Korean Fakes & Plagiarisms - Roundup
A Part of Fakes and Arrangements of Very famous Japanese foods, Characters, Anime, etc.

Korean Japanese

Japanese original Korean fake
Cancer Ward / Alexandr Isaevich Solzhenitsyn
ガン病棟 (1969)

translator : 小笠原 豊樹 (Ogasawara Toyoki)
완역판完訳版 세계문학世界文学 전집全集 전60권全60巻

Cancer Ward / Alexandr Isaevich Solzhenitsyn
癌病棟 (1987)
translator : 李鍾泰 (Ee Jong-tae)
(Russian original)
Ну, да всЈ сошлось, и погорячились, конечно, и дал на него Павел Николаевич такой материал: что в частном разговоре с ним Родичев одобрительно высказывался о деятельности разгромленной Промпартии и намеревался у себя на заводе сколотить группу вредителей. (Прямо так он не говорил, но по своему поведению мог говорить и мог намереваться.)
Только Русанов очень просил, чтоб имя его нигде не фигурировало в деле, и чтобы не было очной ставки. Но следователь гарантировал, что по закону и не требуется открывать Русанова, и не обязательна очная ставка -- достаточно будет признания самого обвиняемого. Даже первоначальное русановское заявление можно не подшивать в том следственного дела, так что обвиняемый, подписывая 206-ю статью, нигде не встретит фамилию своего соседа по квартире.
И так бы всЈ гладко прошло, если б не Гузун -- секретарь заводского парткома. Ему из органов пришла выписка, что Родичев -- враг народа, на предмет исключения его из партии первичной ячейкой. Но Гузун упЈрся и стал шуметь, что Родичев -- наш парень, и пусть ему дадут подробные материалы. На свою голову и нашумел, через два дня в ночь арестовали и его, а на третье утро благополучно исключили и Родичева, и Гузуна -- как членов одной контрреволюционной подпольной организации.
ただルサノフRusanovはこの事件に自分の名前が出ないよう、そして自分が法廷に立たなくてもすむよう、くれぐれも判事に頼んだのだった。裁判所でロジーチェフRodichevと対面することは考えただけでもぞっとした。だが、判事は法律の見地からしてもルサノフRusanovの名前を明かす必要はないし、ルサノフRusanovが法廷で証言する必要もない ―  被告の自白だけで充分だろうと保証してくれた。ルサノフRusanovの最初の密告書を予審調書に加える必要すらないだろう。だから刑法二百六条にって裁かれる被告が隣人の名前にぶつかる気遣いは最後まであり得なかったのである。
こうして何もかも順調に行く筈だったが、ここでグズーンGuzunという男が ― 工場の党委員会書記が登場した。ロジーチェフRodichevは人民の敵であり、党から除名すべきであるという指令を受け取ると、このグズーンGuzunは、ロジーチェフRodichevはまじめな男だ、もっと詳しい証拠を見せてくれなければ納得できない、と言って騒ぎだした。そしてあくまで自説を固執した結果、二日後の夜、この男も逮捕され、三日目の朝にはロジーチェフRodichevグズーンGuzunも反革命地下組織のメンバーとして、恙なく党から除名されたのだった。
로디체프Rodichev루사노프Rusanov와의 사적私的대화중会話中에 이미 분쇄粉砕산업당産業党활동活動해서 호의적好意的으로 발언発言했으며, 자기自己 공장工場에서 유해有害 분자分子(有害分子)의 조직화組織化를 꾀했다고 하는 것이다.
그런데 루사노프Rusanov는 이 사건事件자기自己 이름이 나오지 않도록, 그리고 자기自己법정法廷에 서지 않도록 판사判事에게 거듭거듭 부탁付託했다. 재판소裁判所에서 로디체프Rodichev대면対面한다는 건 생각만 해도 소름이 끼쳤다. 그러자 판사判事는, 법률法律관점観点에서 보더라도 루사노프Rusanov의 이름을 밝힐 필요必要가 없고, 루사노프Rusanov법정法廷에서 증언証言필요必要도 없다 ―  피고被告자백自白만으로 충분充分할 것이다고 보증保証해 주었다. 루사노프Rusanov최초最初밀고서密告書예심予審 조서調書첨부添付필요必要조차 없을 것이었다. 그러므로 형법刑法 206하여 재판裁判받는 피고被告가, 밀고密告한 이웃 사람의 이름을 알게 될 염려念慮혀 없었던 것이다.
이래서 모든 것이 순조順調롭게 되어 갈 것이었으나, 여기서 구준Guzun이라고 하는 사내 ― 공장工場당위원회党委員会 서기書記등장登場했다. 로디체프Rodichev인민人民이므로 에서 제명除名해야 한다는 지령指令을 받자 이 구준Guzun은, 로디체프Rodichev착실着実한 사내다, 좀더 자세子細증거証拠를 보여 주지 않는다면 납득納得할 수 없다고 떠들어댔다. 그리고 끝까지 자기自己주장主張고집固執한 끝에 이틀 뒤의 밤에 그도 체포逮捕되었다. 사흘째 되는 날 아침에 로디체프Rodichev구준Guzun반혁명反革命 지하 조직地下 組織일원一員으로 에서 제명除名되었다.
Japaneseすなわち、ロジーチェフRodichev ルサノフRusanov私的な会話のなか既に 粉砕された産業党活動ついて
Korean 로디체프Rodichev 루사노프Rusanov사적私的대화중会話中이미 분쇄粉砕산업당産業党활동活動해서
好意的に発言し、 自分の工場 有害分子組織化計画したというのである。
호의적好意的으로 발언発言했으며, 자기自己 공장工場에서 유해有害 분자分子(有害分子)조직화組織化꾀했다고 하는 것이다.
ただルサノフRusanovこの事件自分の名前出ないよう、 そして自分法廷立たなくてもすむよう、
그런데 루사노프Rusanov사건事件자기自己 이름나오지 않도록, 그리고 자기自己법정法廷서지 않도록
(거듭거듭)판사判事에게 거듭거듭 부탁付託했다.
裁判所ロジーチェフRodichev対面することは考えただけでもぞっとした。 だが、判事法律見地からしても
재판소裁判所에서 로디체프Rodichev대면対面한다는 생각만 해도 소름이 끼쳤다. 그러자 판사判事는, 법률法律관점観点에서 보더라도
ルサノフRusanov名前明かす必要ないし、 ルサノフRusanov法廷証言する必要ない ― 
루사노프Rusanov이름밝힐 필요必要없고, 루사노프Rusanov법정法廷에서 증언証言필요必要없다 ― 
피고被告자백自白으로 충분充分할 것이다고 보증保証주었다.
ルサノフRusanov最初密告書 予審調書加える必要すらないだろう。
루사노프Rusanov최초最初밀고서密告書 예심予審 조서調書첨부添付필요必要조차 없을 것이었다.
だから刑法二百六条って裁かれる被告 隣人名前ぶつかる気遣い 最後まであり得なかったのである。
그러므로 형법刑法 206하여 재판裁判받는 피고被告가, 밀고密告이웃 사람이름알게 될 염려念慮 없었던 것이다.
こうして何もかも順調に行く筈だったが、ここで グズーンGuzunという男が ― 工場党委員会書記登場した。
이래서 모든 것이 순조順調롭게 되어 갈 것이었으나, 여기서 구준Guzun이라고 하는 사내 ― 공장工場당위원회党委員会 서기書記등장登場했다.
ロジーチェフRodichev人民であり、 から除名すべきであるという指令受け取ると、このグズーンGuzunは、
로디체프Rodichev인민人民이므로 에서 제명除名해야 한다는 지령指令받자 구준Guzun은,
ロジーチェフRodichevまじめな男だ、 もっと詳しい証拠見せてくれなければ納得できない、と言って騒ぎだした。
로디체프Rodichev착실着実사내다, 좀더 자세子細증거証拠보여 주지 않는다면 납득納得할 수 없다고 떠들어댔다.
そしてあくまで自説固執した結果、 二日後の夜、この男逮捕され、
그리고 끝까지 자기自己주장主張고집固執끝에 이틀 뒤의 밤에 체포逮捕되었다.
三日目のにはロジーチェフRodichevグズーンGuzun反革命地下組織 メンバーとして、恙なくから除名されたのだった。
사흘째 되는 날 아침로디체프Rodichev구준Guzun반혁명反革命 지하 조직地下 組織 일원一員으로 에서 제명除名되었다.
The Korean translation is just replacing each Japanese word with that of Korean. It’s very easy. This is just like a machine-translation. It is not a translation, but a plagiarism of Japanese translation. Maybe the Korean translator did not translate “恙なく”, because he could not understand the meaning of the word.


