This is the page translated into English.

A lot of plagiarisms and pirated editions of Japanese comics


To make pirated edition
1.To buy Japanese comics
2.To revise the things that are identified as Japanese things
3.To copy and print them
You can scoop up money without the capital! (because Japanese culture is prohibited in Korea, it does not come out!)
They published “the Babel second” with Korean person’s names, but they should use Japanese person’s names!
The Korean children think “InuYasha, Doraemon, Sergeant Frog, etc.” are made in Korea.

The official release of the “Captain Tsubasa” stopped in Korea.
There was a plan that “Captain Tsubasa” was released formally in Korea several years ago.
The pirated edition already had become a large bestseller in Korea. All the characters were Koreans, too. The stage was Korea. J League was changed to K league, and the Japanese language was painted over in white from a uniform to a signboard, and the Hangul Alphabet was added on the top. The author was a Korean. So Koreans did not know this was the pirated edition and thought it was the Korean comics.

The Korean publishing company made proposal to the Japanese author formally to release it with the same setting as the Korean version.
Of course The Japanese author Yōichi Takahashi flew into a rage.
The official release became the suspension. ( Wikipedia “Intellectual property rights in Korea”)

Japanese Originals Korean plagiarisms and pirated editions

Author : Ha 시현Shi-hyeon
In Korea, it is said that the works of Ha Shi-hyeon plagiarized many parts of Japanese mangas such as “封神演義Hoshin Engi”(藤崎FujisakiRyu), “ヴァイスWeißクロイツkreuz”(つちやTsuchiyaきょうこKyoko), “ピーチガールPeach Girl”(上田Ueda 美和Miwa), “”(CLAMP), “カードキャプターCardcaptorさくらSakura”(CLAMP), “Hana-Kimi”(中条Nakajo比紗也Hisaya), etc..

( 井上Inoue 雄彦Takehiko)
Korean advertisement
LG Electronics
Even the big Korean company plagiarizes Japanese. (Korea・Oh my News)

“Slam Dunk” (1990-1996)

Author : 井上Inoue 雄彦Takehiko
Record of a High school student (2018)

Author : Kim 성모Seong-mo
On August 1, Mr. Kim said, “the images of ‘slam dunk’ fit my hand while I had traced it because I was a fan of ‘slam dunk’. I did not intend to plagiarize the works of other writers.” He denied the plagiarism as usual. (Korea・huffingtonpost, August 2, 2018)

“北斗の拳”, Fist of the North Star

Author : Hara 哲夫Tetsuo
걸푸, Georpu

Author : Kim 성모Seong-mo
This is a “Fist of the North Star” without hesitation from the beginning. Its world view looks just like “Fist of the North Star”. Kim 성모Seong-mo is called “표절의달인 (master of the plagiarism)” in Korea. (Korea・

“ドラゴンボール”Dragon Ball

Author : 鳥山Toriyama Akira
”의 아들, Son of the dragon

Author : Chi 상월Sang-wol
This is a black history that indicates the inferior and poor creation of the Korean domestic comics. (Korean blog)

“ドラゴンボール”Dragon Ball

Author : 鳥山Toriyama Akira
마계대전Magye Daejeon

Author : Kim 성모Seong-mo
He plagiarized the contents of “Dragon ball”. (Korea・

シティーハンターCity Hunter

Author : 北条Hojo Tsukasa
“Great Killer”

Author : Kim 성모Seong-mo
This is “City Hunter” without hesitation. It is a Ryô Saeba’s patent in particular to let a bullet hit with a bullet. (Korea・

はじめの一歩Hajime no Ippo

Author : 森川Morikawa ジョージGeorge
아웃복서Out Boxer

Author : Jeong 태관Tae-gwan
The part 1 has many plagiarisms of the Japanese comics such as “Hajime no Ippo” and “Slam Dunk”. The part 2 has many tracings of “Slam Dunk”, and it has the same person as Bryan Hawk of “Hajime no Ippo”. (Korea・

クレヨンしんちゃんCrayon Shin-chan

Author : 臼井Usui 儀人Yoshito
“Y세대 제갈공두, Y generation Jegargongdu”

Author : Bae 금택Keum-taeg
This copied the development of the episode of “Crayon Shin-chan” without hesitation and has the same lines from the beginning to the end. (Korea・

つるピカハゲ丸Tsurupika Hagemaru

Author : のむらNomura しんぼShinbo

Author : Bae 금택Keum-taeg
This copied the development of the episode of “Tsurupika Hagemaru” without hesitation and has the same lines from the beginning to the end. After more than 10 years had passed, the plagiarism completely came to light because the animation of “Tsurupika Hagemaru” was broadcast in Korea too. (Korea・
I really dislike carrot.

