Japanese ![]() Japanese national character |
Chinese ![]() Chinese national character |
Korean ![]() Korean national character |
Language, letters & words |
It is a member of the Japonic (or Japanese-Ryukyuan) language family, whose relation to other language groups, particularly to Korean and the suggested Altaic language family, is debated. (wikipedia) The grammar is similar to Korean. But basic words don’t have similarities.
They imported “Kanji” (ideogram) from China about 1,600 years ago.
They applied “Kanji” to Japanese.
They made “Kana” (phonogram) from “Kanji” in the 8th century. Japan positively adopted European and American culture since the Meiji era (1968-). As a result, many European words concerned with the science, the law, the literature etc. were translated into Japanese using “Kanji”.
It is a member of the Sino-Tibetan languages that are a family of more than 400 languages spoken in East Asia, Southeast Asia and parts of South Asia. The internal classification of the family is debated. (wikipedia)
Most of terms about science, mathematics and etc. were imported from Japan. Because Japanese translated European terms into Japanese using “Kanji” in “Meiji” period (the 19th century).
But most of Chinese don’t know the facts.
Chinese scholar Wang Pingping says
70% of Chinese words in the humanities and science fields are imported from Japan. The name of China is “中华(華)人民共和国 Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo” that means “People’s Republic of China”. In Meiji period (the 19th century) Japanese translated “people” as “人民” and “republic” as “共和国” using “kanji”. So most of the name consist of Japanese, but they don’t know that either.
Most historical linguists classify Korean as a language isolate while a few consider it to be in the controversial Altaic language family. (wikipedia)
Most of terms about science, mathematics and etc. and about the systems like school system or jury system were imported from Japan.
Because Japanese translated European terms into Japanese using “Kanji” in “Meiji” period (the 19th century)
and Japan ruled Korea from 1910 to 1945.
But most of Korean don’t know the facts except Japanese reign and don’t want to accept that. They had used “Kanji”, but now they don’t because of their pride. They want to erase the history of Japanese reign. In the 15th century, Hangul (Korean alphabet) was promulgated by Sejong the Great, the fourth king of the Joseon Dynasty.
He said, “Because the speech of this country is different from that of China, it [the spoken language] does not match the [Chinese] letters.
Therefore, even if the ignorant want to communicate, many of them in the end cannot state their concerns. Saddened by this,
I have [had] 28 letters newly made. It is my wish that all the people may easily learn these letters and that [they] be convenient for daily use.”
Even now many Korean words are from “Kanji”.
But fortunately or not, they can’t know what Kanji Korean words come from.
In addition, the words such as “工事 (construction)”, “公司 (corporation)”, “公私 (public and private)”, “公事 (official matters)”, “公使 (minister)”,
“公社 (public corporation)” and “空士 (flight person)” that are thought to have derived from Japanese are written as
“공사” in Hangul.
It is not until you read the sentence that you understand the meaning of the word “공사”.
For example, let’s see the preamble of South Korea’s first Constitution.
In the late 19th century, Korea and China opened their countries unwillingly and were going to adopt Western civilization like Japan, but they didn’t have the native words for things of Western civilization. For example, they didn’t have the words for “science”, “economy”, “philosophy”, “democracy”, “civilization”, “constitution”, etc.. They could make new words, but it was easy for them to use Japanese words, because Japanese had already translated them with “科学”, “経済”, “哲学”, “民主主義”, “文明”, “憲法”, etc. using kanji. “新聞” is the words that Japanese translated “Newspaper” into. “新聞” (Shinmun) is Korean word too. And furthermore, Japanese words were used in Korea in the Japanese rule times. In other words if you use kanji in Korea, you can know that Korean language consists of much Japanese words and a little Korean original words. Most Koreans do not know these facts, but some Korean intellectuals who know the facts are going to change words derived from Japanese into original Korean (Linguistic purism campaign). For example, family is “家族” (Kazoku) in Japanese and “가족” (Kajok) in Korean. “가족” is derived from Japanese. Some Koreans say they must change this into the original Korean word “식구” (sikku) that means “family” too. However, it takes long time to change 70% of words and it is impossible to change words artificially.
They say that the linguists in the world praise the Hangul as the best alphabet for all the languages.