- music by Yuji Ohno, Japan (1977)

“Lonely Christmas (꾸리스마스Christmas)”

- 크레용팝CRAYON POP, Korea (2013)
The part of the music before the song starts is completely same. Mr. Kim Yu-min, the composer commented as always, “Lonely Christmas is the pure creation. I had never heard the music of Lupin the Third”. How dare he says obvious lies in a bold-faced manner? I am really disgusted with the Korean.
ポプラ社Popurasha) (1980)

Author: 那須 正幹 (Nasu Masamoto)
illustrator:前川 かずお (Maekawa Kazuo)
In summer vacation, three boys of “Hachibee”, “Hakase” and “Mochan row a boat, go in the sea and meet with a disaster, and they drift ashore on the uninhabited island. This is a survival story that three cooperate with their pliable acting power and live.
하롱 하롱 탐험대探険隊
소학사小学社) (1990)

Author: 정진영(Jung Jin-young)
Hangook Ilbo 2006-01-05
The movie star Jung Jin-young acted as Yeonsangun of Joseon in the movie “The King and the Clown” and he showed distinguished performance in the movie. It was revealed that he had written the children’s story, and it is a topic.
This fact was known because the photo of the picture book entitled “하롱 하롱 탐험대Harong Harong Tamheomtae” that he had published in 1990 appeared in the Internet.
This book writes the exploration in an uninhabited island where Kamchi, Chungu and Hama fought alone. I knew that it had got considerably good popularity from then children by word of mouth.
This book introduces "author Jung Jin-young" as follows. “He was born in Seoul in 1964. He graduated from the Korean literature course at Seoul University. Since then he had been participating in drama culture movement, and works as a dramatic actor, a director and a scriptwriter.”
In addition, “He had published a lot of good works that lighted our society. He writes a lot of good works for ‘the young generation’ brought up from now on. Particularly he likes to come back to the mischievous child era and open his wings of the imagination with neighboring children.”
Not to mention the title of the book, the cover picture and the contents are almost same. The representative of the publishing company said as always, “This is not a plagiarism. We do not have any problem legally either.” (Korea・Daum
If this were not plagiarism, the plagiarism would not exist in the world.
Julie of the Wolves,
小学館Shogakukan) (1974)

Author: Jean Craighead George
translator:白木 茂 (Shiraki Shigeru)
illustrator: 谷 俊彦 (Tani Toshihiko)
Julie of the Wolves,
59. 오로라aurora소녀少女 (1976)
북극北極의 이리 소녀少女
동아출판사東亜出版社) (1983)

Author: Jean Craighead George
translator:이주훈 (Ee Ju-hun)
The original is “Julie of the Wolves”. Shigeru Shiraki gave the title “極北のおおかみ少女 (Wolf girl in the north pole)”. The Korean book has the same title too. So the Korean translated Japanese into Korean. There are many books that do not translate the originals but translate Japanese books translated from the original language.
In addition, you can know the Japanese translators on the Internet easily, but cannot check the Korean translators on the Internet. In other words the Korean translators on the books do not often exist.
Lancelot Biggs, Spaceman
岩崎書店Iwasaki shoten) (1960)
Young Stowaways in Space
岩崎書店Iwasaki shoten) (1963)
Time of the Stars
岩崎書店Iwasaki shoten) (1960)

Author: Nelson Slade Bond
translator:亀山 竜樹 (Kameyama Tatsuki)
illustrator: 武部 本一郎 (Takebe Motoichiro)

Author: Richard Mace Elam
translator:白木 茂 (Shiraki Shigeru)
illustrator: 依光 隆 (Yorimitsu Takashi)

Author: Robert Anson Heinlein
translator:片方 善治 (Katagata Zenji)
illustrator: 武部 本一郎 (Takebe Motoichiro)
Lancelot Biggs, Spaceman
우주인宇宙人 비그스Biggs모험冒険,
Young Stowaways in Space
Time of the Stars
우주宇宙 형제兄弟비밀秘密

