Korean Government-designated textbook of history for junior high schools Ⅱ
한국의 중학교국정역사교과서Ⅱ - 중학교국정국사

Source : Reading the Korean history textbooks (Japanese) 

Korean Government-designated textbook of history for junior high schools 2002 first edition, 2009 the eighth impression
translated by Hiroo Mituhashi (Akashi Shoten),2008

※ Most of Korean words that the rubies are attached are Japanese. You notice how much such Korean words exist. Korea abolished use of Kanji (Chinese characters) not to know the fact.
  1. Preface of 2002 version

  2. The original Japanese translation English translation
    역사歴史는 오늘의 삶을 비추어 주는 거울이며, 내일来日을 내다볼 수 있는 이기도 하다. 따라서, 역사歴史 서술叙述과거過去가 어둡다고 하여 숨기거나 없는 것을 있다고 과장誇張해서는 안 된다. 역사歴史 서술叙述은 치우침이 없고 엄격厳格하여야 한다. (p. 2) 歴史は今日の生を照らす鏡であり、明日を見通せる窓ともいう。したがって、歴史の叙述は過去が暗いからと隠したり、ないものをあると誇張してはならない歴史の叙述は偏ることなく厳格でなければならない。(p. 4) The history is a mirror lighting up today’s life and is called the window which can foresee tomorrow. Therefore, it is unacceptable that the description of the history hides the truth because our past was dark, and it is unacceptable that the description of the history exaggerates the thing that did not exist as what did exist. The description of the history must not be biased. It must be strict.

  3. The formation of the ancient state ・・・・・・ “Dangun” founded Gojoseon in B. C. 2333, though there is no grounds.

  4. The original Japanese translation English translation
    단군壇君고조선古朝鮮 건국建国은 우리 나라의 역사歴史가 매우 오래 되었음을 말해 준다. 또, 단군壇君건국建国 사실事実홍익인간弘益人間건국建国 이념理念은 우리 민족民族이 어려움을 당할 때마다 자긍심自矜心을 일깨워 주는 원동력原動力이 되었다. (p. 18) 壇君の古朝鮮建国はわが国の歴史がとても古いことを物語る。 また、壇君の建国の事実と弘益人間の建国理念は、以後、わが民族が困難にあうたびに自負心を呼び覚ます原動力となった。(p. 20) The founding of Dangun’s Gojoseon shows that the history of our country is very old. In addition, the fact of the founding of our country by Dangun and the idea of its founding have been driving forces that reminded us of self-confidence whenever our race met difficulty afterward.

  5. The view of “One-way cultural propagation” ・・・・・・ A idea that culture propagated only from Korea to Japan, but there is no reverse way.

  6. The original Japanese translation English translation
    또, 가야伽耶일부一部 세력勢力일본日本진출進出하여 일본日本고대 문화古代 文化 발전發展에 이바지하였다. (p. 42)
    신라新羅불교佛教일본日本에 큰 영향影響을 끼쳤다. (p. 72)
    また、伽耶の一部勢力が日本に進出し、日本の古代文化発展に奉仕した。(p. 44)
    新羅の仏教は日本に大きな影響をおよぼした。(p. 74)
    In addition, some power of Gaya confederacy went into Japan and served the development of Japanese ancient culture.
    The Buddhism of Silla had a big influence on Japan.

    The reason is not identified. Korea backfills the Korean Peninsula's greatest ancient grave right after it is opened.  (Korea・HANKYOREH)   (March 18, 2021)

    The grave has the characteristic of ancient Kyushu's graves.

    The grave has the characteristic of ancient Kyushu's graves.
    Japanese style, Keyhole-shaped tumulus
    Japanese style, Keyhole-shaped tumulus

    This is the ancient tomb named Janggobong.

    It is estimated that it was built in the early sixth century. The outside and the inside of the grave became clear by the excavational investigation of Korean culture institute. The investigation was carried out from last October to this February after an interval of 1, 500 year.

    Surprisingly the burial mound and structure of the grave and the religious service trace were about the same to those of Japanese noble that were built in Kyushu of Japan from the fifth to the sixth century.

    As a result of the investigation, it became clear that the grave had the characteristic of ancient Kyushu's graves. It had a wall with slim boards in the lower end portion and the broken stones precisely piled up on them.

    On the ceiling and the wall, red light vermilion lacquer trace remained. It is the typical character of the Japanese graves in Yayoi period.

    Pak Cheongsu, archeology anthropology professor at the Kyungpook National Univ. said, “I felt same when I entered the grave of a Japanese in Kyushu.”

    However, the burial mound of the grave was buried again in the end of February.