U.S. News & World Report | Overall Best Countries Ranking #2 in Best Countries Overall |
Overall Best Countries Ranking #16 in Best Countries Overall |
Overall Best Countries Ranking #22 in Best Countries Overall |
Evaluation for the own country - BBC World Service poll (2014) |
![]() Japanese are modest. There are few Japanese who boast of themselves. Eeven if they have something to boast, they do not say that. |
![]() Most of Chinese boast of themselves. They mention whatever comes across their mind. |
![]() Most of Korean boast of themselves. They mention whatever comes across their mind. According to the Korean thought, China is No.1 country and Korea is the second. |
Countries’ influence on the world - BBC World Service poll (2017) |
![]() 2017 fifth |
![]() 2017 ninth |
![]() 2017 eleventh South Korea is the country that Germans dislike most, but Koreans like Germany most. |
Countries’ influence on the world - BBC World Service poll (2014) |
2012 first
2013 fourth 2014 fifth ![]() People’s views of Japan is almost affirmative except Korea and China where anti-Japan education is done. |
2012 fifth
2013 ninth 2014 ninth ![]() The ratings of negative views of China are high in Germany, Japan, France, the United States and Canada. |
2013 tenth 2014 tenth ![]() The ratings of negative views of South Korea are high especially in Germany and Spain. |
Countries’ influence on the world - BBC World Service poll (2017) |
2017 third ![]() People’s views of Japan is almost affirmative except China where anti-Japan education is done. |
2017 seventh ![]() The ratings of negative views of China are high in Canada, USA, UK, France, Spain, India, etc. |
2017 ninth ![]() China offers the least favourable view of South Korea among the nations polled. Chinese perceptions have shifted radically since 2014, from being positive to leaning very unfavourably this year. Negative opinion has more than doubled, from 32 to 71 per cent—the largest increase among all the nations polled—and positive opinion has dropped by 15 points over the same period, to 25 per cent. |
View of Asia-Pacific Publics | “How Asia-Pacific Publics See Each Other”
(U.S. research institute PEW RESEARCH CENTER) (September 2, 2015)
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Overall, despite historical and territorial frictions, Asia-Pacific publics tend to view their regional neighbors in a positive light, with Japan judged most favorably.
Japan enjoys a relatively positive image, except in China and South Korea. Eight-in-ten or more Malaysians (84%), Vietnamese (82%), Filipinos (81%) and Australians (80%) express a favorable opinion of Japan. About seven-in-ten Indonesians (71%) agree. Such views are largely unchanged from 2014, except in Malaysia where favorability of Japan increased 9 points since 2014. As a point of comparison, 74% of Americans voice positive sentiments about Japan. But long-standing historical animosities and recent territorial tensions are evident in Chinese and South Korean views of Japan. Just 12% of Chinese and 25% of South Koreans express favorable views toward Japan. And 53% of Chinese say they have a very unfavorable assessment of Japan. |
A majority of people in the Asia-Pacific region who were surveyed, not including the Chinese, have a positive view of China.
Public views of China have improved in the past year in the Philippines (+16 points) and India (+10 points).
However, the Vietnamese (only 19% favorable) and the Japanese (9%) do not see China in a positive light. In fact, almost half the Japanese (49%) express a very unfavorable view of China. Asia-Pacific views of China are far more positive than the perception held by Americans. In the United States, only 38% have a favorable opinion of China. It is natural that the Vietnamese and the Japanese do not see China in a positive light, because they are going to have their territory plundered by China. |
South Korea’s favorable rating is the lowest of the four Asian nations tested.
There is a 19-percentage-point differential between Aussie men’s views of South Korea (71% favorable) and Aussie women’s opinions (52%). It never changes that Korea expresses a unfavorable opinion of Japan. Because Korea is the country which is formed by criticizing Japan. Why is South Korea’s favorable rating low in Pakistan and India? Why is South Korea’s favorable rating low in Aussie women? It is necessary for the lowest South Korea to make an effort to increase the rating. It is necessary to change emotional national traits. |
Questionary survey by Korea’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
The result of the questionary survey in 12 countries of Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia,
Thailand, Russia, U.K., Italy, France, Netherlands, Spain, Romania and United States
(Korea・Yonhapnews) (2015/11/08)
These are the findings by Korea where anti-Japan education is provided, so Koreans can not understand why foreigners have good feeling for Japan. |
“Do you have a good feeling about Japan?” Yes - 63.7%, No - 7.9% ![]() |
“Do you have a good feeling about China?” Yes - 32.9%, No - 29.0% ![]() |
“Do you have a good feeling about Korea?” Yes - 46.6%, No - 18.4% ![]() |
Crime |
Comparisons of Crime in OECD Countries (civitas.org.uk)
There are more crimes in Korea than Japan. There are no data concerning China. They are thought to be more than Korea. Korea has high rates of crimes against people such as murder, rape and assault in comparison with Japan. You can know who is reliable, Japanese or Korean or Chinese.
