Korean news

Korean national character

This site clarifies Korean national character based on the Korean news papers.
  1. Generally speaking Korea is the country of “Emotion” and “Kenchanayo (‘Never mind’ or ‘Don’t worry about details’)” mind.
  2. And Korea is the country which is formed by criticizing Japan.
    Korea has come under strong influence of a large quantity of Japanese culture and Japanese words that entered to Korea in the period of Japanese rule (1910-1945). So Korea has no choice but to deny Japan in order to insist on their originality.
    It’s not an exaggeration “Korea exists” stands in equivalence relation in mathematics to “Korea criticizes Japan”. If Korea praised Japan, it would not be Korea. It would be another country.

    You can understand Korean national traits, if you watch KOREAN NEWS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10.

  3. In order to win a Nobel Prize in the scientific sections, that is a long‐cherished wish of Korea

    1. To be particular about the details, and to have mind to investigate the truth patiently. (⇔ Koreans don’t mind a trifle. Korea is the country of “Kenchanayo (Never mind)” mind. )
    2. To have the mind that values the logic than emotion and to have education to value the mind. (⇔ Koreans give priority to the emotion than the logic or law.)
    3. To know that the Nobel Prize is not won by negotiations. (⇔ Koreans think everything can be settled by negotiations.)
    4. To make much of the contents than the appearance. (⇔ Koreans make much of appearance than the contents.)

    But these are matters to disagree with the Korean national traits.
    The Korean national traits are,
    1. Koreans don’t mind a trifle. Korea is the country of “Kenchanayo (Never mind)” mind.
    2. Koreans give priority to the emotion than the logic or law.
    3. Koreans think everything can be settled by negotiations.
    4. Koreans make much of the appearance than the contents.

    You cannot change national traits in a day, but it is the first step to recognize own national traits.
    Koreans can gradually change them from there.
    Koreans should begin with what they can do easily.

    For example, “Samguk Yusa” written in the 13th-century says, “Dangun unified tribes and founded Gojoseon (old Korea)”. And “Dongguk Tonggam” written in the end of 15th century says, “Dangun founded Gojoseon 50 years later when the legendary Chinese ruler Emperor Yao ascended the throne”. That means that the Dangun’s country was born in B. C. 2333.
    The name “Dangun” does not come out to the books before these.
    The Korean textbooks declare “Dangun is an existing person” on the basis of these books. There will be no country that declares a mythological person is an existing person, except Korea.
    A problem is not only this fact, but also that most Koreans do not doubt these textbooks that write “Dangun existed”, though his name appears in the book written 4,000 years later for the first time and his existence is groundless.
    It will be the first step of the Nobel Prize acquisition to “think something is questionable”.