Author: Nelson Slade Bond

Author: Richard Mace Elam

Author: Robert Anson Heinlein
La grotte aux ours,
あかね書房Akane Shobo) (1965)

Author: André Massepain
translator:河盛 好蔵 (Kawamori Yoshizō)
illustrator: 武部 本一郎 (Takebe Motoichiro)
La grotte aux ours,
회색灰色 골짜기의 비밀秘密
문우사文友社) (1970)

Author: André Massepain
translator:박 종화Pak Jong-hwa
The original is “La grotte aux ours”(The Cave of Bear). Kawamori Yoshizō gave the title “灰色の谷の秘密 (Secret of the gray valley)”. The Korean book has the same title too. So the Korean translated Japanese into Korean. There are many books that do not translate the originals but translate Japanese books translated from the original language.
In addition, the Japanese translator is a scholar of French literature. (wikipedia) The Korean translator does not seem to be able to understand the foreign languages except Japanese. (wikipedia

The Incredible Journey,
あかね書房Akane Shobo) (1965)

Author: Sheila Every Burnford
translator:山本 まつよ (Yamamoto Matsuyo)
illustrator: 武部 本一郎 (Takebe Motoichiro)
The Incredible Journey,
삼형제三兄弟 황야荒野를 가다
문우사文友社) (1970)

Author: Sheila Every Burnford
translator:박 종화Pak Jong-hwa
The original is “The Incredible Journey”. Yamamoto Matsuyo gave the title “三びき荒野を行く (Three go the wasteland)”. The Korean book has the same title too. So the Korean translated Japanese into Korean. There are many books that do not translate the originals but translate Japanese books translated from the original language.
In addition, the Japanese translator learned at an American university. (wikipedia) The Korean translator does not seem to be able to understand the foreign languages except Japanese. (wikipedia
Ellen Tebbits,
学習研究社Gakusyukenkyusha) (1977)

Author: Beverly Cleary
translator:松岡 享子 (Matsuoka Kyoko)
illustrator:Louis Darling
Ellen Tebbits,
외동딸 엘런Ellen
학원출판사学園出版社) (1988)
외동딸 엘런Ellen친구親舊
금성출판사金星出版社) (1988)

Author: Beverly Cleary
translator:양 광남(Yang Gwang-nam)

Author: Beverly Cleary
translator:장 문평(Chang Mun-pyeong)
The Japanese original edition attached the title “An only child Ellen and her best friend”, not “Ellen Tebbits”. The Korean plagiarism put on the same title, too.


- 薩摩蒸氣屋, Japan

후쿠오카福岡 하카타博多도넛donut

- 하카타博多도넛donut본사本社, Korea
Both 후쿠오카福岡 (Fukuoka) and 하카타博多 (Hakata) are the names of the city in Japan. “焼ドーナツ” is a Japanese that means “fried donut”.


- 福岡Fukuoka, Japan

후쿠오카福岡 호르몬ホルモン

- 대구大邱, Korea
Complete copy shop of the Tenjin hormon

おさつosatsu” (1981)

- Calbee, Japan


- 해태Haetae제과製菓, Korea
오사쯔osajjeu” is the sweet potato taste snack made by 해태Haetae Confectionary. Japanese Calbee is the originator and 해태Haetae Confectionary cooperates with Calbee, produces by a domestic factory and sells it.

テラスTerrace ハウスHouse

- Fuji Television, Japan (2012~)
Terrace House is a Japanese reality television show. The show follows the lives of six strangers, three men and three women from different walks of life, who live under the same roof while getting to know and date each other.

하트Heart 시그널Signal

- Channel A, Korea (2017~)
Heart Signal is a variety show about eight strangers, 4 men and 4 women, living together for 30 days in the same house (Signal House).

“隣の晩ごはん, Tonari no bangohan”

- Nihon Television, Japan (1985~2011)
Yonesuke, a comedian visits a general family with a big rice scoop without an appointment in time of the dinner, and broadcasts the dinner.

“한끼줍쇼, Hanki jupsyo”

- JTBC, Korea (2016~)
Entertainers visit a general family with their spoons without an appointment and introduces the dinner.

“しくじり先生, Shikujiri Sensei”

- TV Asahi, Japan (2014~)
Regular members (students) wear uniforms and sit down in the studio that reproduced a classroom. A guest comes over and introduces own episode every week there.

“아는 형님, Aneun Hyeong-nim”

- JTBC, Korea (2016~)
Regular members (students) wear uniforms and sit down in the studio that reproduced a classroom. A guest comes over and introduces own episode every week there.

“YOUは何しに日本へ?, Why Did You Come to Japan?”

- TV Tokyo, Japan (2012~)
A team of interviewers go around various airports in Japan, with Narita International Airport as their main reporting hub, and ask non-Japanese arrivals "Why did you come to Japan?". They then attempt to follow the interviewees on their journeys around Japan, in a process called mitchaku shuzai (密着取材, lit. "close-contact reporting").

“이웃집 찰스Charles, My Neighbor, Charles”

- KBS, Korea (2015~)
This program contacts the foreigners living in Korea for various reasons including finding employment, studying abroad or the marriage. It picks up the richly varied foreigners such as a French who found work at a hotel, a Tanzanian foreign student who came over for the development of his own country, etc.. And they talk about what they were surprised at or what they were impressed with at their Korean lives.

あした(Ashita (noジョー(Joe

Poster for Member recruitment (2019)
챔피언(Champion 허리케인(Hurricane

하얗게 불태웠다...(“I burned whitely...”)
Korean seems to be able to use literary works freely without Japanese authors’ permission.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,
トム=ソーヤーTom Sawyerの冒険 (1976) (偕成社Kaiseisha)

translator: 中山知子 (Nakayama Tomoko)
illustrator: 武部 本一郎 (Takebe Motoichiro)

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,
톰 소오여Tom Sawyer모험冒険 (1979) (계몽사 啓蒙社)

translator: 방순동 (Pang Sun-dong)

The Kon-Tiki Expedition,
コンチキKon-Tiki号漂流記 (1975) (あかねAkane書房Shobo)

translator: 池田 宣政 (Ikeda Nobumasa)
illustrator: 古賀 亜十夫 (Koga Asoo)

The Kon-Tiki Expedition,
콘티키Kon-Tiki 표류기漂流記 (1984) (미도Mido문화사文化社)

translator: 김갑수 (Kim Gap-su)