Our teacher said it’s no good to leave unfinished.

Is that right, teacher? Yes, it is not good to leave unfinished.

You must not go home until you finish all these questions.

Pitcher change! You throw!

You go to right.

Such a place?

I’m scared.

Extreme speed!

He broke 13 seconds!
Me too.

I broke!

I broke the elastic of my pants.

キャプテン翼Captain Tsubasa

Author : 高橋Takahashi 陽一Yōichi
날아라! 캡틴Jump! Captain
Author : Yōichi Takahashi
Pirated edition
The author of this Korean version is Yoichi Takahashi. Because “Captain Tsubasa” became famous in the world, it seems to be impossible to make the author’s name a Korean.
In Italy, Spain and France, Tsubasa becomes the name “Oliver (Olive, Holly)”, but his nationality is not localized and he remains Japanese.
That is never permitted in Korea. His name is Nargae and his nationality is Korea of course in Korean editions.

アンジェリクAngélique (1978)
秋田書店Akita shoten

author: 木原敏江 (Kihara Toshie)
내사랑 라벨르Rabehl (1995)

エメラルドの海賊 (1974)
秋田書店Akita shoten
author: 木原敏江 (Kihara Toshie)
밤에 춤추는 나비 (1982)

秋田書店Akita shoten) (1976)

author: 細川智栄子 (Hosokawa Chieko)
나일강Nile江이여 영원永遠
(타임Taim) (1992)

author: 유혜정 (Yu Hye-jeong)

author: 細川智栄子 (Hosokawa Chieko)

(우문사Umunsa) (1980)

author: 유혜정 (Yu Hye-jeong)

(우문사Umunsa) (1981)

author: 유혜정 (Yu Hye-jeong)

シンデレラCinderellaの森 (1975)
秋田書店Akita shoten

author: 細川智栄子 (Hosokawa Chieko)
앵콜encore앵콜encore (1980)

author: 이경미 (Ee Kyeong-mi)

Because of the plagiarisms, the authors should be Koreans.
Japanese Originals
”ガラスの仮面, Glass Mask” (1976)

Author : 美内MiuchiすずえSuzue
Korean plagiarism editions
유리瑠璃 가면仮面, Glass Mask”

Author : Kim 이슨Iseun
유리瑠璃 가면仮面, Glass Mask” (1980)

Author : Kim 이순Isun
”ガラスの仮面, Glass Mask” (1976)

Author : 美内MiuchiすずえSuzue
유리瑠璃 가면仮面” (1980)

Author : Kim 이순Isun
”ガラスの仮面, Glass Mask” (1976)

Author : 美内MiuchiすずえSuzue
유리瑠璃 가면仮面

Author : Kim 이순Isun
The Korean cannot draw the Japanese kimono.

バビルBabel2世, Babel Ⅱ”

Author : 横山 光輝Yokoyama Mitsuteru
바벨バビル2, Babel Ⅱ”

Author : 김 동명Kim Dongmyeong


Author : 和田慎二Wada Shinji
미스Miss 로리Rori

Author : 유 정Yu Jeong

ベルサイユVersaillesばら薔薇 (1972)

author: 池田 理代子 (Ikeda Riyoko)
베르사이유Versailles장미薔薇 (1979)

author: 마리 스테판 드바이트 (Marie Stefan Zweit)
translator: 노희지 (No Hui-ji)
Of course 마리Marie 스테판Stefan 드바이트Zweit does not exist.

プラレスPlawres3四郎Sanshiro (1982)

author: 神矢 みのる (Kamiya Minoru)
프라레슬러Peurareseureo 대장군大将軍 (1990)
(다이나믹 프로Dynamic Pro)

author: 이상석 (Ee Sang-seok)

ばら薔薇の中のリザLiza (1974)

author: わたなべ まさこ (Watanabe Masako)
장미薔薇속의 리자Liza (1974)

蝶はここには住めない! (1968)

author: わたなべ まさこ (Watanabe Masako)
나비는 여기 살지 않는다 (1975)

銀色の髪の亜里沙Arisa (1973)

author: 和田 慎二 (Wada Shinji)
은발銀髪아리사Arisa (1974)


author: 神保 史郎 (Jinbo Shiro), 望月 あきら (Mochizuki Akira)


author: 谷 ゆき子 (Tani Yukiko)

author : 황수진 (Hwang Su-jin)

