Korean fakes, Korean traits, Intellectual property rights problem, Liquidation of Pro-Japanese

Korean plagiarisms

“ACE88 - The world’s best books for boys and girls”

  1. General Library for boys and girls (Kyoyuk Churpansa)
  2. Education library for boys and girls (Kyoyuk Munhwasa)
  3. The complete series of world literature for boys and girls (Samseongdang, Hanrim publisher)
  4. The world complete series of winning prize literature for boys and girls (Jungangmunhwasa)
  5. The complete series of modern world masterpieces for boys and girls (Kyemongsa)
  6. The complete series of world literature for boys and girls (Yukyeongsa)
  7. The complete series of world literature for boys and girls (Keumseong Churpansa)
  8. Korean plagiarisms・World masterpieces of children’s story, color version (Samseongdang)
  9. The famous stories retold for children (Tonggukmunhwasa)
  10. The complete series of world masterpieces for boys and girls (Kyomunsa)
  11. Takdaguri Great Books (Tongseomunhwasa)
  12. ACE88 - The world’s best books for boys and girls (Tongseomunhwasa)
  13. The books of Chigyeongsa & Mungongsa
  14. Love Book Series / Manhwabaekwa Series (Mungonsa)
  15. ABE complete works(Hagwon Churpansa)
  16. New world Children’s Original stories Milky Way series (Keumseongchurpansa)
  17. Choices of Masterpiece of World S. F. adventure (Hagwon Churpansa)
  18. Choices of Masterpiece of S. F. for juvenile (Keumseongchurpansa)
  19. Color Series of Mini Encyclopedia
  20. The masterpieces of world literature for boys and girls (Tongachurpansa)
  21. The masterpieces of world literature for boys and girls (Samseongdang)
  22. The Saes-byeol library, Taegeuk version (Taegeukchurpansa)
  23. The world complete series of winning prize literature for boys and girl (Hwimunchurpansa)
  24. The masterpieces of world literature for boys and girls (Adongmunhaksa)
  25. Color television the educational fairy tales (Keumseongchurpansa)

한국韓国표절剽窃 ・ACE88: 오늘 세계世界아이들 최고책最高本 에이스Ace (1988)
Korean plagiarisms・ ACE88: The world’s best books for boys and girls (1988)

According to the Korean study, mistranslations are seen here and there because of the retranslation.

Japanese Korean plagiarisms

Ospățul lui Réz Mihály / István Nagy
キンタ横町の少年たち (1967)

translator: 直野 敦 (Naono Atsushi)
illustrator: 箕田源二郎 (Mita Genjiro)
Naono Atsushi is a Japanese professor who teaches and translates Romanian literature.
Ospățul lui Réz Mihály / István Nagy
1. 루마니아Romania 소년少年 (1988)

translator: 이가형 (Ee Ga-hyeong)
Wikipedia does not have 이가형 (Ee Ga-heong), but a Korean book introduces a person of the same name. According to that, he was born in Korea and graduated Japanese Kumamoto high school and Tokyo imperial university. It is sure that he does not understand Romanian.

Tom's Midnight Garden / Ann Philippa Pearce
トムTomは真夜中の庭で (1967)

translator: 高杉一郎 (Takasugi Ichiro)
illustrator: Susan Einzig
Poster by Andreas Schärer
Tom's Midnight Garden / Ann Philippa Pearce
2. Tom 깊은 밤 13 (1988)

translator: 신동춘 (Shin Dong-jun)
You can not check 신동춘 (Shin Dong-jun) in wikipedia.

宝胡蘆的秘密 / 張天翼
宝のひょうたん (1958)

translator: 松枝茂夫(Matsueda Shigeo) /
君島久子(Kimishima Hisako)
illustrator: 斎藤長三(Saitō Chōzō)
松枝茂夫(Matsueda Shigeo) and 君島久子(Kimishima Hisako) are professors of Chinese literature.
宝胡蘆的秘密 / 張天翼
3. 중국中国 왕바오 (1988)

translator: 김영수 (Kim Yeong-su)
You can not check 김영수 (Kim Yeong-su) in wikipedia.