The Story of My Life,
ヘレン=ケラーHelen Keller自伝 (1972) (講談社Kodansha)

translator: 今西 祐行 (Imanishi Sukeyuki)
illustrator: 辰巳 まさ江 (Tatsumi Masae)

The Story of My Life,
헬렌켈러Helen Keller (1984) (교육教育문화사文化社)

Madame Curie,
キュリーCurie夫人 (1972) (講談社Kodansha)

translator: 桶谷 繁雄 (Oketani Shigeo)
illustrator: 武部 本一郎 (Takebe Motoichiro)

Madame Curie,
퀴리Curie부인夫人 (1984) (교육教育문화사文化社)

(The complete series of world great person’s biography)
シュバイツァーSchweitzer (1965)
author: 青山直 (Aoyama Nao)
illustrator: 梁川剛一 (Yanagawa Goichi)
소년소녀 세계 위인 전기 전집少年少女 世界 偉人 伝記 全集
(The complete series of world great person’s biography)
시바이쩌Schweitzer (1977)
translator : 장수철 (Chang Su-cheor)
世界伝記全集 25
モーツァルトMozart (1966)

author : 大田黒元雄 (Otaguro Motoo)
illustrator: 武部本一郎 (Takebe Motoichiro)
소년소녀 세계 전기대전집少年少女 世界 伝記大全集
모짜르트Mozart (1974)

author : 박화목 (Pak Hwa-mok)
50 excellent detectives in the world, 世界の名探偵50人 (1972)

author: 藤原 宰太郎 (Fujiwara Saitaro)
44 excellent detectives in the world, 세계世界명탐정名探偵44
translator : 이가형 (Ee Ga-hyeong)
The pirated editions have 6 fewer than the Japanese original, because the Korean editor removed 6 Japanese detectives. Korean cannot admit Japanese excellent detectives. The book writes “translater: Ee Ga-hyeon”, but the name of the author is not written. It wanted to hide the name of Japanese.

ドン(Donキホーテ(Quijote (1995)

삐에로(Pierrot 쑈핑(Shopping (2018) - 신세계(新世界 그룹(group

Uniform of the staff -
“(일본에 가는) 비행기값 아까워서 ㄷㅋㅎㅌ(돈키호테) 직접 만듬”
“Because it is a waste of an air fare (to go to Japan), we made Don Quixote directly.”
Pierrot Shopping side officially announced that it did a benchmarking of Don・Quijote. In Korea benchmarking means imitating. (Korea・namu.wiki)
In Korea, it is criticized if you say “I plagiarized or imitated something”, but it does not have any problem if you say “I did a benchmarking of something” instead.



Author : (Ha 시현(Shi-hyeon
In Korea, it is said that the works of Ha Shi-hyeon plagiarized many parts of Japanese mangas such as “封神演義(Hoshin Engi”(藤崎(Fujisaki(Ryu), “ヴァイス(Weißクロイツ(kreuz”(つちや(Tsuchiyaきょうこ(Kyoko), “ピーチガール(Peach Girl”(上田(Ueda 美和(Miwa), “”(CLAMP), “カードキャプター(Cardcaptorさくら(Sakura”(CLAMP), “Hana-Kimi”(中条(Nakajo比紗也(Hisaya), etc.. (Korea・Dong-A-Ilbo)

“Vagabond” (Takehiko Inoue)

Korean advertisement of LG Electronics

Even the big company plagiarizes Japanese.


OhanaNuigurumi Rainbow (Takashi \murakami)
Anpanman (Takashi Yanase)
Pocochan (Fujiya Co.,Ltd.)
Totoro (Studio Ghibli)

Monkey D. Luffy (Eiichiro Oda)

A stall in Myondong, Seoul (2019)

Takashi Murakami’ Instagram

“I saw fakes of my works in Myondong.” , Takashi Murakami submits to his SNS.
(Korea・Chosun online)   (April 09, 2019)  
Fakes of many Japanese characters including Ampan-Man, Pokochan, Totoro and Monkey D. Luffy stand in a row.  

火星兵団 (1941)


author: 海野 十三 (Unno Juzo)
illustrator: 伊藤 幾久造 (Ito Kikuzo), 飯塚 羚児 (Iizuka Reiji)

火星魔 (1948)


author: 海野 十三 (Unno Juzo)
illustrator: 飯塚 羚児 (Iizuka Reiji)

화성마火星魔 (1954)


writer: 김복순 (Kim Bok-sun)
This book had been considered to be the Korean first original long SF all the time, but it became clear several years ago that he had translated and plagiarised the work of Japanese writer Juzo Unno.

The Secret Garden / Frances Hodgson Burnett
秘密の花園 (2012) (角川書店)

writer: 栗原ちひろ (Kurihara Chihiro)
illustrator: 椎名 優 (Shiina Yu)

The Secret Garden / Frances Hodgson Burnett
비밀秘密화원花園 (2016) (문공사)

writer: 오렌지툰 (Orange Tun)
illustrator: 오렌지툰 (Orange Tun)

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer / Mark Twain トム・ソーヤーTom Sawyerの冒険 (2014)


writer: 那須田 淳 (Nasuda Jun)
illustrator: 朝日川 日和 (Asahikawa Hiyori)

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer / Mark Twain
톰소여Tom Sawyer모험冒険 (2015)

writer: 오렌지툰 (Orange Tun)
illustrator: 오렌지툰 (Orange Tun)

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz / L. Frank Baum

(2014) (学研)

writer: 立原 えりか (Tachihara Erika)
illustrator: 清瀬 赤目 (Kiyose Akame)

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz / L. Frank Baum

(2018) (문공사)

writer: 라임스튜디오 (Lime Studio)
illustrator: 라임스튜디오 (Lime Studio)

The Lost World / Conan Doyle
最後の恐竜世界 (1973)

translator: 南山 宏 (Minamiyama Hiroshi)
illustrator: 柳 柊二 (Yanagi Syuji)

The Lost World / Conan Doyle
최후最後공룡세계恐竜世界 (1976)
(Kyoyuk Churpansa)

The Japanese title is different from the original, but the title of Korean plagiarism is the same as the Japanese.