    1. According to the Nihon Shoki, the Japanese history book finished in 720, "Mimana Japan's prefecture" existed in the southern part of Korean Peninsula from the fourth to the sixth century and the area was in the Japanese sphere of influence.
    2. Tajima Osamu who knows a lot about circumstances in Korea talks in this way.
      “This may be materials affirming existence of ‘Mimana Japan's prefecture’ that was the prefectural government of the YAMATO government that The Nihon Shoki (The Chronicles of Japan) writes. The Korean historical perspective can not accept the facts. Therefore, according to the Korean thought, the grave should be reburied and you should think the grave did not existed. In Korea the desire for ‘Korean ideal history’ has priority than the sciences. ”
  7. The foundation of the Joseon dynasty (1392) ・・・・・・ It says nothing about the reason of the naming of “Joseon”.

  8. The original Japanese translation English translation
    왕조王朝를 세운 세력勢力고조선古朝鮮계승継承한다는 뜻에서 나라 이름을 ’조선朝鮮’이라 하고, 도읍都邑한양漢城으로 하였다. (p. 127) 新王朝を建てた勢力は古朝鮮を継承するという意味で国名を「朝鮮」とし、都を漢城に定めた。(p. 129) The power that built a new dynasty named the country “Joseon” that meant to succeed to old Joseon, and made Hanseong the capital.

  9. Japanese invasions of Korea (1592–98)

  10. The original Japanese translation English translation
    수군水軍승리勝利를 거두고 의병義兵활동活動활발活發하게 전개展開될 무렵, 원군援軍까지 도착到着하여 조선朝鮮왜군倭軍반격反撃하게 되었다. (p. 148) 水軍が勝利を収め、義兵の活動が活発に展開されている頃、明の援軍まで到着して朝鮮は倭軍に反撃を加えるようになった。(p. 150) When Korean water forces gained victory and the volunteer soldiers behaved actively, the reinforcement of Ming dynasty arrived and Korea came to add a counterattack to the Japan forces.

  11. Result of war ・・・・・・ The textbook assumes it Korean victory, defeat of Japan.

  12. The original Japanese translation English translation
    7 년간年間전쟁戰爭조선朝鮮승리勝利로 끝났고, 일본日本침략侵略 의도意図좌절挫折되었다. 일본日本조선朝鮮항복降伏을 받지도 못했고, 영토領土를 얻지도 못했다. 그렇지만 이 전쟁戰爭으로 가장 큰 피해被害를 본 것은 조선朝鮮이었다. (p. 149)
    그러나 조선朝鮮으로부터 여러 가지 문화재文化財선진先進 문물文物일본日本해져, 일본日本문화文化 발전發展을 이를 수 있었다. (p. 150)
    7年間の戦争は朝鮮の勝利に終わり、日本の侵略の意図は挫折した。日本は朝鮮を降伏させられず、領土も得られなかった。 それにもかかわらず、この戦争で最大の被害を受けたのは朝鮮だった。(p. 151)
    しかし、朝鮮からいろいろな文化財や先進文物が日本に伝わり、日本の文化発展に寄与した。(pp. 151-152)
    The 7-years war ended with Korean victory, and the intention of the invasion of Japan failed. Japan could not make Korea surrender and could not get the territory either. Nevertheless it was Korea to have suffered greatest damage in this war.
    However, various cultural assets and advanced civilization came to Japan from Korea and contributed to cultural development of Japan.

  13. Dispatch of Korean Tsushinshi

  14. The original Japanese translation English translation
    조선朝鮮일본日本사신使臣수도首都에 들어가는 것을 하고, 동래東萊만으로 일을 시켜, 귀국帰国시켰다. 이것에 해, 통신사通信使일본日本에도江戸 (도쿄東京)까지 가서 막부幕府장군将軍을 만나는등, 활발活發외교外交를 펼쳤다.
    통신사通信使일본日本요청要請을 받고 일본日本에 건너가 극진極盡대우待遇를 받았으며, 일본日本문화文化 발전發展공헌貢獻하였다. 그들이 다녀간 에는 일본내日本内조선朝鮮문화文化풍속風俗이 펴질 정도程度였다. (p. 150)
    朝鮮は日本の使臣が都に入ることを禁じ、東萊(トンネ)だけで仕事をさせ、帰国させた。 これに比べ、通信使は日本の江戸(東京)まで行って幕府の将軍に会うなど、活発な外交をくり広げた。
    通信使は日本の要請を受けて日本に渡り、手厚い待遇を受け、日本の文化発展に貢献した。 彼らが訪れた後には、日本国内に朝鮮の文化と風俗が広まるほどであった。(p. 152)
    Korea forbade that Japanese ambassadors entered the capital and let them work only in Dongnae and let them go back. In contrast, Tsushinshi went to the capital Edo (Tokyo) in Japan and met a general of the Tokugawa shogunate and pushed forward with active diplomacy. Tsushinshi went to Japan in response to the request of Japan and received utmost treatment and contributed to cultural development of Japan. After they came, Korean culture and customs spread out in Japan.