Krabat / Otfried Preußler
クラバートKrabat (1980)

translator: 中村浩三 (Nakamura Kozo)
illustrator: ヘルベルト=ホルツィング (Herbert Holzing)
Nakamura Kozo is a scholar of German literature.
Krabat / Otfried Preußler
4. 크라바트Krabat (1988)

translator: 양혜숙 (Yang Hye-suk)

Adventures in Two Worlds / Archibald Joseph Cronin
人生の途上にて (1955)

translator: 竹内道之助 (Takeuchi Michinosuke)
Adventures in Two Worlds / Archibald Joseph Cronin
5. 인생人生의 길 (1988)

translator: 박일충 (Pak Ir-jung)
Japanese title, ‟人生の途上にて” means “On the road of my life”. Korean title, ‟인생人生의 길” means “The road of my life”.

Elli:Coming of Age in the Holocaust / Livia E Bitton Jackson

6. 소련ソ連 마카 소녀少女 (1988)

translator: 유성인 (Yu Seong-in)

Empire of the Sun / J. G. Ballard
太陽の帝国 (1987)

translator: 高橋和久 (Takahashi Kazuhisa)
Empire of the Sun / J. G. Ballard
7. 태양太陽제국帝国 (1988)

translator: 이가형 (Ee Ka-hyeong)

Виталий Валентинович Бианки
孤独な森の巨人 (1968)

translator: 樹下 節 (Juge Takashi)
Juge Takashi is a translator of Russian literature.
Виталий Валентинович Бианки
8. 외로운 숲의 거인巨人 (1988)

translator: 채대치 (Chae Tae-chi)
Korean title is the same as the Japanese.

Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer / Michael Ende
ジムJimボタンButtonの機関車大旅行 (1986)

translator: 上田真而子 (Ueda Maniko)
illustrator: Reinhard Michl
Ueda Maniko is a scholar of German literature.
Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer / Michael Ende
9. 기관차 대모험機関車 大冒険 (1988)

translator: 신동집 (Shin Dong-jip)
You can not check 신동집 (Shin Dong-jip) in wikipedia.

Jim Knopf und die Wilde 13 / Michael Ende
ジムJimボタンButtonと13人の海賊 (1986)

translator: 上田真而子 (Ueda Maniko)
illustrator: Reinhard Michl
Ueda Maniko is a scholar of German literature.

Jim Knopf und die Wilde 13 / Michael Ende
10. Jim 크노프Knopf (1988)

translator: 김현욱 (Kim Hyeon-uk)
You can not check 김현욱 (Kim Hyeon-uk) in wikipedia.

Le Petit Nicolas / René Goscinny
わんぱくニコラNicolas (1976)

translator: 曽根元吉 (Sone Motokichi),
一羽昌子 (Ichiha Masako)
Sone Motokichi is a translator of French literature. Ichiha Masako is a translator of French literature too.
Le Petit Nicolas / René Goscinny
11. 니콜라Nicolas (1988)

translator: 최귀동 (Choe Kwi-dong)

The Travels of Jaimie McPheeters / Robert Lewis Taylor
ジェイミーJaimieの冒険旅行 (1963)

translator: 高橋正雄 (Takahashi Masao)・前川康男 (Maekawa Yasuo)
illustrator: 谷俊彦 (Tani Toshihiko)
Burke & Wills (1985)
The Travels of Jaimie McPheeters / Robert Lewis Taylor
12. 제이미Jaimie 서부西部로 가다 (1992)

translator: 안혜초 (An Hye-jo)

Traveller / Anne De Roo
トラベラーTraveller (1983)

translator: 越智道雄 (Ochi Michio)
illustrator: 岩淵慶造 (Iwabuchi Keizo)
Traveller / Anne De Roo
13. 트러벨러Traveller (1988)

translator: 양남광 (Yang Nam-gwang)

Tom Penny / Tony German
トム・ペニーTom Pennyの旅立ち (1984)

translator: 前田三恵子 (Maeda Mieko)
illustrator: 山本耀也 (Yamamoto Teruya)
Tom Penny / Tony German
14. 개척지開拓地로 떠난 톰 페니Tom Penny (1988)

translator: 박석일 (Pak Seog-il)

The Hobbit / J. R. R. Tolkien
ホビットHobbitの冒険 (1965)

translator: 瀬田 貞二 (Seta Teiji)
illustrator: 寺島 竜一 (Terashima Ryuichi)
The Hobbit / J. R. R. Tolkien
15. 호비트Hobbit 모험冒険 (1988)

translator: 공덕용 (Kong Teog-yong)