Japan・Akane world Juvenile literature

Tu ne tueras point / Antoine Reboul
友情は戦火をこえて (1975)
(Akane Shobo)

Korea・Prizewinners of world juvenile literature award

Tu ne tueras point / Antoine Reboul
우정友情국경国境을 넘어 (1979)
translator: 末松氷海子 (Suematsu Himiko)
illustrator: 中山正美 (Nakayama Masami)
Himiko Suematsu is a researcher, a translator of the French juvenile literature.
translator: 김 하빈 (Kim Ha-bin)
Who 김 하빈 (Kim Ha-bin) is is not known. There are no data.
The original title, “Tu ne tueras point” means “Thou Shalt Not Kill (You shall not kill)” in English. The title of the Korean version is “The friendship goes over the border”. The title of the Japanese version is “The friendship goes over the war”. It is thought obviously that Korean translation retranslated the Japanese translation.

The Mouse and the Motorcycle / Beverly Cleary
子ねずみラルフRalphのぼうけん (1977)
(Akane Shobo)
The Mouse and the Motorcycle / Beverly Cleary
빨간 오토바이autoby랄프Ralph (1979)
translator: 谷口由美子 (Taniguchi Yumiko)
illustrator: 赤坂三好 (Akasaka Miyoshi)
translator: 박재삼 (Pak Jae-sam)

The Cay / Theodore Taylor
ありがとうチモシーTimothy (1975)
(Akane Shobo)
The Cay / Theodore Taylor
고마워요 티머시Timothy (1979)
translator: 白木 茂 (Shiraki Shigeru)
illustrator: 武部本一郎 (Takebe Motoichiro)
translator: 현재훈 (Hyeon Jae-hun)
The title for Korean edition is the same as the Japanese. The title is “Thank you, Timothy”.

Jakobus Nimmersatt / Boy Lornsen
のどか森の動物会議 (1975)
(Akane Shobo)
Jakobus Nimmersatt / Boy Lornsen
숲속의 동물회의動物会議 (1979)
translator: 山口四郎 (Yamaguchi Shirō)
illustrator: Karlheinz Groß
Shirō Yamaguchi is a researcher, a translator of the German juvenile literature.
translator: 어효선 (Eo Hyo-seon)
The title for Korean edition is the same as the Japanese. According to wikipedia, 어효선 (Eo Hyo-seon) is considered to be a writer of juvenile stories, but it is not written that he can understand German.

A Wrinkle in Time / Madeleine L'Engle
五次元世界のぼうけん (1965)

translator: 渡辺 茂男 (Watanabe Shigeo)
illustrator:津田 洋 (Tsuda Hiroshi)

A Wrinkle in Time / Madeleine L'Engle
五次元世界의 秘密 (1966)

translator: 이영희李寧熙(I Yeong-hui)
illustrator:전성보全聖輔(Cheon Seong-bo)
(English original)
“What are you doing?”
“Taking the child.”
“No!” Mr. Murry said sharply.
“뭘 하는 거야? ”
“이 아이를 데려갑니다. ”하고 그 생물生物대답對答했읍니다.
“안 돼! ” 뮤우리Murry 는 날카롭게 외쳤읍니다.
Japanese「なにをするんだ?」 「このつれていきます。」と、その生物答えた。
Korean“뭘 하는 거야? ” “이 아이데려갑니다. ”하고 생물生物대답對答했읍니다.
“안 돼! ” 뮤우리Murry 날카롭게 외쳤읍니다.

(English original)
“Come t'e picciol fallo amaro morso! Dante. What grievous pain a little fault doth give thee!” With a clawlike hand she pushed the hat up on Mrs Whatsit's forehead, untangled the stole from the tree, and with a deft gesture took the sheet and folded it.
“Oh, thank you,” Mrs Whatsit said. “You're so clever!”
ダンテDanteのことばですよ、『小さなあやまちが、なんじに、なんと大いなる痛みを与えていることか!』 そういいながら、フーWho夫人は、くちばしのような手で、ワトシットWhatsit夫人のぼうし帽子を、 ひたいまでおしあげ、枝にひっかかったストールstoleをはずしてやり、 きような手つきで、シーツsheetをひろいあげて、それをたたんだ。 「どうも、ありがとう。」と、ワトシットWhatsit夫人はいった。「あなたは、ほんとに、おりこう利口ですこと!」
단테Dante의 말에 이런 게 있쟎아요, ‘작은 실수失手가 그대에게 얼마나 큰 고통苦痛을 주는가.’라는”
그렇게 말하며 푸우Who 부인夫人은, 부리 같은 손으로 와트시트Whatsit 부인夫人모자帽子를 이마까지 밀어 올리고 나뭇가지에 걸린 스토올stole을 벗겨 주고 익숙한 솜씨로 시이트sheet를 집어 올려 그것을 접었읍니다.
“참, 고마와요.”
라고 와트시트Whatsit 부인夫人이 말했읍니다.
당신當身은 참 영리怜悧하군요.”
Korean단테Dante에 이런 게 있쟎아요,
‘작은 실수失手그대에게 얼마나 고통苦痛주는가.’라는”
그렇게 말하며 푸우Who 부인夫人은, 부리 같은 으로 와트시트Whatsit 부인夫人모자帽子
이마까지 밀어 올리고 나뭇가지걸린 스토올stole벗겨 주고
익숙한 솜씨시이트sheet집어 올려 그것접었읍니다.
「どうも、ありがとう。」と、ワトシットWhatsit夫人いった。 「あなたは、ほんとに、りこう利口ですこと!」
“참, 고마와요.” 라고 와트시트Whatsit 부인夫人말했읍니다. 당신當身영리怜悧하군요.”
(English original)
Twelve The Foolich and the Weak

Meg could see nothing, but she felt her heart pounding with hope. With one accord all the beasts rose to their feet, turned toward one of the arched openings, and bowed their heads and tentacles in greeting.
12 おろかなる者と、よわき者

メグMegは、なにもみえなかったが、希望に胸が鳴った。 生物たちがいっせい一斉にたちあがり、アーチarch型にひらいている方向にかって、頭をさげ、歓迎するように触手をさしのべた。
12 어리석은

메그Meg는 아무것도 보이지 않았으나, 희망希望으로 가슴이 벅차 있었읍니다. 생물生物들이 일제一斉히 일어서고, 아치arch으로 열려 있는 방향方向하여 머리를 숙이고 환영歡迎하는 촉수触手를 내밀었읍니다.
Japanese12 おろかなる者と、よわき者
Korean12 어리석은
메그Meg아무것보이지 않았으나, 희망希望으로 가슴벅차 있었읍니다.
生物たちいっせい一斉たちあがり、 アーチarchひらいている方向にかって、さげ、
생물生物일제一斉일어서고, 아치arch으로 열려 있는 방향方向하여 머리숙이고
환영歡迎하는 촉수触手내밀었읍니다.