少女まんが漫画入門 (1976)

author : 上原きみこ/萩尾望都/竹宮恵子/牧野和子/河野やす子/他
순정만화백과純情漫画百科 (1986)

炎のロマンス (1976)

author : 上原きみこUehara Komiko
아사와 레도왕자王子 (1980)

Angel’s Serenade

Author : 上原きみこUehara Komiko
My love Mariebell
“내 사랑 마리벨Mariebell

Author : 김영숙Kim Yeong-suk

“Angel’s Serenade” and “Mariebell”
“天使のセレナーデSerenade” And “マリーベルMariebell

Author : 上原きみこUehara Komiko

Author : 上原きみこUehara Komiko
My love Mariebell
“내 사랑 마리벨Mariebell

Author : 김영숙Kim Yeong-suk


Author : 木原敏江Kihara Toshie

(pirated editions)

蝶の舞う日 (1986)

Author: 牧村 ジュン (Makimura Jun), 佐和 みずえ (Sawa Mizue)
나비가 춤추는 날

Author: 강소희 (Kang So-hui)

時間をとめて待っていて (1986)

Author: ひかわきょうこ (Hikawa Kyoko)
황야荒野천사天使 스카렛Scarlet

Author: 박지영 (Pak Chi-yeong)

The Window of Orpheus
オルフェウスOrpheusの窓 (1975)

Author: 池田理代子 (Ikeda Riyoko)
The Window of Orpheus
올훼스Orpheus (1980)

Author: 마리Marie 스테판Stefan 트바이트Tweit
Translator: 김재천 (Kim Chae-cheon)
마리Marie 스테판Stefan 트바이트Tweit” is the fictitious person who does not exist. (Korean blog) And you can not search for 김재천 (Kim Chae-cheon) too.

The Window of Orpheus

Author : 池田理代子Ikeda Riyoko
The Window of Orpheus

(pirated editions)

The Rose of Versailles

Author : 池田理代子Ikeda Riyoko
The Rose of Versailles
베르사유Versailles”의 장미薔薇

(pirated editions)

Sora wa Akai Kawa no Hotori

Author : 篠原 千絵Shinohara Chie
Sora wa Akai Kawa no Hotori
판타스틱Fantastic 러버Lover

(pirated editions)

“伯爵令嬢” (1979 - 1984)

Author : 細川 智栄子Hosokawa Chieko
백작伯爵의 딸”

Author : 정경Gyeong Ceong

Author : 細川 智栄子Hosokawa Chieko

백작伯爵의 딸” (1991)

Author : 정경이 (Cheong Kyeong-i)

Author : 細川 智栄子Hosokawa Chieko

백작伯爵의 딸” (1980)

Author : 전경희 (Cheong Kyeong-hui)

Author : 細川 智栄子Hosokawa Chieko

귀공녀貴公女 코린느Corinne (1982)

Author : 전경희 (Cheong Kyeong-hui)

アラベスクarabesque (1971)
白泉社 (Hakusensha)

Author: 山岸凉子 (Yamagishi Ryoko)
잉카Inca제국帝国소녀少女마야Maya (1984)

Author : 유혜정 (Yu Hye-jeong)

“SWAN 白鳥” (1976-1981)
集英社 (Shueisha)

Author : 有吉京子Ariyoshi Kyoko
“SWAN 백조白鳥” (1980)
제주출판사済州出版社 (ChejuChurpansa)

Author : 장명림Chang Myeong-rim
“SWAN 흑조黒鳥” (1981)
소년소녀사少年少女社 (Sonyeonsonyosa)
(Author : 이재은Ee Jae-eun)

환상幻想프리마돈나Prima donna” (1994)
예원사 (Yewonsa)
(pirated editions)

“青春キック・オフ!” (1977)
集英社 (Shueisha)

Author : 有吉京子Ariyoshi Kyoko
“바람과 꿈이 만나는 계절季節” (1982)
동광출판사東光出版社 (TonggwanChurpansa)

Author : 권숙Kwon Suk

“孔雀の微笑” (1977)
秋田書店 (AkitaShoten)

Author : イケスミ チエコIkesumi Chieko
패션모델Fashion Model” (1980)
도서출판 송죽図書出版 松竹 (Toseojurpan Songjuk)

Author : 조혜진Cho Hyejin

“少年ケニヤ, Syonen Kenya”