  15. The view that “Sedo politics” during the late Joseon dynasty is the villain’s role

  16. The original Japanese translation English translation
    이렇게 세도勢道 정치政治계속繼續되면서 각종各種 부정不正 부태腐敗해 나라는 어지러워졌고, 모든 고통苦痛백성百姓들에게 돌아갈 수 밖에 없었다. (p. 176)
    이에 백성百姓들은 나라의 정치政治가 바로잡히고, 서양西洋침략侵略으로부터 나라가 안전安全하기를 하였다. (p. 189)
    このような勢道政治が続き、各種の不正腐敗によって国は乱れ、あらゆる苦痛は民衆に帰ってくるしかなかった。(p. 178)
    民衆は国の政治が正され、西洋の侵略から国が守られることを願った。(p. 191)
    Such “Sedo politics” spread out, and the country fell in state of disorder by various unjust corruptions, and every pain couldn’t but lie heavily on the people. The people hoped that their politics would be straightened and the country would be protected from Western invasion.

  17. The name “Emperor of Japan” ・・・・・・ The textbook never uses the word, but uses “king”.

  18. The original Japanese translation English translation
    便, 메이지明治 유신維新해 새로운 국가国家 체제体制를 갖춘 일본日本통상通商 수교修好요구要求해 왔으나 그 외교 문서外交 文書일본日本 국왕国王조선朝鮮 국왕国王을 낮추어 보는 표현表現종래従来외교外交 관행慣行에 어긋나 내용内容이 있어 조선朝鮮 정부政府는 이를 거부拒否했다. (p. 194)
    일본日本거주居住하고 있던 박열朴烈일본日本 왕실王室결혼식結婚式거행擧行되던 날에 일본日本 국왕国王 부자父子제거除去하기 위한 준비準備를 하다가 발각發覺되어 일제日帝패망敗亡하기까지 22 동안이나 감옥監獄에서 고통苦痛을 겪었다.(pp. 276-277)
    김구金九가 이끈 한인韓人 애국단愛国団단원団員이봉창李奉昌은 1932일본日本 도쿄東京에서 한국韓国 침략侵略원흉元兇일본日本 국왕国王처단處斷하기 위해 국왕国王마차馬車폭탄爆彈을 던졌으나 성공成功하지 못하였다.(p. 277)
    一方、明治維新を通して新しい国家体制を整えた日本も通商修好を要求してきたが、 その外交文書に日本国王が朝鮮国王を見下す表現と従来の外交慣行に反する内容があったので、朝鮮政府はこれを拒否した。(p. 196)
    日本に居住していた朴烈は、日本王室の結婚式が行われた日に、日本国王親子をとり除く準備をしていて発覚し、 日帝が敗北するまで22年間も監獄で苦痛を味わった。(p. 279)
    金九が率いた韓人愛国団の団員李奉昌は、1932年に日本の東京で韓国侵略の元兇である日本国王を処断するため国王の馬車に爆弾を投げたが成功しなかった。(p. 277)
    On the other hand, Japan that fixed the new national polity through the Meiji Restoration demanded amity and commerce from Korea, but the Korea government refused this because the Japanese diplomatic document included the expression that the Japanese king looked down on the Korea king and the contents that were against the conventional diplomacy custom.
    Pak Yol who lived in Japan got ready to remove Japanese king and children on the day when the wedding ceremony of the Japanese king’s Family was held. But it was found out and he tasted pain in a prison for 22 years until the Empire of Japan was defeated.
    Lee Bong-chang was a member of the Korea Patriotic Legion which Kim Gu had organized. He threw a bomb to the carriage of the Japanese king in Tokyo, Japan in 1932 in order to assassinate the king who was a chief instigator of the Korean invasion, but it did not succeed.

  19. Japan–Korea Treaty of 1876 (Treaty of Ganghwa Island)

  20. The original Japanese translation English translation
    강화도江華島 조약条約에서는 조선朝鮮자주自主 국가国家을 밝혔지만, 조선朝鮮불리不利규정規定포함包含되어 있었다. (p. 198) 江華島条約では朝鮮が自主国家であることを明らかにしたが、朝鮮に不利な規定が含まれていた。(p. 200) The Treaty of Ganghwa Island clarified that Korea was an autonomy nation, but it included a disadvantageous rules for Korea.