Viy / Nikolai Gogol
魔女のひつぎ (1973)

translator: 那須 辰造 (Nasu Tatsuzō)
illustrator: 宇野 亜喜良 (Uno Akira)

Viy / Nikolai Gogol
마녀魔女 (1976)
(Kyoyuk Churpansa)

The Japanese original edition attached the title “the coffin of the witch”, not “Viy”. The Korean plagiarism put on the same title, too.

The Werwolves / Frederick Marryat
ハルツHarz山の人おおかみ (1973)

translator: 白木 茂 (Shiraki Shigeru)
illustrator: 後藤一之(Goto Kazuyuki)

The Werwolves / Frederick Marryat
하르쯔Harz 속의 인간人間 이리 (1976)
(Kyoyuk Churpansa)

The Japanese original edition attached the title “The Werwolves in Mt. Harz”, not “The Werwolves”. The Korean plagiarism put on the same title, too.

Costigan’s Needle / Jerry Sohl
異次元の新世界 (1952)

translator: 仁賀 克雄 (Jinka Katsuo)
cover/illustrator:山野辺 進 (Yamanobe Susumu)

Costigan’s Needle / Jerry Sohl
4차원次元신세계新世界 (1976)

The Japanese original edition attached the title “New world of the different dimension”, not “Costigan’s Needle”. The Korean plagiarism put on almost the same title, too. The Korean title is a little different from the Japanese one, because “different dimension (이차원異次元)” has the same letters as “two-dimensions (이차원2次元)”. So it changed to“Four-dimensions (4次元)”.

Japan・The world masterpieces for boys and girls

Как человек стал великаном / Михаил Ильин
人間の歴史 (1964)

Korean・The complete series of world masterpieces for boys and girls (1969)

Как человек стал великаном / Михаил Ильин
인간人間역사歴史 (1969)
translator:木村浩(Kimura Hiroshi)
illustrator:小林与志(Kobayashi Yoshi)
Hiroshi Kimura is a scholar of the Russian literature.
The original title is “How Man Became A Giant”, but the Korean title is the same as the Japanese, “Human history”.

The Voyage of the Beagle / Charles Darwin
ビーグルBeagle号航海記 (1964)
The Voyage of the Beagle / Charles Darwin
비글Beagle호항해기号航海記 (1969)
translator: 白木 茂 (Shiraki Shigeru)
illustrator:山本耀也(Yamamoto Teruya)
The Korean title is the same as the Japanese too.

Wild Animals I Have Known / Ernest Thompson Seton
シートンSeton動物記 (1964)
Wild Animals I Have Known / Ernest Thompson Seton
시이튼Seton 동물기動物記 (1969)
translator: 亀山 竜樹 (Kamayama Tatuki)
illustrator: 依光 隆 (Yorimitsu Takashi)
The Korean title is the same as the Japanese too.
In the first place the books called “Seton's books on animals (시튼Seton동물기動物記)” do not exist in America. That is the title that Japanese attached for all books written by Seton.

Japan・World Märchens (Kodansha)

Kyemunsa’s World masterpieces for children

ギリシアGraecia神話 그리이스Greece 신화神話

editor/translator: 矢川澄子(Yagawa Sumiko)
illustrator: 建石修志(Tateishi Syuji)

イソップAesop童話 이솝Aesop 우화寓話

translator: 呉茂一 (Kure Shigeichi))
illustrator: 小原 拓也(Ohara Takuya)

南欧童話 남유럽편南Europe篇

translator: 安藤美紀夫(Andō Mikio)/他
illustrator: 小原 拓也(Ohara Takuya)

北欧童話 북유럽편北Europe篇
translator: 山内清子 (Yamanouchi Kiyoko)
illustrator: 三木由記子 (Miki Yukiko)

イギリス童話 영국편英国篇

translator: こだまともこ(Kodama Tomoko)
illustrator: 若菜等(Wakana Hitoshi)

アメリカAmerica童話 미국편美国篇
translator: 神宮輝夫 (Jinguu Teruo)
illustrator: 徳田 秀雄(Tokuda Hideo)

中国・東南アジア童話 중국편中国篇

translator: 新島翠(Niijima Midori)
illustrator: かみやしん(Kamiya Shin)

日本の童話 일본편日本篇

author: 新美南吉 (Nankichi Niimi)
illustrator: 池田浩彰(Ikeda Hiroaki)

フランスFrance童話 프랑스편France篇

translator: 南本史(Minamimoto Chika)
illustrator: 小原 拓也 (Ohara Takuya),
直江真砂 (Naoe Masago),
池田浩彰 (Ikeda Hiroaki),
かみやしん (Kamiya Shin)

ソビエトSoviet童話 러시아편Russia篇

translator: 内田莉莎子(Uchida Risako)
illustrator: タケカワこう (Takekawa Ko)

東欧童話 동유럽편東Europe篇

translator: 直野 敦 (Naono Atsushi)
translator: 八百板 洋子 (Yaoita Yoko)
illustrator: 池田 浩彰 (Ikeda Hiroaki)
illustrator: 久保田 あつ子 (Kubota Atsuko)

アメリカAmerica童話 아메리카편America篇

translator: 神宮 輝夫 (Jinguu Teruo)
illustrator: 徳田 秀雄 (Tokuda Hideo), かみやしん (Kamiya Shin), 中沢 潮 (Nakazawa Ushio), 若菜 等 (Wakana Hitoshi), 小原 拓也 (Ohara Takuya)

JAL Boeing 747 - (Hasegawa)

Korean Air Lines Boeing 747 - (아이디어Idea과학科学)

It is very easy to plagiarize the plastic models. You can copy them just by making the molds from Japanese genuine plastic models.