Author : 山川 惣治Yamakawa Souji
密林밀림王者왕자, Miryom-wi WangJa”

Author : 徐 鳳載Seo Bongjae
As soon as the high-quality book “Miryom-wi WangJa (prince in the dense forest)” came up in bookstores in 1951, they were sold out like hot cakes. Then other publishing companies that watched the situation copied the third, fourth, fifth and sixth volume and published them quickly.
His depending on Japanese good comics early rather disturbed his progress of creativity. It became a good lesson for many younger students who wanted to be comic book writers and it showed how important the creation was. Some people say “Bong-jae Seo regretted later that he had not clarified that the Japanese author had created ‘Miryom-wi WangJa’.”
But it is his achievement that he introduced the excellent masterpieces of Japanese comic books to Korea and broadened the Korean writers’ minds. (Korea・MangaZine)
The Korean commentator writes that Bong-jae Seo plagiarised the Japanese comic books but it was good because he introduced them. He seems as if he affirm the Korean plagiarism.

↓pirated editions of Japanese comics, books and CDs which are sold at a stall unashamedly.

A korean’s words
“I think there are no Japanese comics which are not sold in Korea now.”
I was made to think that they were all the Korean things, because Japanese culture was prohibited----.
Ahead of the world, DVD of “Howl’s Moving Castle” seems to be released in Korea...

“おれは鉄平, Ore wa Teppei” (I’m Teppei)

Author : ちばChiba てつやTetsuya
“번개처럼 태풍처럼” (Like a flash, like a typhoon)

Author : NamSan

“あしたのジョー, Ashita no Joe”

Author : ちばChiba てつやTetsuya
챔피언Champion 허리케인Hurricane

Author : 강펀치Kang Peon-chi
도전자挑戦者 허리케인Hurricane

Author : 이두호Ee Du-ho

Famous scene (plagiarism editions)

I have a question?

Yabuki Joe (Japanese) fights with Koreans.
Yabuki Joe becomes a Korean in Korean pirated edition as usual. Then what happens to the Koreans that he fights? Do Koreans become Japanese?
I asked a Korean.

Korean changed “Ashita no Joe” into “Challenger hurricane” in Korea and broadcast it.

Yabuki Joe, Dampei Tange, Mammoth Nishi and Toru Rikiishi are described as Koreans. Therefore they have changed Koreans who Joe fought into Vietnamese.

↓General of the North Korean submarine corps coming up in “Sea bottom expeditionary party Marlene X” (February 19, 1983 Theater version)
He looks like Dampei Tange in “Ashita no Joe”.
Dampei Tange in “Ashita no Joe”
“Marlene X”

A Korean’s Discovery (Korea・Cine 21 Oh Seung-uk 2015-09-22)

The appendix comics of the boy’s magazines published at the end of 60’s in Korea tempted Korean boys.
“Tiger mask”, “Primitive boy Aaron”, “Super boy BaBa” and “Challenger hurricane” were published serially on “Boy Center”. “Ultra Seven”, “Iron man 28-go” and “Strong fencer” on “Crossing shoulders” and “Water Margin”, “Babel Ⅱ” and “Kamen Rider X” on “New boy”.

When I was a 4th year in elementary school and in the winter vacation, I watched something from the bus for the house of my grandmother. There was a bunch of magazines in the secondhand bookseller in front of the stop where the bus stopped. I saw the colorful Japanese letters there. They were Japanese boys’ comics. They were a little expensive. So I was not able to buy all, but I could buy half-dozen. When I came back to my house and opened the books, I received a big shock. “Babel Ⅱ”, “Win a typhoon” and “Challenger hurricane” that I had read were ・・・・・・ No, most of the comics that I had read were Japanese comics.

On that day thereafter, I went to the alley of Myeongdong where bookstores selling Japanese books formed a line and I bought Japanese boy comic books such as “Weekly Shōnen Magazine”, “Weekly Shōnen Sunday”, “Weekly Shōnen Jump” and “Weekly Shōnen Champion”. I understood Korean comics had copied Japanese comics. The comics that the government and mothers thought were bad did not include the comics that copied Japanese comics. On the other hand, the comics that parents felt relieved were the comics that were made with putting tracing paper on Japanese comics.

1・2・3と4・5・ロクIchi・ni・san・ to yon・go・roku, 1・2・3 & 4・5・6”

Author : ちばChiba てつやTetsuya
오똑이 대행진Ottogi Daehaengjin, Ottogi’s Grand march”

Author : 윤 동원Yun Dong-won

“沈黙の艦隊, The Silent Service”

Author : かわぐちKawaguchi かいじKaiji

Author : 추원일 (Chu Won-il)
It’s unbelievable that these are sold commonly in Korean bookstores.