An American student’s impression |
Japanese students are polite and serious and they like animated cartoons. |
Chinese students are good at mathematics and they like computer games. |
Korean students have bad results. They like sports and quarrel well. |
About history |
They try to think the history scientifically from many aspects such as books, archeology and so on. They think not only the positive aspects of historical persons, but also the negative aspects. They don’t think simply that the persons who revolted against the Emperor or the government, (for example Minamoto Yoshitsune, Ashikaga Takauji, Akechi Mitsuhide, Saigo Takamori) were bad persons or stupid persons, but they think why they took such actions. They don’t think that America used atomic bombs to Japan to declease the war dead the American president said, but they think that America tried to show the Soviet Union that if the Soviet Union disobeyed America, America would drop A-bombs to the Soviet Union, and also it meant the human experiments that Oliver Stone the famous American movie director says. They think about the history with suspicion whether what is written in the description of “Kojiki” or “Nihonshoki” is true. For example, some doubt whether Prince Shotoku really existed.
When there are some opinions, only one opinion is not written one-sidedly, but also opposed opinions are written together in textbooks. For example, about Senkaku Islands, it is written that “China insists on dominium too”. |
It is said that only what the Communist Party recognizes is the historical truth like the Communist Party decides the judgments of the trials. Mao Zedong actually conspired with the Japanese Army to defeat the Kuomintang of China, but in China it is said that he fought against the Japanese Army. (Truth of Mao Zedong’s Collusion with the Japanese Army)
It is not permitted as a act to attack dignity of Mao Zedong that you tell the truth he caused the failure of the policy and many victims.
If you speak a thought unlike the government, you might become a criminal that you are a person of the anti-government and you are planning the national overturn. In 2013, Professor Ken-ei Shu of the Toyo-Gakuen University was restricted for half a year by the Chinese authorities that he had spoke the thing that was inconvenient for China.
They said the casualties of the Japan-China War was 12 million, and they changed it to 35 million, but they do not tell the reason.
The Chinese textbooks spread propaganda of the Communist Party than the historic facts.
They do not tell the thing that is inconvenient for the government including the Cultural Revolution and the Tiananmen Square incident.
If you ask a Chinese student abroad “Do you know the Tiananmen Square incident?”, the student will answer “I don’t know”. You can not search that on the Internet in China. |
Because they have the history that many races invaded from the north and ruled them, old books are not left. Because the history of the old times is not clear, the history tends to be forged generally. They are thought that they are good at “forgery” because of such a history.
For example, it is received as a fact what was described in a TV drama. Because their textbooks tell their myth written in the 13 century as the historical fact, the history of Korea becomes longer than the Chinese history and is the longest in the world. (Korean Government-designated textbook of history for junior high schools) In addition, the history textbook of the high school says “the excellent Korean and inferior Japanese.” They can one-sidedly decide the sense of values that should vary among people like the Nazis asserted that the German “Aryan” race was gifted above all other races. They say Japanese excellent things such as Japanese sword, “Samurai” , “Sumo”, “Sushi” and etc. originate in Korea. They also say Mesopotamian civilization, Jesus Christ, soccer, Genghis Khan, English people, airplane, and etc. originate in Korea. (by wikipedia Japanese version and Chinese version) Many things are told that they are right without achieving accurate grounds. They don’t think logically whether it is right or not, but they think emotionally that it is right because it should be right. (The Korean does not think logically, Maarten Meijer) About so-called “enslaved prostitute (comfort women)”, They draw the “enslaved prostitute” image that should be for them and they think that is the right history.
In the same way, Taiwan was ruled by Japan as Korea, too. For good or ill, it is the fact that the rule by Japan made Korea modernize from the feudal and underdeveloped state and it became the basics of current development of Korea. But they don’t recognize the fact. The school system, the legal system and the trial system (European continental law system, Civil law, Roman law) were brought by the rule of Japan. The basic laws such as the Korean civil law or criminal law originate in Japanese laws, but you must not say that as well as Korean President can speak Japanese.