機動戦士ガンダム, Mobile Suit Gundam &
超時空要塞マクロス, The Super Dimension Fortress Macross

스페이스Space 간담Gundam V

This is a plagiarism. The title is “Mobile Suit Gundam” and the figure is “The Super Dimension Fortress Macross”. (Korea・namuwiki)

伝説巨神イデオン, Space Runaway Ideon - (AOSHIMA)

전설거신伝説巨神 로보트Robot 깨시오피아Cassiopeia - (이십20세기世紀)

アイゼンボーグIZENBORG, Dinosaur War Izenborg - (TOMY)

아이젠보그IZENBORG - (대흥과학大興科学)

ブレイクBreakショットShot - 前川 たけし (Maekawa Takeshi)

나인볼Nine ball 황제皇帝 용소야 - 성운아星雲児 (Seong Un-a)

성운아星雲児 is not a real person. It is a group of comic book writers who saw Japanese original editions and copied them. The name comes from comics “星雲児Seiunji” by Ryoichi Ikegami. (Korea・namuwiki)

The ストライカーStriker - 前川 たけし (Maekawa Takeshi)

축구도사蹴球道士 용소야 - 성운아星雲児 (Seong Un-a)

帯をギュッとね! - 河合 克敏 (Kawai Katsutoshi)

유도황제柔道皇帝 용소야 - 성운아星雲児 (Seong Un-a)

(U.S.A) Baby Shark (2011) - Johnny Only

상어 가족家族, Shark Family (2016) - Pinkpong

In June, 2018, Johnny Only sued Korean company Smart Study for copyright infringement prohibition and the damage claim at the Seoul center district court. Smart Study said at first it was an original. If the meaningful similarity between the music of the Johnny Only and “Shark Family” of Pinkpong becomes clear, the legal punishment because of the copyright infringement is not avoided. (Korea・namuwiki)

黒子のバスケ - 集英社 (2009〜2014)

Author: 藤巻忠俊 (Fujimaki Tadatoshi)

혈액형점理解不能 (2013〜)

Author: 뿡 (Pung)

君と僕。 - スクウェア・エニックス (2003〜)

Author: 堀田きいち (Hotta Kiichi)

우유牛乳이야기 (2013〜)

Author: 레임 (Reim)
The figures, clothes and characters of the main characters. The relationship between characters, the development of the conversations and the details of the situation. Production. They are all same. However on the plagiarism scandal, Reim insists that this is an hommage.


Author: ホムンクルス (Homunkurus)


Author: 치즈케잌 (Chijeukeik)
Tracing without permission. This was stopped, and the writer was banned for life. He changed his pen name and publishes the works serially now. The lifetime ban does not have a meaning. It is a Korean way.

ハチミツとクローバーclover (2000~2006), 3月のライオンlion (2007~)

Author: 羽海野 チカ (Umino Chika)

드로잉drawing (2014)

Author: 김종석 (Kim Jong-seok)
The story line accords with “honey and a clover”.
Some parts have same composition, production and situation.
The style of painting and the pen touch are the same as those special to Chika Umino, and the some cuts are same. They are suspected of unjust tracing.
The main character’ face often changes and is not stable. Because it is thought this copied the different characters of “honey and a clover” and “the lion in March”.

伯爵令嬢 - Comics

Author : 細川 智栄子Hosokawa Chieko

백작伯爵의 딸

Author : 정경Ceong Gyeong

TV drama “ラブLoveジェネレーションGeneration” (1998) - Fuji Television

TV drama “청춘青春, Youth” (1999) - MBC

This was closed down in ten episodes, probably because the plagiarism became clear or it got low audience rating. (wikipedia)

TV drama “東京TokyoラブLoveストーリーStory” (1991) - Fuji Television

TV drama “질투嫉妬, Jealousy” (1992) - MBC

This is known for the Korean first trendy drama. It had a suspicion of plagiarism of “Tokyo love story”. In fact, some parts copied all contents of “Tokyo love story”. (Korea・namuwiki)

“泥だらけの純情” (1963) - 日活

Director: 中平康 (Nakahira Ko)
Producer:日活 (Nikkatsu)
Scriptwriter: 馬場当 (Baba Masaru)
Author: 藤原審爾 (Fujiwara Shinji)

“맨발의 청춘青春, The Barefooted Young” (1964) - 극동흥업주식회사極東興業株式会社

Director: 金基悳 (Kim Gi-deok)
Producer:車泰辰 (Cha Tae-jin)
Scriptwriter: 徐允成 (Seo Yun-seong)
Korea・namuwiki writes the author is 바바마사루( Masaru Baba), but the poster of the movie does not have the name of Japanese.

トランプtrump入門 - 岡田康彦 (小学館)

“Trump” is “playing card” in English.

트럼프게임trump game 백과百科 (성심도서誠心図書)

Korean also used to call “playing card” “trump”, affected by Japanese. They often say “플레잉 카드 (playing card)” now under Korean language purifying movement.

バレエballet入門 - 小学館 (1979)

Supervisor: 松山 樹子 (Matsuyama Mikiko)
Author: 清水哲太郎 (Shimizu Tetsutaro)

주니어junior 발레ballet 입문入門 - 문공사 (1995)

Right and left inversion that Korean is good at

ドキドキ両思い診断 - 小学館 (1988)

Author: G・ダビデ研究所

혈액형점血液型占 + 별자리 - 문공사 (1995)

Author: 편집부編集部

星の神話入門 - 小学館 (1984)

Author: 清水 哲男 (Shimizu Tetsuo)

별의 신비神秘 - 성심도서誠心図書 (1986)

Author: 조한구

少女まんが漫画スクールschool - 小学館 (1994)

Author: 小学館

순정만화純情漫画 스쿨school - 성심도서誠心図書 (1994)

