Evils of the anti-Japan education [反日韓国]

- From Korean blog -
What kind of country is Korea?
Korean national character - Korean news
Korean Fakes
Countries in Asia that like Japan. What is the result of anti-Japanese Korea?

Korean Government-designated textbook of history for elementary schools
Korean textbook of history for junior high schools
Korean textbook of history for junior high schools Ⅱ

Lyon Japanese society (japonnais.exblog.jp)

There was an obvious difference in the Korean children’s pictures and Japanese children’s pictures.

The pictures that the Japanese primary schoolchildren drew

The list of their titles; “Pleasant song with world friends”, “Smile of the earth”, “Smile of world children”, “Welcome”, “Together peacefully”, “Smile of the whole world”

”HAPPY! smile”, “Cherry-blossom viewing with people in the world”, “Meal with everybody”, “thank you”, “HUG”, “One World”, “All friends” etc.

Japanese children explain, “The smile and the warmth of the hands make everybody feel better and when it leads to the world, everybody gets happy”.

The pictures are very healthy paintings that make you comfortable.

On the other hand...

The pictures that the Korean primary schoolchildren drew

These are the photographs that a Canadian who lives in Korea took, and the pictures were displayed in the subway passage. (results of the anti-Japan education?)

How could the pictures be displayed magnificently in the public place, though they were violent, discriminatory and in lower level?

“망해버린 땅”
(The land which has perished.) The land means Japan.
Japan is burning.
다 죽여 버리・・・・”

(Japanese pigs! I’ll kill you all.)
“독도 한국 만세”
(Vive Tok-do Korea)
Japan is cut with a sword named Korea, and blood flows.
“일본 터지기 3초전”
(Japan explodes three seconds later.)
“북한의 백두산도 화났다”
(Paektu Mountain in the North Korea got angry too.)
“이렇게 되고 싶습니까”
(Do you want to become like this?)
Japan is burning.
“새들의 고향은 우리땅”
(Hometown of the birds is our land)

“우리는 야생호랑野生虎狼이!”
(We are wild tigers!)
“원숭이는 원숭이우리에…” “끼 끼 ”
(Monkeys are in the monkey cage…) (kie, kie)

The rabbit is Korean peninsula. Japanese Islands are rabbit's poops.
“자꾸우기니깐 망하는 거야! 핵!”
(Japan will perish if it often insists! Nuke!)
“日本 바다에 침수”
(Japan sinks into the sea.)
“독도는 누구땅?” “한국땅”
(Whose island is the Tok-do?) (Korean island.)
“알고보면 작은나라 일본 두렵지않다”
(A small country Japan. We don’t need to be afraid of it.)

The Japanese pictures make you smile, but the Korean pictures make the experts of the child psychology in the world faint.

With only a picture, you can know the education level of a country and the human nature of the person. Naturally the eyes of the foreigner who photographed them saw the abnormality in them.

In the common normal nation, the pictures are not even displayed, but there was no apology of the Korea side of course. (If Korean pictures had been Japanese ones, probably Korean people would have set fire to the Japanese embassy and it would have caused a big fuss?)

‘A child is a mirrow reflecting an adult’

Children watch the adults and learn and imitate their action.

This means that children show how the adults are and what kind of education they receive.

Korean Adults


Koren Children


The actions that Korean adults do completely look just like the pictures the Korean primary schoolchildren draw. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Korean Adults


Koren Children

In the common countries, if you break the dignity of a country or damage the national flag, you are punished.

But in Korea such a logic is not accepted, because there is the mysterious and unwritten law by the name of “Anti-Japan law” that means “The crime against Japanese is innocent (반일무죄 反日無罪)”.
Such abnormal and uncivilized acts are taking place commonly.

Korean Adults


Koren Children

Korean Adults


Koren Children

Many pictures indicate the character of Korean children.

They make you feel the terrorist temperament such as the potential violence and murder. You can not distinguish them from the pictures that the killer of psychopath drew.

Korean young children speak evil of Japanese even through the pictures. This is the example that showed the living standard of the Korean people and education level were low in this way to the whole world.

Who is the Korean enemy?
Surprising result of the questionary survey to the Korean middle and high school students..

Japan is an enemy (44.5%)

North Korea is an enemy (22.1%)

The United States is an enemy (19.9%)

Is this an effect of pro-North Korea education?

If Koreans think that Japan is an enemy country, it is natural that Korea break off the diplomatic relations and prohibit everything Japanese.

But Koreans go to the enemy country(?) for a trip, eat the foods of the enemy country and like things of the enemy country. It is the doubleness of Korean national traits.



Dream 실천実践

Republic of Korea
practice for Dream)
It is better to tell children the civic consciousness a little instead of racism education..?

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