  21. Japan’s “Invasion” and Qing dynasty’s ”Interference”

  22. The original Japanese translation English translation
    그러나 조선朝鮮세력勢力침투浸透시킬 기회機会를 엿보던 군대軍隊를 보내 흥선 대원군興宣 大院君납치拉致해 감으로써 민씨閔氏 세력勢力이 다시 정권政権을 잡았다. (p. 200)
    갑신정변甲申政變 이후以後에도 조선朝鮮내정 간섭内政 干渉여전如前하였다. (p. 202)
    이처럼 일본日本군의 침략侵略 행위行為노골露骨화되자, 농민군農民軍일본군日本軍 타도打倒를 내세우며 다시 일어났다. (p. 209)
    갑오개혁甲午改革은 제대로 시행施行되지 못하였다. 이는 정치적政治的, 사회적社会的 불안不安일본日本침략적侵略的간섭干渉국민国民들의 반감反感이 컸기 때문이다.(p. 212)
    しかし朝鮮に勢力を浸透させる機会をうかがっていた清が軍隊を送って興宣大院君を拉致し、閔氏勢力が再び政権を握った。(p. 202)
    甲申政変以後も朝鮮に対する清の内政干渉は相変わらず激しかった。(p. 204)
    このように日本軍の侵略行為が露骨になると、農民軍は日本軍打倒を掲げて再び立ち上がった。(p. 211)
    甲午改革はきちんと行われなかった。これは政治的、社会的不安と日本の侵略的干渉に対する国民の反感が大きかったためである。(p. 214)
    However, the Qing dynasty that waited for an opportunity to infiltrate its power into Korea sent the armed forces and abducted Heungseon Daewongun, and the group of Empress Myeongseong grasped the government again.
    The Qing’s intervention in Korean domestic affairs was strong after the Gapsin Coup (1884) as ever.
    While the Japanese military showed the naked acts of invasion in this way, the farmer forces advocated overthrow of Japanese military and stood up again.
    Gabo Reform (1894-95) was not performed properly. This is because Korean people felt the political and social anxiety, and their antipathy for the invasive interference by Japan were big.

  23. The independence of Korea from the Qing dynasty

  24. The original Japanese translation English translation
    전쟁戰爭일본日本승리勝利로 굳어지면서 그동안 개혁改革소극적消極的이던 흥선 대원군興宣 大院君이 물러나고, 각각各各 일본日本미국美国망명 중亡命 中이던 박영효朴泳孝, 서광범徐光範 등이 귀국帰国하여 개혁改革추진推進하였다. 정부政府국왕国王의 이름으로 우리 나라가 독립국独立国임을 내세우고, 홍범洪範 14발표發表하여 개혁改革내용内容정신精神을 밝혔다. (p. 211) 清日戦争が日本の勝利に終わり、それまで改革に消極的だった興宣大院君が退き、それぞれ日本とアメリカに亡命中だった朴泳孝、徐光範などが帰国して改革をおし進めた。 政府は国王の名でわが国が独立国であることを掲げ、洪範14条を発表して改革の内容と精神を明らかにした。(p. 213) The First Sino-Japanese War (1894 – 95) ended with Japan’s victory. Heungseon Daewongun who was negative against reform till then got out and Pak Yung-hio and Soh Kwang-pom who had taken refuge in Japan and the United States went back and promoted reform. The government advocated that our country was an independent country in the name of the king. And it announced 14-Article Constitution and clarified the contents and the spirit of the reform.