“鉄拳チンミ, Ironfist Chinmi”

Author : 前川MaekawaたけしTakeshi)
“검은 날개, Black wing 용소야”
plagiarism of “Ironfist Chinmi”

Author : Ham상훈Sang-hun)


Author : 前川MaekawaたけしTakeshi
나인볼Nine ball 황제皇帝 용소야

Author :성운아星雲児 (Seong Un-a)
성운아星雲児 is not a real person. It is a group of comic book writers who saw Japanese original editions and copied them. The name comes from comics “星雲児Seiunji” by Ryoichi Ikegami. (Korea・namuwiki)

The ストライカーStriker

Author : 前川MaekawaたけしTakeshi
축구도사蹴球道士 용소야

Author :성운아星雲児 (Seong Un-a)


Author : 河合Kawai 克敏Katsutoshi
유도황제柔道皇帝 용소야

Author :성운아星雲児 (Seong Un-a)

“一撃伝, Ichigekiden”

Author : 大島OshimaやすいちYasuichi
plagiarism of “Ichigekiden”

Author : Jeon성기Seong-gi

“コータローまかりとおる!, Kōtarō Makaritōru!”

Author : 蛭田Hiruta達也Tatsuya
plagiarism of “Kōtarō Makaritōru!”

Author : Bae인수In-su
Only the look of the chief character is changed skillfully, but the background and the story are same.

“修羅の門, Shura no Mon”

Author : 川原Kawahara正敏Masatoshi
“제2의 권법소년”
plagiarism of “Shura no Mon”

Author : Bae인수In-su
Only the look of the chief character is changed skillfully, but the background and the story are same.

(Korean version)

Author : 藤沢FujisawaとおるTooru
plagiarism of “GTO”

Author : 김 용규Kim Yonggyu

Tokyo Juliet
(Korean version)
Author : 北川KitagawaみゆきMiyuki
“내 ID는 성형미인”
My ID is plastic-surgery Beauty
plagiarism of “Tokyo Juliet”
Author : Seo예린Erin

“8マン, 8 Man”

Author : 桑田Kuwata 次郎Jiro
Plagiarism editions
“검은 독수리, Black eagle”

Author : Kim 우영Uyong
“철인 24호, Iron man No.24”

Author : Kim 민철Minjor
The Korean edition turns a little poor compared with the original.
The Korean author had to trace the original by putting a transparent sheet of paper over it because there was no copier in those days.
In Korea this is not a plagiarism. Because the “8” on the chest disappears and the man pointing at “8 Man” changes.

pirated editions 에이트Eight Man)

“キカイダー, Kikaider”

Author : 石ノ森Ishinomori 章太郎Syotaro
인조인간人造人間 머신machine X”
Cyborg machine X

“怪傑ハリマオ, Kaiketsu Harimao”

Author : 石ノ森Ishinomori 章太郎Syotaro
쾌걸怪傑 소년少年 바바, Super boy BaBa”

Author : 이두호Ee Du-ho
Harimao was the hero who acted as a member of organization of special duty of the Japanese army just after the outbreak of the Pacific War. How did Koreans tamper with Harimao this time?

“マジンガーZ, Mazinger Z”

Author : 永井Nagai Go

pirated editions
The Korean first animated movie “Taekwon V” that was very popular there was made from Japanese animation “Mazinger Z”.
(In those days Koreans did not know the fact at all.)

“バビル2世, Babel Ⅱ”

Author : 横山 光輝Yokoyama Mitsuteru
바벨2세Babel Ⅱ

Author : 김 동명Kim Dong-myeong

바벨2세Babel Ⅱ

Author : 윤 길영Yun Kir-yeong

바벨3세Babel Ⅲ

Author : 김 형배Kim Hyeong-bae

“三国志, Sangokushi”

Author : 横山 光輝Yokoyama Mitsuteru
三国志삼국지, Samgukji”

“鉄人28号 大百科, Encyclopedia of Tetsujin 28 go” (1981)
철인鉄人28호 대백과号 大百科

ダイモスDaimos” (1973)

Author : 横山 光輝Yokoyama Mitsuteru
철인鉄人다이모스Daimos” (1976)

Author : Shin종환Jong-hwan

“パーマン, Parman”

