여운 로즈Rose의 작은 사랑” means “Cute Rose’s small love”. And “사랑스런 소녀少女 로즈Rose와 일곱 명의 사촌들” means “Cute girl Rose and her seven cousins”. They are different from the original English titles, but they are same as Japanese titles. So that means Korean books translated Japanese ones.

ゆか10歳 コスモス色にゆれる旅 (1986)

author: 沢井いづみ (Sawai Izumi)
illustrator: 村井香葉 (Murai Kayo)
소녀탐험대少女探険隊블랙black (1991)

translator: 최규남 (Choe Gyu-nam)

Beware of the brain sharpeners / Philip Curtis
きえた4年B組大事件 (1988)

translator: 神鳥統夫 (Kandori Nobuo)
illustrator: 上野義幸 (Ueno Yoshiyuki)
Beware of the brain sharpeners / Philip Curtis
사라진 4학년学年 B반 대사건班 大事件 (1992)

translator: 윤호숙 (Yun Ho-suk)

初恋なぞのラブレターlove letter事件 (1987)

Author : 名木田 恵子 (Nagita Keiko)
Illustrator: 山木 うさぎ (Yamaki Usagi)
수수께끼러브레터love letter사건事件 (1989, 1992)

translator: 최규남 (Choi Gyu-nam)

イカロスIcarusの涙 (1991)
author: 赤羽 建美 (Akabane Tatsumi)
illustrator: 飯坂友佳子 (Iisaka Yukako)
이카로스Icarus의 눈물 (1996)
translator: 임 소현 (Im So-hyeon)
right and left inversion
right and left inversion    
right and left inversion    

彼は友達の好きな人 (1994)
author: 小泉まりえ (Koizumi Marie)
illustrator: 真木ひいな (Maki Hiina)
잘못된 만남 (1996)
translator: 문희수 (Mun Hwi-su)

恋にならなくて (1993)
author: 若林真紀 (Wakabayashi Maki)
illustrator: 藤田和子 (Fujita Kazuko)
길 잃은 사랑 (1996)
translator: 김재홍 (Kim Jae-hong)

Korean plagiarisms・Masterpiece novels for girls(문공사Mungongsa



Marie Antoinette / Stefan Zweig
悲しみの王妃 (1972)
Editor & translator: 大庭さち子 (Oba Sachiko)
illustrator: 辰巳まさ江 (Tatsumi Masae)
Marie Antoinette / Stefan Zweig
비련悲恋왕비王妃 (1991)
translator: 박선희 (Pak Seong-hwi)
illustrator: 호희준 (Ho Hui-jun)

La Dame aux camélias / Alexandre Dumas fils
椿姫 (1982)
Editor & translator: 岡上 鈴江 (Okanoe Suzue)
illustrator: 斉藤 寿夫 (Saito Hisao)
La Dame aux camélias / Alexandre Dumas fils
춘희椿姫 (1996)
The Korean title is same as the Japanese one.

Under the Lilacs / Louisa May Alcott
リラLilacの花さく家 (1977)
Editor & translator: 山主 敏子 (Yamanushi Toshiko)
illustrator: 矢車涼 (Yaguruma Suzushi)
Under the Lilacs / Louisa May Alcott
라일락Lilac이 피는 집 (1996)
リラLilacの花さく家” is “House where lilacs bloom”. “라일락Lilac이 피는 집” is same as that.

Douce Lumière / Marguerite Audoux
夢みる天使 (1980)
Editor & translator: 岡上 鈴江 (Okanoe Suzue)
Cover: 西村保史郎 (Nishimura Yasushiro)
illustrator: 下高原千歳 (Shimotakahara Chitose)
Douce Lumière / Marguerite Audoux
꿈꾸는 천사天使 (1996)
“夢みる天使” is “Dreaming Angel”. “꿈꾸는 천사天使” is same as that.

The Birds's Christmas Carol / Kate Douglas Wiggin
クリスマスChristmasの天使 (1982)
Editor & translator: 谷村まち子 (Tanimura Machiko)
illustrator: 若菜珪 (Wakana Kei)
The Birds's Christmas Carol / Kate Douglas Wiggin
크리스마스Christmas 천사天使 (1996)
クリスマスChristmasの天使” is “Angel in Christmas”. “크리스마스Christmas 천사天使” is same as that.

The Secret Garden / Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett
ひみつ秘密の花園 (1978)
Editor & translator: 新川和江 (Shinkawa Kazue)
illustrator: 辰巳まさ江 (Tatsumi Masae)
The Secret Garden / Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett
비밀秘密화원花園 (1996)
ひみつ秘密の花園” is “Secret Flower Garden”. “비밀秘密화원花園” is same as that.

Le Chateau de Pictordu / George Sand
母のおもかげ (1972)
Editor & translator: 山主 敏子 (Yamanushi Toshiko)
illustrator: 西村保史郎 (Nishimura Yasushiro)
Le Chateau de Pictordu / George Sand
그리운 어머 모습 (1993)

translator: 박선희 (Pak Seon-hui)
“Le Chateau de Pictordu” is “The castle of Pictordu”. “母のおもかげ” is “My mother’s image”. “그리운 어머 모습” is same as that.

Gloria, Ballet Dancer / Gladys Malvern
夢のバレリーナBallerina (1972)
Editor & translator: 谷村まち子 (Tanimura Machiko)
illustrator: 西村保史郎 (Nishimura Yasushiro)
Gloria, Ballet Dancer / Gladys Malvern
나의 사랑 글로리아Gloria (1993)

translator: 윤호숙 (Yun Ho-suk)

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