  25. Japan’s “invasion” and Russia’s “interference”

  26. The original Japanese translation English translation
    항일抗日 의병義兵 운동運動전개展開되면서 나라 안이 소란騷亂해진 틈을 타 그들의 세력勢力확대拡大하고자 하였다.(p. 224)
    전쟁戰爭 러시아露西亜만주 철도満州 鉄道 부설권敷設権획득獲得하는 등 세력勢力확대拡大시키고, 우리 나라에도 세력勢力침투浸透시키려 하였다.(p. 233)
    抗日義兵運動が展開され、国内の騒乱に乗じて、ロシアは彼らの勢力を拡大しようとした。(p. 226)
    清日戦争後、ロシアは満州鉄道敷設権を獲得するなど勢力を拡大させ、わが国にも勢力を浸透させようとした。(p. 235)
    Anti-Japanese righteous army movement was promoted, and Russia tried to escalate its power taking advantage of domestic turmoil in Korea. After the Sino-Japanese War, Russia got the railway concession in Manchuria, spread its power and tried to infiltrate its power into our country.
    단발령断髪令은 겉으로는 조선朝鮮근대적近代的 개혁改革을 내세운 것이었으나, 여기에는 한국韓国전통伝統을 끊음으로써 한국인韓国人민족民族 정신精神약화弱化시키기 위한 일본日本정략政略이 숨어 있었다.(p. 223)
    개항開港 이후以後 계속繼續일본日本경제적経済的, 정치적政治的 침략侵略명성 황후明成 皇后 시해弑害분노憤怒국민国民들의 반일反日 감정感情단발령断髪令계기契機폭발爆發하여 항일抗日 의병義兵이 일어나게 되었다.(p. 223)
    대한 제국大韓 帝国- 전쟁戰爭에서 승리勝利일본日本외교권外交権군사권軍事権차례次例강탈강탈당하였다. 우리 민족民族은 이러한 일본日本침략侵略대항對抗하여 강력強力민족民族 운동運動전개展開하였다.(p. 232)
    断髪令は表面的には朝鮮の近代的改革を掲げたものだったが、 これには韓国の伝統を断ち切って韓国人の民族精神を弱めようとする日本の政略が隠されていた。(p. 225)
    開港以後続いていた日本の経済的、政治的侵略と明成皇后殺害に怒った国民の反日感情が、 断髪令をきっかけに爆発して抗日義兵が起きるようになった。(p. 225)
    大韓帝国は露日戦争で勝利した日本に外交権と軍事権を次第に強奪されていった。 わが民族はこのような日本の侵略に対抗して、強力な民族運動を展開した。(p. 234)
    The Freedom of Haircut Law advocated Korean modern reform superficially, but this concealed the Japanese political tactics that cut off the Korean tradition and weakened the Korean national spirit.
    The people were angry at Japanese economic and political invasion that spread out after the opening of our ports and at the murder of Empress Myeongseong. The anti-Japan sentiment of the nation blew up triggered by Freedom of Haircut Law, and an anti-Japanese righteous armies came to take place.
    The Korean Empire was gradually deprived of our diplomatic right and the military power by Japan which won the Russo-Japanese War. Our people exhibited the strong racial movement against such Japan’s invasion.