The Return of the Shadow / J. R. R. Tolkien
旅の仲間 上 (1972)

translator: 瀬田 貞二 (Seta Teiji)
illustrator: 寺島 竜一 (Terashima Ryuichi)
The Return of the Shadow / J. R. R. Tolkien
16. 머나먼 길 – 반지斑指 이야기 1 (1988)

translator: 강영운 (Kang Yeong-un)

The Fellowship of the Ring / J. R. R. Tolkien
旅の仲間 下 (1972)

translator: 瀬田 貞二 (Seta Teiji)
illustrator: 寺島 竜一 (Terashima Ryuichi)
The Fellowship of the Ring / J. R. R. Tolkien
17. 머나먼 숲 – 반지斑指 이야기 2 (1988)

translator: 강영운 (Kang Yeong-un)

The Wheel on the School / Meindert De Jong
コウノトリと六人の子どもたち (1967)

translator: 遠藤 寿子 (Endo Hisako)
illustrator: Maurice Sendak
Why Is Michael Mad? poster / Simms Taback
The Wheel on the School / Meindert De Jong
18. 황새와 여섯 아이 (1992)

translator: 김수영 (Kim Su-yeong)
‟황새와 여섯 아이” means “A stork and six children”. This is different from the original title, but is the same as the Japanese title.

/ Eleanor Farjeon / Eleanor Farjeon
19. 꼬마 철학가哲学家 (1988)

translator: 황명희 (Hwang Myeong-hui)

A Wizard of Earthsea / Ursula K. Le Guin
影との戦い (1976)

translator: 清水真砂子 (Shimizu Masako)
illustrator: ルース・ロビンス (Ruth Robbins)
A Wizard of Earthsea / Ursula K. Le Guin
20. 매는 하늘에서만 빛난다 (1988)

translator: 강혜숙 (Kang Hye-suk)

Mondo piccolo. Don Camillo / Giovanni Guareschi
陽気なドン・カミロ (1953)

translator: 岡田 眞吉 (Okada Shinkichi)
illustrator: Giovanni Guareschi
Okada Shinkichi is a translator of the French literature.

Design: The Atlantic Covers
Mondo piccolo. Don Camillo / Giovanni Guareschi
21. 신부神父님 우리 신부神父님 (1992)

translator: 허문순 (Heo Mun-sun)
You can not check 허문순 (Heo Mun-sun) in wikipedia.

Die unendliche Geschichte / Michael Ende
はてしない物語 (1979)

translator: 上田 真而子 (Ueda Maniko), 佐藤 真理子 (Sato Mariko)
illustrator: ロスヴィタ・クヴァートフリーク (Roswitha Quadflieg)
Die unendliche Geschichte / Michael Ende
22. 끝없는 이야기 (1988)

translator: 김양순 (Kim Yang-sun)

The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Ages 13 3/4 / Sue Townsend
モール君のおとなはわかってくれない : 13 3/4歳の秘密の日記 (1985)

translator: 武田信子 (Takeda Nobuko)
The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Ages 13 3/4 / Sue Townsend
23. 꼬마 비밀일기秘密日記 (1988)

translator: 강성일 (Kang Seong-il)

Meu Pé de Laranja Lima / José Mauro de Vasconcelos
わんぱく天使 (1977)

translator: 岡本浜江 (Okamoto Hamae)
Meu Pé de Laranja Lima / José Mauro de Vasconcelos
24. 나의 라임lime 오렌지orange나무 (1988)

translator: 최정은 (Choi Cheong-eun)

Banner in the Sky / James Ramsey Ullman
山上にひるがえる旗 (1971)

translator: 安川茂雄 (Yasukawa Shigeo)
illustrator: 辻まこと (Tsuji Makoto)
Banner in the Sky / James Ramsey Ullman
25. 발을 올려라 (1988)
translator: 조순 (Cho Sun)

Earth's Children
The Clan of the Cave Bear / Jean M. Auel
始原への旅立ち 第1部 大地の子エイラAyla (1983)

translator: 中村 妙子 (Nakamura Taeko)
Earth's Children
The Clan of the Cave Bear / Jean M. Auel
26. 100만년 동굴万年 洞窟에이라Ayla 1 (1988)

translator: 김명숙 (Kim Myeong-suk)

The valley of horses / Jean M. Auel
始原への旅だち 第2部 恋をするエイラAyla (1987)
translator: 中村 妙子 (Nakamura Taeko)