Author: 편집부編集部

1. Difference between Korean and Japanese
Japanese Korean
Korean dramas and K-POP are popular in Japan. They are unconcerned about other Korean things. Japan is a treasure house of good ideas for Korean. If Koreans watch Japan, they can find anything they need.
The Japanese identity is supported by the tradition such as the Emperor. In contrast, Korea that became independent of Japan does not have such a thing. So Korean has no choice but to make the anti-Japan one of their identity.
Even if Japan modernized undeveloped Korean society and built the basis of modern Korea, most of Japanese did not understand that it was humiliation for the Korean who thought that Korean was superior to Japanese. It is symmetric with Taiwan that became the colony of Japan in the same way and evaluates the modernization by Japan. It is the Korean fate to deny Japan, because Korean government was born by Japan's defeat in the war. Korea is the country which is formed by criticizing Japan.
“Korea exists” and “Korea criticizes Japan” are equivalence relations in mathematics. (“Korea exists” ⇔ “Korea criticizes Japan”) If Korea praised Japan, it would not be Korea. It would change to another country.
Japan cooperates with the PyeongChang Olympics 2018 in Korea. They objected to Tokyo Olympics 2020 and the Japanese world heritage registration.
As Takeshima island is occupied by Korea, Japanese should complain about that, but they almost never do.
Japanese don't bake the Korean flag unlike Koreans, but is that reverse?
In contrast, Korean side that occupies Takeshima island bakes the Japanese flag and the photo of Japanese Prime Minister against Japanese claim.
Japanese don't complain to Korean very much, because they dislike dispute and trials. They rarely insist on their opinion. They hesitate to drive a bargain. They are honest to a fault. This is because of the Korean traditional way of negotiation and the thought that it is necessary to demand many things to the opponent in order to get one thing from the opponent.
2. Difference in trial
Japan Korea
It is a waste of time for Japanese side to sue Korean side, because the Korean court doesn't accept the suit of the Japanese either. So the Japanese side does not sue the Korean now. Even if Japanese side accuses a Korean company in Korea, Korean side wins.
“Separation of powers” is established. Korean trial system was brought by merger by Japan. “Separation of powers” is not established in Korea, and the Korean judges are controled by the government and are influenced by the public opinions.
It is said, “there is the unwritten law called 'Korean emotion law' that is more dominant than the constitution in Korea.”
All judges are independent in the exercise of their conscience and are bound only by the Constitution and the laws. One of the characteristics of the trial of Korea is “Payment not guilty, Nonpayment guilty” that the Korean President Park assumed a problem.
Other characteristics of the trial of Korea are said to be “not 'rule of law', but 'rule of emotion'”, “The crime for patriotism is innocent” and “The crime against Japanese is innocent.”
Koreans are allowed to do some crime there, if it is to Japanese. This is “The crime against Japanese is innocent.” So Koreans can copy Japanese things without any permission.
March 2, 2015, Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on the website that Korea is not a country of freedom and the democracy, but you have to know that it is only approximately 30 years since “the declaration of democratization” was given in 1987.
It is necessary to understand Japanese national traits and the following Korean national traits to think about the problems such as Takeshima (Tokdo) and so-called “comfort women”.
Korean national traits
  1. It is the Korean fate and their identity to deny Japan, because Korean government was born by Japan's defeat in the war.
  2. They don't mind a trifle. Korea is the country of “Kenchanayo (Never mind)” mind.
    • For better or worse, they have rough national traits. They don't worry about details. Some say Korean resembles the Latin people.
    • There are many accidents caused by the small defects of buildings, roads and the vehicles.
    • There are many forgeries and fakes. There are shops selling many fakes, but they don't mind that very much.
  3. They give priority to the emotion than the logic or law.
    • Because Japan is surrounded by the seas, there is little worry of the aggression from the outside, but there are many disasters such as earthquakes and the typhoons. Therefore patient character and character to consider logically and scientifically have been fostered.
      On the other hand, Korea has few earthquakes and typhoons, but there were the aggressions of other races consistently because it was adjoining to the continent. The logical and scientific thinking did not advance, and art of negotiation with strong races well advanced.
      It's the trimming policy to use blandishments to the strong. They chisel money by “extortion" and “racketeering” out of the other which they considered to be weak and pour abusive language and give terrible treatment.
    • The judgments are carried out by feelings and emotions than law. It is said, “there is the unwritten law called 'Korean emotion law' that is more dominant than the constitution in Korea.”
    • Takeshima (Tokdo) belongs to Japan historically, logically and in international law. Takeshima had been already used in the Edo era (1603-1868) by Japanese. But in 1953 Korean government one-sidedly occupied the island by use of armed force. That's all. They cannot explain the island is the Korea territory logically.
    • Koreans are going to build statues of so-called comfort women in the world. Korean can not explain “comfort women” based on evidences logically, but they are going to explain it emotionally.
    • Some say there has been no person to obtain the Nobel Prize in the scientific fields because of “Kenchanayo (Never mind)” mind and lack of logical thinking.
  4. They think everything can be settled by negotiations.
    • They think that their claims are accepted by lobbying and propaganda. Conversely when their claims were not accepted, they don't think that the claim had not the legitimacy, but they think lobbying was weak.
    • They think that the results of soccer World Cup and the Olympics depend on negotiations. They think that they can get the referee's decision by negotiations, and they could get Best 4, defeating Italy and Spain.
    • They are going to solve the problem by negotiations rather than science and logic.
    • North Korea abducted a lot of Japanese and made them negotiations materials. It demands a reward in exchange for them. The government performs the thing same as kidnapping for ransom. For them, all is up to negotiations.
  5. They make much of appearance than the contents.
    • It's enough for the Korea train express (KTX) just to run cool, even if it can not drive at planned speed and it has many accidents of the engine cooling system.
      Incheon Airport Maglev was going to open in September, 2013, but many defects were discovered and it was postponed. It opened on February 3, 2016 at last. The maximum speed is only 80km/h and it has much trouble.
    • Even if you say “repair them" to the real estate agent and the contractor when the screws of the door hinge are not settled horizontally for the wall surface, they don't understand what is wrong. That is not malicious at all.
  6. They extremely insist on the predominance of Korean, because they have the long history that Korea was governed by many ethnic groups including China. Therefore they are too proud.
Mazinger Z (1972 Japan)
Taekwon V (1976 Korea)

In 1953 after the Japan's defeat at World War Ⅱ, Korean government one-sidedly occupied “Takeshima” island by use of armed force.
This is “thief at a fire”. Korea is scumbag.
Korean cannot explain the island is the Korea territory logically. You can see Korean national traits to give priority to the emotion than the logic.

Web page of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

Takeshima is indisputably an inherent part of the territory of Japan, in light of historical facts and based on international law.

The Republic of Korea has been occupying Takeshima with no basis in international law. Any measures the Republic of Korea takes regarding Takeshima based on such an illegal occupation have no legal justification.

Japan will continue to seek the settlement of the dispute of the territorial sovereignty over Takeshima on the basis of international law in a calm and peaceful manner.

Note: The Republic of Korea has never demonstrated any clear basis for its claims that it had effective control over Takeshima prior to Japan’s effective control over Takeshima and reaffirmation of its territorial sovereignty in 1905.

The Japanese people renounce use of force as means of settling international disputes by the constitution unlike Korea.

The robot that Korea stole protects the island that Korea stole.
This is Korea !?
From an objective viewpoint, the Japanese claim is more persuasive.
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