Author : 藤子Fujiko・F・不二雄Fujio
“번개 아텀Atom P
Lightning Atom P ho

黄金バットŌgon batto”, Golden bat

Author : 永松 健夫Nagamatsu Takeo
황금 배트黄金 baeteu, Golden bat”

(pirated editions)

宇宙戦艦ヤマトUchu senkan Yamato, Space Battleship Yamato”

Author : 松本 零士Matsumoto Reiji
우주 괴인宇宙 怪人, Space Phantom”

Author : 하 명진Ha Myong-jin

宇宙海賊キャプテンハーロックUchukaizoku Captain Harlock
Space Pirate Captain Harlock

Author : 松本 零士Matsumoto Reiji
우주해적 애꾸눈 하록宇宙海賊 Aekkunun Harlock
Space Pirate One-eye Harlock

(pirated editions)

銀河鉄道Ginga Tetsudo999, Galaxy Express 999”

Author : 松本 零士Matsumoto Reiji
우주 여객선宇宙 旅客船, Space Ship”

Author : 오 상환O Sang-hwan

ガラスの城Garasu no Shiro, Glass Castle”

Author : わたなべ まさこWatanabe Masako
유리瑠璃, Glass Castle”

Author : 정 영숙Cheon Yeong-suk
유리瑠璃, Glass Castle”

Author : 황 수진Hwang Su-jin

“超電磁ロボRobo コン・バトラーCombattlerV, Chōdenji Robo Combattler V”

Author : 八手 三郎Yatsude Saburo
초전자 로봇 콤파트라超電磁 Robot CombattlerV, Chōdenji Robo Combattler V”

“ゲッターロボ, Getter Robo”

Author : 永井Nagai Go & 石川 賢Ishikawa Ken
pirated editions

鉄腕アトムTetsuwan Atomu, Astro Boy”

Author : 手塚Tezuka 治虫Osamu
pirated editions

ジャングル大帝Jungle Taitei, Kimba the White Lion”

Author : 手塚Tezuka 治虫Osamu
This is said to be the original of Disney’s “The Lion King”.
pirated editions

“デビルマン, Devilman”

Author : 永井Nagai Go
pirated editions

“空手バカ一代, Karate Master”

Author : つのだTsunoda じろうJiro
pirated editions

“タイガーマスク, Tiger Mask”

Author : 辻 なおきTsuji Naoki
pirated editions

“妖怪人間ベム, Yōkai Ningen Bem”

Author : 田中 憲Tanaka Ken
pirated editions

This is not pirated edition, but GR2 of “the giant Robo” (Japanese comic) is used as the chief character without permission.
“Robot King” ... won popularity and was filmized later in Korea.

GR2 of “ジャイアントロボ, the giant Robo”

Author : 横山 光輝Yokoyama Mitsuteru
“로보트 킹, Robot King”

Author : 고 유성Ko Yu-seong

“キャンディ・キャンディ, Candy Candy”
(Author : 水木Mizuki杏子Kyoko)
(Illustrator : いがらしゆみこIgarashi Yumiko)
All sold in Korea are pirated editions of course.

Kyoko Mizuki seems to be able to request vast money for Korean copyright infringements.
But Korean court will not accept it as usual.
※The publishers of pirated edition comics got abnormal profits.
Of course the Japanese authors and Japanese copyright holders did not get the royalty from Koreans at all.

Chinese pirated edition of “Candy Candy” without any permissions

This was published by “Jade Dynasty Group” (Hong Kong).
The company is the corrupt publishing company which kept giving pirated editions in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, and scooped up.
Specifically, it is listed in HP “The issue of abuse of Candy”.

Here are original websites    
The famous stories retold for children
The complete works of world scientific adventure for boys and girls
World masterpieces of detective fiction
World masterpieces of children’s story
Hagwon Churpansa’s The complete series of fairy tales
The history manga books for children, The world history
Juvenile literature
Panda series of excellent detectives (Korean)

Namie Amuro
TV programs
TV Dramas
Animated cartoon songs
Super famous animations
Toys & goods
Articles of newspapers
Tracing of Manga
Cutting Japan
Robot animations
Game machines
Toys of Robots
Japanese Toys
AIBO & i-Robo
Logos & trademark
Agricultural products
Seed bull
Traditional festival
[shock] Korean confectionery
Taiwanese reaction
Korean copies of Japanese foods
Shameful fashion business
The famous stories retold for children
Korean Fakes

Korean fakes, Korean traits, Intellectual property rights problem

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