  27. The praise of terrorism

  28. The original Japanese translation English translation
    미국美国에 살고 있던 전명운田明雲장인환張仁煥은, 일본日本추천推薦으로 우리 나라에 외교外交 고문顧問으로 와 있던 미국인美国人 스티분스Stevens미국美国으로 돌아가 일본日本한국韓国 침략侵略지지支持하는 발언發言을 하자, 그를 샌프란시스코San Francisco에서 사살射殺하였다. (p. 236)
    의병장義兵将으로 국내외国内外에서 항일전抗日戰전개展開하고 있던 안중근安重根은, 우리 나라 침략侵略에 앞장섰던 이토伊藤 히로부미博文러시아露西亜 대표代表회담会談하기 위하여 하얼빈Harbin도착到着했을 때, 그를 사살射殺하여 민족民族독립独立 의지意思분명分明히 보여 주었다(1909). (p. 236)
    이재명李在明일본日本의 앞잡이인 이완용李完用칼로 찔러 부상負傷을 입혔다. 나철羅喆오기호と呉基鎬 등은 5적 암살단賊 暗殺団조직組織하여 을사乙巳조약条約찬성賛成을사乙巳5매국노賣国奴처단處斷하여 하였으나 성공成功하지 못했다 (p. 236)
    アメリカに住んでいた田明雲と張仁煥は、日本の推薦でわが国に外交顧問として来ていたアメリカ人スティーブンスがアメリカに戻って日本の韓国侵略を支持する発言をすると、 彼をサンフランシスコで射殺した。(p. 238)
    義兵将として国内外で抗日戦を展開していた安重根は、初代統監としてわが国侵略の先頭に立っていた伊藤博文がロシアの代表と会談するためにハルビンに到着したたとき、 彼を射殺して民族の独立の意志を明らかに示した(1909年)。(p. 238)
    李在明は日本の手先だった李完用を刀で切りつけ負傷させた。 羅喆と呉基鎬などは五賊暗殺団を組織し乙巳条約に賛成した乙巳五賊など売国奴を処断しようとしたが、成功しなかった。(p. 238)
    Jeon Myeong-un and Jang In-hwan who lived in the United States shot the American Stevens dead in San Francisco. Because Stevens who came to our country as a diplomacy advisor by the recommendation of Japan came back to the United States and supported Japan’s invasion of Korea.
    An Jung-geun fought the anti-Japanese movement war at home and abroad as a leader of the righteous soldiers. He shot Hirofumi Ito dead when Ito who led the invasion of our country as the first commander arrived at Harbin, and clearly showed the will of racial independent.
    Li Jae-myeong slashed at Ye Wan-yong who was an instrument of Japan and got him injured.
    Na Cheol and O Gi-ho organized the assassination group formed targeting the five, and tried to kill the traitors including the Five Eulsa Traitors who were in favor of the Japan–Korea Treaty of 1905, but it did not succeed.
    유관순柳寛順재판정裁判所에서 "나는 당당堂堂대한大韓국민国民이다. 대한大韓 사람인 내가 너희들의 재판裁判을 받을 필요必要도 없고 너희가 나를 처벌處罰권리権利도 없다." 라고 외치면서 항거抗拒하였다. (p. 267)
    김익산金益相조선朝鮮 총독부総督府폭탄爆彈을 던졌고, 김상욱金相沃독립独立 지사志士들에게 잔인残忍고문拷問을 일삼던 종로鐘路 경찰서警察署폭탄爆彈을 던져 큰 피해被害를 주었다. 그리고 나석주羅錫疇동양 척식 주식 회사東洋 織績 株式 会社에 들어가 그 간부幹部사살射殺하고 일제日帝 경찰警察시가전市街戰을 벌이기도 하였다. (p. 276)
    柳寛順は裁判所で「私は堂々たる大韓の国民である。大韓の人である私がお前たちの裁判を受ける必要もなく、お前たちが私を処罰する権利もない。」と叫び、抵抗した。(p. 269)
    金益相は朝鮮総督府に爆弾を投げ、金相沃は独立志士に残忍な拷問を行った鐘路警察署に爆弾を投げて大きな被害を与えた。 そして、羅錫疇は東洋織績株式会社に入っていきその幹部を射殺し、日帝警察と市街戦をくり広げた。(p. 278)
    Ryu Gwan-sun resisted Japan and screamed in the court, “I am the person of dignified large Korea. I who am a person of large Korea do not have to receive your trial, and there is no right that you punish me.”
    Kim Ik-sang threw a bomb to Government General of Korea, and Kim Sang-ok threw a bomb to the Jongno police station that brutally tortured to an independent patriot. They gave a big damage. And Na Seok-ju went into Toyoshokuseki Co., Ltd, and shot the executive dead and fought a fierce battle against the emperor police on the street.
    便, 같은 한인韓人 애국단원愛国団員윤봉길尹奉吉상하이上海의 흥커우 공원公園 (현재現在루 쉰魯 迅 공원公園) 에서 열린 일본군日本軍상하이上海 점령 축하 기념식장占領 祝賀 記念式場폭탄爆彈을 던져 일본군日本軍응징膺懲하였다. 윤봉길尹奉吉 의사義士의거義擧당시当時 일본日本침략侵略경계警戒하고 있던 중국인中国人들에게 커다란 감동感動을 주었으며, 중국中国 정부政府중국인中国人들이 한국인韓国人항일抗日 독립独立 투쟁闘爭적극적積極的으로 협력協力하는 중요重要계기契機가 되기도 하였다. (p. 277) 一方、同じ韓人愛国団員の尹奉吉は上海の虹口公園(現在は魯迅公園)で開かれた日本軍の上海占領祝賀記念式場に爆弾を投げつけて日本軍をこらしめた。 尹奉吉義士の義挙は当時日本の侵略を警戒していた中国人に大きな感動を与え、中国政府と中国人が韓国人の抗日独立闘争に積極的に協力する重要なきっかけともなった。(p. 279) On the other hand, Yun Bong-gil, a member of Korean Patriotic Organization hurled a bomb at the Shanghai occupation celebration memorial ceremony held by the Japanese army in Hongkou park (Lu Xun Park now), Shanghai. And he punished the Japanese army. The heroic deed that the loyal retainer Yun Bong-gil did gave a big impression on the Chinese who were cautious of Japan’s invasion in those days. And it became a very important chance that made the Chinese government and Chinese positively cooperate with Korean anti-Japanese independence struggle.

  29. The historical perspective that Japan plundered Korea of everything

  30. The original Japanese translation English translation
    일본日本은 우리 나라의 근대회近代化를 위한 사업事業이라는 명분名分으로 도로道路수도水道 시설施設을 갖추고, 은행銀行, 학교学校, 병원病院 등을 설립設立設立하였다. 이러한 시설施設은 우리 나라에 와 있는 일본인日本人을 위한 것임에도 불구不拘하고, 이에 필요必要시설비施設費는 우리 정부政府일본日本 정부政府로부터 차관借款을 얻어 부담負担하도록 강요強要하였다.(pp. 248-249) 日本はわが国の近代化のための事業という名目で道路と水道施設を整え、銀行、学校、病院などを設立した。 こうした施設はわが国に来ている日本人のためのものであるにもかかわらず、これに必要な施設費は私たちの政府が日本政府から借款を得て負担するよう強要した。(pp. 250-251) Japan developed the roads and the water service facilities under the name of business for the modernization of our country and established banks, schools, hospitals. Though such facilities were for Japanese who came to our country, Japan forced our government to get a loan from the Japanese Government and to bear the expense necessary for the facilities.