Koreans had been thinking that China was their master and Japan was their follower or their younger brother. |
Patriotism |
They usually don’t show patriotism except when seeing international matches. Sometimes they are masochistic to say speak ill of themselves. Considerable Japanese do not know the problem about “Takeshima” and “the Northern Territories”. The recent politicians request to breed patriotism.
When they decide something, they talk with many members.
So they cannot locate the responsibility clearly.
They think they all should bear the responsibility for a failure.
German can place the responsibility for the war on Hitler and the Nazis. The worst foreigner that Korean dislike is Japanese, nevertheless many Japanese like Korean singers and movie stars. It seems they don’t relate politics to sports and other things. |
Education to bring up patriotism is provided since they are small.
They are taught Japanese are the worst people in the world.
They know it is not true when they come to Japan and know Japanese kindness.
They have a look around the building for Nanking Massacre and critisize Nanking Massacre by Japanese (Its exact scale is not clear).
They don’t know the building was made by Japanese request and money.
From 1979 to the present, Japan has provided a Chinese highway, education, the prevention from desertification, environmental measure,
medical treatment, poverty measures, and agricultural technology with a large amount of grants-in-aid and no interest yen loan every year. But they don’t know these facts, because the government does not inform them. |
They must not praise Japan. If they do so, they are criticized. In 2013 an old man was knocked and killed by a young man, because the old man said that Colonial days of Japan were good. It must be bad days. On September 27, 2017, Solo debut music of P. O who is a member of K-POP group “BlockB” was targeted for broadcast prohibition in Korean public broadcast station (KBS). It is said that it is caused by the fact that Japanese word was used in the lyric. ( September 27, 2017) And if you say “You are pro-Japanese” to someone in Korea, it’s the crime of contempt and you shall be condemned to a fine. ( Korea・Dong-a Ilbo September 6, 2016) So they must speak ill of Japan. The first subway of Seoul was made by ODA and technical cooperation from Japan. Most people do not know that. But even if you know that, you must not say that.
They believe Japanese famous comics and animations like “Doraemon”, “Astro boy”, “Mazinger-Z”, etc. are Korean products. The truth is that they like Japanese things and products, but they must not say that.
It has been said that “if you come to a deadlock for an idea, you should go to Pusan, and you will get an good idea”.
They are allowed to do some crime, if it is to Japanese. Even the president must continue to speak ill of Japan to maintain an approval rating.
Many Korean soccer players play in Japan, but it’s difficult for Japanese players to play in Korea. |
Japanese Original | Chinese fake | Korean fake | |||||
Doraemon Pokemon |
![]() ![]() |
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Ramma 1/2 Magic-rin |
![]() ![]() |
![]() Magic-non (written by Japanese) |
![]() Rampa 1/3 |
Dragon ball Glass Mypet |
![]() ![]() |
![]() Glass Myhet (written by Japanese) |
![]() super kid |
One piece Panasonic |
![]() ![]() |
![]() PanesamiG |
![]() Wa-piece |
Astro boy Sony |
![]() ![]() Author: 手塚治虫 (Tezuka Osamu)
![]() SQNY |
![]() Author: 황종익 (Hwan Jong-ik) |
Kinnikuman Gundam |
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Sailor moon Cookie |
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![]() White strange person (written in Japanese) |
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Japanese | Chinese | Korean | |||||
Apologize |
If a trouble happens, they often apologize immediately. Because they don’t want quarrel. |
They don’t apologize any time, even if they think they are bad. |
They don’t apologize any time, even if they think they are bad. |
Manufacturing & Business |
They value the tradition. They respect the old established shops. They stick to the details. They always work scrupulously and precisely. |
They are good at business .They do anything for a profit. They think that you should make a profit even if you use many pesticides. There are many imitations and copies, but they don’t think it’s extremely bad. |
As Korea had been ruled by many races historically, old things were hard to be left. They are not eager to respect the stores of long standing.