27. 100만년万年 사냥 – 에이라Ayla 2 (1988)

translator: 김명숙 (Kim Myeong-suk)

The mammoth hunters / Jean M. Auel
始原への旅だち 第3部 狩をするエイラAyla (1987)
translator: 中村 妙子 (Nakamura Taeko)

28. 100만년 비밀万年 秘密에이라Ayla 3 (1988)
translator: 김명숙 (Kim Myeong-suk)

Ак кеме: Повесть / Чыңгыз Айтматов
白い汽船 (1984)

translator: 岡林 茱萸 (Okabayashi Kumi)
Okabayashi Kumi is a translator of Russian literature.
Ак кеме: Повесть / Чыңгыз Айтматов
29. 하얀 배 (1988)

translator: 맹은빈 (Maeng Eun-bin)

Momo / Michael Ende
モモMomo (1976)

translator: 大島かおり (Oshima Kaori)
Oshima Kaori is a translator of German and English literature.
Momo / Michael Ende
30. 모모Momo (1988)

translator: 홍문 (Hong Mun)

Jacob Have I Loved / Katherine Paterson
海は知っていた ルイーズの青春 (1985)

translator: 岡本浜江 (Okamoto Hamae)
Jacob Have I Loved / Katherine Paterson
31. 나는 야곱Jacob을 사랑하고 (1988)
translator: 박현미 (Pak Hyeon-mi)

The Machine Gunners / Robert Atkinson Westall
機関銃要塞の少年たち (1980)

translator: 越智 道雄 (Ochi Michio)
illustrator: 鈴野 鐸 (Suzuno Taku)
Karius og Baktus (1949)
The Machine Gunners / Robert Atkinson Westall
32. 기관총機関銃 요새要塞 아이들 (1988)

translator: 유원 (Yu Won)
The title is the same as the Japanese title. You can not check 유원 (Yu Won) in wikipedia.

The Treason of Isengard / J. R. R. Tolkien
二つの塔 上 (1973)

translator: 瀬田 貞二 (Seta Teiji)
illustrator: 寺島 竜一 (Terashima Ryuichi)
The Treason of Isengard / J. R. R. Tolkien
33. 머나먼 산 – 반지斑指 이야기 3 (1988)

translator: 강영운 (Kang Yeong-un)

The Journey to Mordor / J. R. R. Tolkien
二つの塔 下 (1973)

translator: 瀬田 貞二 (Seta Teiji)
illustrator: 寺島 竜一 (Terashima Ryuichi)
The Journey to Mordor / J. R. R. Tolkien
34. 머나먼 강 – 반지斑指 이야기 4 (1988)

translator: 강영운 (Kang Yeong-un)

The War of the Ring / J. R. R. Tolkien
王の帰還 上 (1975)

translator: 瀬田 貞二 (Seta Teiji)
illustrator: 寺島 竜一 (Terashima Ryuichi)
The War of the Ring / J. R. R. Tolkien
35. 머나먼 별 – 반지斑指 이야기 5 (1988)

translator: 강영운 (Kang Yeong-un)

The Return of the King / J. R. R. Tolkien
王の帰還 下 (1975)

translator: 瀬田 貞二 (Seta Teiji)
illustrator: 寺島 竜一 (Terashima Ryuichi)
The Return of the King / J. R. R. Tolkien
36. 머나먼 땅 – 반지斑指 이야기 6 (1988)

translator: 강영운 (Kang Yeong-un)

Children of the Book / Peter Carter
運命の子供たち (1985)

translator: 犬飼和雄 (Inukai Kazuo)
Children of the Book / Peter Carter
37. 운명運命의 아이들 (1988)

translator: 황종호 (Hwang Chong-ho)
Japanese title “運命の子供たち” means “Children of destiny”. Korean title “운명의 아이들” is same as that too.

The God Beneath the Sea / Leon Garfield, Edward Blishen
ギリシア神話物語 (1975)

translator: 小野章 (Ono Akira)
illustrator: 岩崎鐸 (Iwasaki Taku)
The God Beneath the Sea / Leon Garfield, Edward Blishen
38. 들의 탄생誕生 (1988)

translator: 강성희 (Kang Seong-hwi)

The Sentinels / Peter Carter
どれい奴隷船 (1983)

translator: 犬飼 和雄 (Inukai Kazuo)
illustrator: 阿部 公洋 (Abe Kimihiro)
Design: Morteza Momayez
The Sentinels / Peter Carter
39. 반노예선反奴隷船 (1990)

translator: 최홍규 (Choe Hong-gyu)
Korean title is same as the Japanese.

