Korean fakes, Korean traits, Intellectual property rights problem, Liquidation of Pro-Japanese

Korean plagiarisms

“The complete series of world masterpieces for boys and girls”

  1. General Library for boys and girls (Kyoyuk Churpansa)
  2. Education library for boys and girls (Kyoyuk Munhwasa)
  3. The complete series of world literature for boys and girls (Samseongdang, Hanrim publisher)
  4. The world complete series of winning prize literature for boys and girls (Jungangmunhwasa)
  5. The complete series of modern world masterpieces for boys and girls (Kyemongsa)
  6. The complete series of world literature for boys and girls (Yukyeongsa)
  7. The complete series of world literature for boys and girls (Keumseong Churpansa)
  8. Korean plagiarisms・World masterpieces of children’s story, color version (Samseongdang)
  9. The famous stories retold for children (Tonggukmunhwasa)
  10. The complete series of world masterpieces for boys and girls (Kyomunsa)
  11. Takdaguri Great Books (Tongseomunhwasa)
  12. ACE88 - The world’s best books for boys and girls (Tongseomunhwasa)
  13. The books of Chigyeongsa & Mungongsa
  14. Love Book Series / Manhwabaekwa Series (Mungonsa)
  15. ABE complete works(Hagwon Churpansa)
  16. New world Children’s Original stories Milky Way series (Keumseongchurpansa)
  17. Choices of Masterpiece of World S. F. adventure (Hagwon Churpansa)
  18. Choices of Masterpiece of S. F. for juvenile (Keumseongchurpansa)
  19. Color Series of Mini Encyclopedia
  20. The masterpieces of world literature for boys and girls (Tongachurpansa)
  21. The masterpieces of world literature for boys and girls (Samseongdang)
  22. The Saes-byeol library, Taegeuk version (Taegeukchurpansa)
  23. The world complete series of winning prize literature for boys and girl (Hwimunchurpansa)
  24. The masterpieces of world literature for boys and girls (Adongmunhaksa)
  25. Color television the educational fairy tales (Keumseongchurpansa)


Korean plagiarisms・The complete series of world masterpieces for boys and girls (Kyomunsa)

Japan・The world masterpieces for boys and girls Korean plagiarisms・The complete series of world masterpieces for boys and girls (1969)

Как человек стал великаном / Михаил Ильин
人間の歴史 (1964)

translator:木村浩 (Kimura Hiroshi)
illustrator:小林与志 (Kobayashi Yoshi)
Hiroshi Kimura is a scholar of the Russian literature.
Как человек стал великаном / Михаил Ильин
인간人間역사歴史 (1969)
The original title is “How Man Became A Giant”, but the Korean title is the same as the Japanese, “Human history”.

The Voyage of the Beagle / Charles Darwin
ビーグルBeagle号航海記 (1964)

translator:: 白木 茂 (Shiraki Shigeru)
illustrator:山本耀也 (Yamamoto Teruya)
The Voyage of the Beagle / Charles Darwin
비글Beagle호항해기号航海記 (1969)
The Korean title is the same as the Japanese too.

Seven Pillars of Wisdom / Thomas Edward Lawrence
The Oregon Trail / Francis Parkman
未知の西部をゆく (1964)

translator:: 野田開作 (Noda Kaisaku)
illustrator: 武部本一郎 (Takebe Motoichiro)
Seven Pillars of Wisdom / Thomas Edward Lawrence
The Oregon Trail / Francis Parkman
미지未知서부西部를 간다 (1969)
The Korean title is the same as the Japanese too.

Сто вариаций на тему старой сказки / Владимир Иванович Орлов
The Story of Mankind / Hendrik Willem Van Loon
ふしぎの科学 / 奇跡を生む人間 (1963)

translator:: 三石巌 (Mitsuishi Iwao)
illustrator:山本耀也 (Yamamoto Teruya)
Сто вариаций на тему старой сказки / Владимир Иванович Орлов
The Story of Mankind / Hendrik Willem Van Loon
기적奇跡을 낳는 인간人間 / 이상한미지科学 (1969)
The Korean title is the same as the Japanese too.

Zwischen Wasser und Urwald,
Aus meiner Kindheit und Jugendzeit / Albert Schweitzer
水と原始林のあいだで / わたしの幼少年時代 (1964)

translator:: 那須辰造 (Nasu Tatsuzou)
illustrator: 西村保史郎 (Nishimura Yasushirou)
Zwischen Wasser und Urwald,
Aus meiner Kindheit und Jugendzeit / Albert Schweitzer
원시림原始林의 사이에서 / 나의 어린 시절時節 (1969)
The Korean title is the same as the Japanese too.

Wild Animals I Have Known / Ernest Thompson Seton
シートンSeton動物記 (1964)

translator:: 亀山 竜樹 (Kamayama Tatuki)
illustrator: 依光 隆 (Yorimitsu Takashi)
Wild Animals I Have Known / Ernest Thompson Seton
시이튼Seton 동물기動物記 (1969)
The Korean title is the same as the Japanese too.

Microbe Hunters / Paul Henry De Kruif
微生物を追う人びと (1963)

translator:: 三浦朱門 (Miura Shumon)
illustrator: 桜井誠 (Sakurai Makoto)
Microbe Hunters / Paul Henry De Kruif
미생물微生物을 쫓는 사람 (1969)
The Korean title is the same as the Japanese too.

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Namie Amuro
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TV Dramas
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Tracing of Manga
Cutting Japan
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Japanese Toys
AIBO & i-Robo
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[shock] Korean confectionery
Taiwanese reaction
Korean copies of Japanese foods
Shameful fashion business
The famous stories retold for children
Korean Fakes

Korean fakes, Korean traits, Intellectual property rights problem

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