At Itaewon in Seoul, you’ll find a lot of fake items on the street, but the police don’t really bother the vendors. |
Punctuality |
They may be too scrupulous. The means of transportation such as a train travel just on time. |
There is no custom to apologize even if you are late for 30 minutes. And it is no problem if you tell some reason you are late. |
They are rough and they do not mind the details. It’s “kenchanayo” spirit. (Don’t worry about the details) |
Self-expression |
They don’t speak their thinking positively. They don’t want to quarrel by denying the opinion of other person. Before they give their opinion, they think how a partner thinks about that. So they are sometimes misunderstood that you can not understand what they think about.
They are soft-hearted. |
They speak their thought positively. They often speak loudly as if to quarrel. They strongly insist on their thinking.
They do not line up in the row.
They speak their thought positively.
Korean fencing player continued protesting the misjudgment while crying for approximately one hour in London Olympic games 2012.
Korean soccer player displayed a sign with a political message in a soccer game in London Olympic games 2012. They can’t understand those are no good. On the contrary they are praised in Korea.
In February, 2014, Elise Christie (the U.K.) who came into contact with a Korean player in the short track race women’s 500 metres finals of the Sochi Olympic Games,
written a murder notice in at her Facebook by Korean net users and she suffered from it. These seem to be praised in Korea, but they do not understand that Korean net users did “bad thing” and public broadcaster should not do such a thing. If the player who Elise knocked down were a Japanese, it would be no problem. Because Japanese don’t complain of that. It is unlucky to have been a Korean for Elise.
The logic is not acceptable to Korean. |
The issue of bullets offer in December 2013 |
Japan supported bullets for Korean military which participated in PKO in south Sudan in December 2013.
But Korean government denied that, and said “It’s Japanese misunderstanding. Korea requested not Japan for bullet support, but UN.”
It was a Korean lying. And of course Japan did not demand apology from Korea eather. |
The Korean government thought that it was shame to ask Japan for support.
One week later Korean government admitted the mistake in the Diet.
Even so, it is unusual for Korean government to admit a mistake.
But they never say thanks for Japanese support and never apologize for the mistake, though the Korean commanding officer in south Sudan thanked Japan. It is the rule Korean government must not thank or apologize to Japan at any time. |
Chinese hot-air balloon missing 2014 |
January 1 ,2014 the hot-air balloon which a Chinese got on was missing near Senkaku islands. Japanese patrol boat saved the man and delivered him to a Chinese public vessel. |
But of course China did not say “thank you” to Japan. |
Takeshima (Tokto) problem |
Web page of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
It is a island between Japan and Korea. It belongs to Japan historically and logically.
Aside from that, Takeshima in December, 1953. There is no Korean unsightly artificial objects yet.Some insists the trial in the international court. |
In 1953 Korean government one-sidedly occupied the island by use of armed force, while Japanese government had hesitated to do something to the island. Natural Takeshima is injured by unsightly Korean artificial objects and carvings.They don’t want to judge the problem in the international court, because the situation is unfavorable to Korea. Anti-Japan education
An infant sings “Tok-do is our territory” (YouTube)
![]() left - “망해버린땅 (perished land)” - The land means Japan and Japan is burning. right - “독도 한국 만세 (Viva Tok-do Korea)” - Japan (일) is cut with a sword called Korea (한국), and blood flows. Teachers let children draw paintings hurting Japan and display them on the classrooms. It’s an unbelievable education. But it’s not strange at all in Korea. It seems to be the ordinary education there. |
Senkaku Islands |
The Japanese Government investigated the islands from 1885 through 1895 and confirmed that it did not belong to neither country including China. China insist, “Japan stole Senkaku Islands in the case of aggression in Taiwan”.
But, “London atlas” which the world’s largest “Stanford map shops” (the U. K.) published in 1887 and “Hand atlas” which the German mapping authority Adolf Stieler produced in 1868 show that the islands are Japan territory since before Sino-Japanese War (1894).
Since 1971, Chinese Government has insisted on dominium of the islands.
There had not been Senkaku Islands in Chinese map of Governmental publishing company until 1971 since the People’s Republic of China was formed in 1949.
They had not thought Senkaku Islands are Chinese territory until 1971. After 1971, they added the islands to the map and changed a boundary line too. They had not said anything about that for over 70 years. It is said that their allegation is because of mineral resources near the islands. In 2013 Chinese governmental newspaper “People’s Daily” said “Okinawa” belongs to China too. In 1993 Li Peng who was the fourth Premier of China said to the Australian prime minister that Japan would disappear in 20 years. (wikipedia) |
Natural disaster |
Old Japanese thought natural disaster is a act of God (spirituals). They prayed the God not to cause the disaster. So there are many shrines that worship the God. |
When the big earthquake and tsunami occurred in Japan in 2011, A Korean newspaper said that is the Damnation to Japan. That is a lack of common sense, but most of Korean did not blame the paper.