The plains of passage / Jean M. Auel
大陸をかけるエイラAyla 上 / Jean M. Auel (1993)

translator: 百々 佑利子 (Momo Yuriko)
/ Jean M. Auel
40. 100만년万年 방랑放浪에이라Ayla 4 (1988)
translator: 김명숙 (Kim Myeong-sok)

The plains of passage / Jean M. Auel
大陸をかけるエイラAyla 中 / Jean M. Auel (1993)

translator: 百々 佑利子 (Momo Yuriko)
/ Jean M. Auel
41. 100만년万年 모험冒険에이라Ayla 5 (1988)

translator: 김명숙 (Kim Myeong-sok)

The plains of passage / Jean M. Auel
大陸をかけるエイラAyla 下 (1994)

translator: 百々 佑利子 (Momo Yuriko)
/ Jean M. Auel
42. 100만년万年 만남 – 에이라Ayla 6 (1988)

translator: 김명숙 (Kim Myeong-sok)

Stories from science / Arthur Sutcliffe
エピソードepisode科学史 (1971)

translator: 市場泰男 (Ichiba Yasuo)
Stories from science / Arthur Sutcliffe
43. 유리카 선생先生 (1988)

translator: 안순희 (An Sun-hwi)

Maikäfer, flieg! / Christine Nöstlinger
あの年の春は早くきた (1984)

translator: 上田 真而子 (Ueda Maniko),
illustrator: 岩淵慶造 (Iwabuchi Keizo)
Ueda Maniko is a scholar of German literature.
Maikäfer, flieg! / Christine Nöstlinger
44. 그해 봄은 빨리 왔다 (1988)

translator: 조현례 (Cho Hyeon-rye)
Korean title is same as the Japanese.

We Couldn't Leave Dinah / Mary Treadgold
あらしの島のきょうだい兄妹 (1982)

translator: 平賀 悦子 (Hiraga Etsuko)
illustrator: 桜井 誠 (Sakurai Makoto)
We Couldn't Leave Dinah / Mary Treadgold
45. 폭풍우暴風雨 오누이 (1990)

translator: 정지영 (Jeong Ji-yeong)
Japanese title “あらしの島のきょうだい” means “A brother and a sister in a stormy island”. Korean title “폭풍우 섬 오누이” is same as that too. And you can not check 정지영 (Jeong Ji-yeong) in wikipedia of course.

The King's Fifth / Scott O'Dell
黄金の七つの都市 (1977)

translator: 大塚 勇三 (Otsuka Yuzo)
The King's Fifth / Scott O'Dell
46. 황금黄金의 일곱 도시都市 (1988)

translator: 임중빈 (Im Chung-bin)
Korean title is same as the Japanese.

/ Alexander Palmer Haley / Alexander Palmer Haley
47. 노랑 리본 (1988)

translator: 권미영 (Kwon mi-yeong)

Как человек стал великаном / Михаил Ильин
人間のあゆみ 1―人はどのようにして巨人になったか (1977)

translator: 樹下節 (Juge Takashi)
Juge Takashi is a translator of the Russian literature.

Design: Roger Brown
Как человек стал великаном / Михаил Ильин
48. 사람은 어떻게 거인巨人이 되었나 1 (1990)

translator: 동완 (Dong Wan)
You can not check 동완 (Dong Wan) in wikipedia.

Как человек стал великаном / Михаил Ильин
人間のあゆみ 2―人はどのようにして巨人になったか (1974)

translator: 樹下節 (Juge Takashi)
Juge Takashi is a translator of the Russian literature.
Как человек стал великаном / Михаил Ильин
49. 사람은 어떻게 거인巨人이 되었나 2 (1990)

translator: 동완 (Dong Wan)
You can not check 동완 (Dong Wan) in wikipedia.

Как человек стал великаном / Михаил Ильин
人間のあゆみ 3―人はどのようにして巨人になったか (1977)

translator: 樹下節 (Juge Takashi)
Juge Takashi is a translator of the Russian literature.

Design: Roger Brown
Как человек стал великаном / Михаил Ильин
50. 사람은 어떻게 거인巨人이 되었나 3 (1990)

translator: 동완 (Dong Wan)
You can not check 동완 (Dong Wan) in wikipedia.

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