  31. The enslavement

  32. The original Japanese translation English translation
    이로써 오랫동안 독자적独自的문화文化창조創造하면서 발전發展해 온 우리 민족民族은 나라를 빼앗기고 일제日帝노예 상태奴隷 状態로 떨어지게 되었다. (p. 255) こうして長い間独自の文化を創造しながら発展して来たわが民族は国を奪われ、日帝の奴隷状態に陥るようになった。(p. 257) Our race has created and developed our original culture for a long time, but Japan robbed us of our country and we came to fall into the state of slave by the Japanese imperialism in this way.

  33. The colonial policy

  34. The original Japanese translation English translation
    그러나 이러한 일제日帝의 새로운 식민지植民地 정책政策친일파親日派를 길러 우리 민족民族을 이간, 분열分裂시키려는 교활狡猾정책政策으로서, 한민족韓民族단결団結억제抑制하고 독립独立 운동運動을 막으려는 방침方針에는 함이 없었다. (p. 257) しかし、このような日帝の新しい植民地政策は親日派を養ってわが民族を仲たがいさせ、分裂させようとする狡猾な政策であり、 韓民族の団結を抑え独立運動をくい止めようとする方針には変わりがなかった。(p. 259) However, such a new colonial policy by the Japanese imperialism was the cunning policy that fed pro-Japanese Koreans, made our race quarrel with each other and caused us to break apart. The policy that suppressed the solidarity of the Korea race and checked independence movement was unchanged.

  35. The plundering of land

  36. The original Japanese translation English translation
    식민植民 지배하支配下에서 한민족韓民族일제日帝경제적経済的수탈収奪에 큰 고통苦痛을 받았다. 이 가운데에서 가장 큰 피해被害토지土地약탈掠奪당한 것이었다.(p. 258)
    일제日帝는 우리의 국권国権을 빼앗은 직후直後 토지土地 약탈掠奪적극적積極的으로 추진推進하였다. 총독부総督府토지土地 소유 관계所有 関係근대적近代的으로 정리整理한다는 명분名分을 내세워 이른바 토지土地 조사調査 사업事業추진推進하였다.(p. 258)
    또, 신고주의申告主義원칙原則으로 하였기 때문에 토지土地 신고申告를 제대로 하지 않은 많은 사람들이 피해被害를 입게 되었다. 즉, 신고申告 절차節次복잡複雑하고 까다로웠으며, 일제日帝실시実施하는 것이었으므로 반일反日 감정感情이 앞서 이에 따르지 않은 경우境遇도 있었다. (pp. 258-259)
    더구나 문중門中 토지土地나 마을 사람들의 공유지共有地, 그리고 왕실王室이나 공공기관公共機関하였던 많은 토지土地주인主人 없는 토지土地분류分類되어 총독부総督府소유지所有地로 되는 경우境遇가 많았다.(p. 259)
    총독부総督府는 이렇게 약탈掠奪토지土地동양 척식 주식 회사東洋 拓殖 株式 会社일본인日本人경영経営하는 토지土地 회사会社한국韓国으로 건너오는 일본인日本人에게 싼 값으로 넘겨주어, 일본인日本人들이 많은 토지土地소유所有할 수 있는 여건条件을 마련해 주었다.(p. 259)
    植民支配下で韓民族は日帝の経済的な収奪にひどい苦痛を被った。この中でもっとも大きな被害は土地を侵奪されたことだった。(p. 260)
    日帝はわが国の国権を奪った直後、土地の略奪を積極的におし進めた。総督府は土地所有関係を近代的に整理するという名分を掲げて、いわゆる土地調査事業をおし進めた。(p. 260)
    また、申告主義を原則としたため、土地申告をきちんと行わなかった多くの人々が被害を被ることとなった。すなわち、申告手続きが複雑でややこしく、日帝が実施するものだったため反日感情が先に立ち、これに従わない場合もあった。(p. 261)
    さらに民衆の土地や村の人々の共有地、そして王室や公共機関に属していた多くの土地は持ち主のいない土地に分類され、総督府の所有地となる場合が多かった。(p. 261)
    総督府はこのように略奪した土地を東洋拓殖株式会社など日本人が経営する土地会社や韓国に渡ってきた日本人に安く譲り渡し、日本人が多くの土地を所有できる条件を整えた。(p. 261)
    The Korean race suffered severe pain because of the economic plundering by the Japanese imperialism under colonization rule. The heaviest damage was that Japan took unlawful possession of our land.
    Soon after the Japanese imperialism had taken national power of our country, it positively promoted plunder of the land. The governor-general’s office advocated the ostensible reason that it would make the modern landholding relations and promoted so-called the land research project.
    In addition, many people who did not declare their land properly suffered damage, because the office required the declaration. In other words, some Korean did not follow this project, because the procedure to declare was complicated and they had anti-Japan sentiment for the project that the Japanese imperialism carried out.
    Furthermore, the common land of the people and of the village people and much land that belonged to the Royal Family and the public institution were classified as the land without the owner, and such land often became the land of the governor-general’s office.
    The governor-general’s office sold the land that it plundered to the Japanese companies including Orient developing land Co., Ltd. and Japanese who came to Korea cheaply and the office made the condition that Japanese could own much land.