They think they can do anything to Japan and they can say anything to Japan.
Safety and Order |
Global Peace Index in 2013 indicates the ranking of Japan is no.6. (wikipedia) If you loose something valuable, even a purse on the street, in most cases it returns to you. |
Global Peace Index in 2013 indicates the ranking of China is no.101.
(wikipedia) Air pollution of China is terrible. But people can not do anything but endure it. |
Global Peace Index in 2013 indicates the ranking of Korea is no.47.
(wikipedia) |
Thinking of other countries |
In ancient time, Japanese learned many knowledge from China and Korea. For example Japanese was influenced by Confucianism from China and Ceramic art from Korea. Japanese improved it and made unique culture. Japanese had thought China had been a country of Confucianism. But that was a misunderstanding. Japanese think Confucianism does not remain in China now. On the contrary, Confucianism was not established in China from the beginning, even though Confucius preached enthusiastically. Because it was in vain to preach to Chinese selfish people. ![]() People think it remains in Japan now.
In 2014 at the opening ceremony of the Sochi Olympic Games, Prime Minister Abe sent applause to the entrance of all teams including the Chinese team. This is Japanese. |
They think China is a center of the world. “Zhonghua” of “Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo” that is “People’s Republic of China” means “center of the world”. Their leader is not elected by people. He is still an emperor. Separation of powers does not exist in China. Judgments are determined by the emperor. So it is the natural movement that China is going to extend the territory and replace USA. It is realistic because the strength of USA is getting weaker and that of China is getting stronger now. So they think the countries of the world should obey China. First of all, China tried to have a conversation with the United States to divide the Pacific ocean into two.
In 2014 at the opening ceremony of the Sochi Olympic Games, when the Japanese team entered, three Chinese TV (CCTV) program commentators began to talk about a topic to have nothing to do with and disregarded the entrance. This is Chinese. |
In ancient time, Korea learned many knowledge from China and sometimes Korea was occupied by China. So they think China is a boss and Japan is a subordinate or younger brother. Although Korea was conquered by China many times, Korea does not complain to China about that. But they can not forgive and accept the conquest by Japan that is a subordinate.
In July, 2013, Kwangju City was decided as the site of World Swimming Championship 2019 at the general meeting of the International Swimming Federation.
Furthermore in January 2013, it was recognized that Taegu city had announced the false information “Taegu and Milan are sister cities” for 14 years. |
Diplomacy |
Japan always follows the United States. A Prime Minister of Japan once said Japan should not do those foreign countries dislike, though diplomacy sometimes does those foreign countries dislike.
Japan makes financial contributions of about 3,000,000 dollars to the U.N. that is No.2 after the United States.
That of China is below half of Japan. But China acts big and arrogant. |
It is very easy to understand. When a Chinese ship dashed against the ship of Japan Coast Guard and the captain was arrested by Japan in 2010, China arrested a Japanese businessman who did nothing in China and China stopped to sell rare earth elements to Japan. If Tibetans do not obey China, they are killed. China has killed 1 million Tibetans. (Free Tibet) When the United States criticized China, China hinted to sell U.S. national bond. China is a No.1 creditor country for the United States. If China sell the U.S. national bond, the United States will be terribly troubled.
They made cyber assaults to the U.S. to get American valuable information.
In 2013 it came out that all the inputted text is transmitted to the Chinese server of the company Baidu (Japanese IME) made by Chinese.
They do anything even if it is a lack of common sense from the western viewpoint. |
South Korea cannot stand up to North Korea strongly.
They cannot stand up to China strongly either.
They can stand up only to Japan strongly. ![]()
The statues were made in Korea in the 14th century.
Korean court decided that Korea did not have to return them until Korea found the evidence that Japanese temple had got them legitimately.
Is it the common law that if it is not proved that they were stolen by the Japanese temple, Korea need to return them to the Japanese temple, isn’t it?
Trials seem to be moved by public opinion in Korea.
Korean newspaper JoongAng-Ilbo said “From a global viewpoint, it is not proper.
But it goes without saying that they were criticized very much and the statues were not returned to the temple. |
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