  37. The progress of the industrialization

  38. The original Japanese translation English translation
    이와 같이, 일제日帝한국韓国산업産業침탈侵奪적극적積極的으로 추진推進하면서, 한국韓国대륙大陸 침략侵略의 발판으로 삼기 위해 철도鐵道도로道路, 항만港湾통신通信 등의 시설施設을 갖추었다.(p. 262) こうして、日帝は韓国の産業に対する侵奪を積極的におし進め、韓国を大陸侵略の足がかりとするため鉄道と道路、港湾と通信などの施設を整えた。(p. 264) Thus the Japanese imperialism positively promoted the taking unlawful possession against the industry of Korea and built the railroads, the roads, the harbors and the communication facilities in order to make Korea a foothold of the continent invasion.

  39. Japanization policy

  40. The original Japanese translation English translation
    그리고 일제日帝는 우리의 민족民族 정신精神을 뿌리뽑기 위해 이른바 일ㆍ선 동조론日 鮮 同祖論주장主張하였고, 내선 일체内鮮 一体황국 신민화皇国 臣民化 등의 구호口號를 내걸었다. 또, 우리말 사용使用하고 일본日本어만 쓰도록 하였으며, 우리 역사歴史교육教育하였다. 한글로 간행刊行되던 신문新聞폐간廃刊시키고, 우리말과 역사歴史연구研究금지禁止시켰다. (p. 261)
    나아가, 일제日帝는 우리의 이름까지도 일본식日本式 과 이름으로 바꾸어 사용使用하도록 강요強要하였고, 각지에 일본日本 신사神社를 세워 참배参拝하도록 하였으며, 어린 학생学生들까지도 황국 신민皇国 臣民 서사誓詞를 외도록 강요強要하였다. (p. 261)
    일제日帝여성女性들도 근로 보국대勤労 報国隊, 여자 근로女子 勤労 정신대挺身隊 등의 이름으로 끌고 가 노동력労働力착취搾取하였다. 더욱이 많은 여성女性강제強制동원動員하여 일본군日本軍주둔駐屯하고 있는 아시아Asia 각 지역各 地域으로 보내 군대軍隊 위안부慰安婦로 만들어 비인간적非人間的생활生活을 하게 하였다. (p. 262)
    そして日帝は私たちの民族精神を根絶やしにするため、いわゆる日鮮同祖論を主張し、内鮮一体と皇国臣民化のスローガンを掲げた。 また、韓国語の使用を禁じ、日本語だけを使わせ、私たちの歴史を教えることも禁じた。ハングルで刊行されていた新聞も廃刊させ、韓国語と歴史に対する研究も禁止させた。(p. 263)
    さらに、日帝は私たちの名前までも日本式氏と名前に変えるよう強要し、各地に日本の神社を建てて参拝させ、子どもたちにも皇国臣民の誓詞を覚えるよう強要した。(p. 263)
    日帝は女性たちも勤労報国隊、女子勤労従軍挺身隊などの名で連行し、労働力を搾取した。 さらに多くの数の女性を強制的に動員して、日本軍が駐屯しているアジアの各地域に送って軍隊慰安婦として非人間的な生活をさせた。(p. 264)
    And the Japanese imperialism insisted on so-called “Japan-Korea single ancestry theory” to exterminate the Korean national spirit, and raised the slogans of “Japan-Korea single theory” and “Japanization”. In addition, it forbade use of Korean language and let Koreans speak only Japanese and forbade to teach our history too. The newspapers published in the Hangul Alphabet were forced to cease the publication and the studies of Korean language and the history were prohibited.
    Furthermore, the Japanese imperialism forced us to change our first name and surname into the Japanese style, and it built the Japanese Shinto shrines in each area, forced us to go and worship there and forced children to learn “Vow of Japanese subjects”.
    The Japanese imperialism took women in the names of Work Patriotism Corps and Women’s Volunteer Corps and exploited their labor force. Furthermore, it mobilized many numerical women forcibly and sent them to each area of Asia where the Japanese military was stationed and let them live inhumane life as comfort women for the army.

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