  1. "The negative aspects in National character of modern Koreans” (Li Bu-yeong professor of Seoul university in Korea)
    1. They rely on other people too much. 
    2. 의뢰심이 강하다. 
    3. They don’t do what they should do, while they hope other persons will do. When other persons don’t do that, they bear a grudge and criticize it. 
    4. 자신이 해야 할 일을 하지 않고 타인이 해 주길 기대하며 배신당했다며 원망하고 비난한다. 
    5. They think the partner thinks in the same way as them. When they know the partner thinks in the different way, they feel betrayed. 
    6. 상대도 자신과 같은 생각일 것이다라고 착각하며 다르다는 것을 알아채면 배신당했다고 생각한다.
    7. They are hasty and they often say “Right now” or “Do by the end of the day” without waiting. 
    8. 성격이 급하고 기다릴 줄 모르며 지금 곧이라던지 오늘중으로라던지..라고 곧잘 말한다.
    9. They want to achieve visible result immediately. When an effect is not given, they can’t resist doing other work. 
    10. 곧 눈에 보이는 성과를 올리려고 하며 바로 효과가 드러나지 않으면 참지 못하고 다른 일을 하려고 한다.
    11. They don’t have plan nor system in anything they do. 
    12. 계획성이 없다. 
    13. They force their ideas on others and they don’t take into account the circumstances or opinions of another person. 
    14. 자신의 주장만을 말하며 타인의 사정이나 형편을 전혀 고려하지 않는다. 
    15. They are vain. 
    16. 눈에 뻔히 보이는 허영심이 강하다. 
    17. They like big and gaudy things. 
    18. 되도록 큰 것 그리고 화려한 것/span>을 좋아한다<. 
    19. They exaggerate anything. 
    20. 사물을 과장한다. 
    21. They do not keep a promise. 
    22. 약속을 지키지 않는다. 
    23. They do not take responsibility for their words. 
    24. 자신의 말에 책임을 지지 않는다. 
    25. They show off confidence to be able to do anything, but they are totally fine even if they cannot do it. 
    26. 자신은 무엇이든 가능하다고 이야기 하지만 가능하지 않았을 경우 아무렇지도 않게 생각한다. 
    27. They do things by halves without any clear‐cut resolution and they have only loud voice. 
    28. 일은 적당히 하면서 목소리만 높여 떠든다. 
    29. They lack in the scrupulosity and the accuracy. 
    30. 일을 하는데 있어 정확성이 결여되어 있다. 
    31. They don’t do something exhaustively. 
    32. 자신의 책임을 철저하게 할 생각을 하지 않는다. 
    33. They are only concerned with appearances. 
    34. 타인의 눈에 비치는 자신의 겈모습에 신경을 쓴다. 
    35. They have a weakness for “brand” and the words of “best in the world”. 
    36. 세계 최고라던가 브랜드에 약하다. 
    37. They believe words than a document. 
    38. 문서나 인쇄물보다는 말을 믿는다. 
    39. They respect a human feeling than the rule and they appeal to the gut rather than the mind. 
    40. 원리원칙보다는 인정에 호소한다.
  2. Analysis by Governor-General of Korea
    4 major propensities of the Korean
    ①Acolasia - The Korean takes a selfish action, and it has no hesitation.
    ②Extravagance - The Korean uses money and the things more than required and lives above his means.
    ③Waste - The Korean uses time and the property idly.
    ④Speculative spirit - The Korean expects accidental good luck.

    5 major faults of the Korean character
    ④Party feeling
    ⑤Mixing of public and private matters

    3 major good points of the Korean character
    ①Tolerance and Carefreeness

    12 kinds of main characters and temperaments of the Korean
    ①The Korean enjoys a superficial and formal thing.
    ②Following blindly
    ③Tendency of Imitation
    ⑤Meanness, Gray - Word which the Korean figuratively calls the situation that a trend of their politics and thoughts do not become clear, Art of self-protection - The clever ways to get on through the world to become in favor of itself
    ⑥Selfish judgment
    ⑦Lack of the seriousness
    ⑧Lack of the sentimentalism
    ⑨Strong dependence and lack of gratitude
    ⑩Lack of independent spirit. The Korea independence are not suitable for national traits.
    ⑪Korean’s sense is dull, its patience feeling is strong and the Korean does not really cry emotionally even if he/she cries.
    ⑫Human nature of each province
       Pyongan Province, Hamgyong Province - They are strong and brave, and suitable for soldier.
       Jeolla Province - They are good at an art and art industry.
       Chungcheong Province, Gyeonggi Province - They are good at ingenuity and speaking, and are fitted by politics.
       Gyeongsang Province, Gangwon Province - They are warm and obedient, and they have talent of the literature.
       Hwanghae Province - They are good at money making and are suitable for commerce.

    9 outlooks on character of the Korean
    ①Sticking tendency of the thoughts and lack of mobility
    ②About the dependence of the thoughts, all Korean thoughts depend on China and it does not have originality.
    ③Formalism. The Korean regards the form in morality and the ethic as important and does not pursue the substance.
    ④Party feeling. If a lot of Koreans gather, they naturally form the political parties and develop factional strifes.
    ⑤Effeminate. Japan is a country of warlike spirit but Korea is a country of the bookworm in the past.
    ⑥Lack of the outlook on aesthetic appreciation. It is different from Japanese who has the outlook on aesthetic appreciation in the preservation of the antique.
    ⑦Mixing of public and private matters. It’s pointed out that the prostrate cause of the Rhee Dynasty is bureaucrats who filled their pockets and familism.
    ⑧Generosity. They are tolerant, unhurried and unrefined. This character is called a characteristic to deserve praise in comparison with a Japanese.
    ⑨Optimism. Their leisurely character, character to do their duty and to look for room in strain are thought as the cause.

    7 good customs of the Korean
    ①The ancestors worship
    ②Respect of adults
    ③Diligent labor custom
    ④learning progress of Japanese language of the Korean students
    ⑤Refrain from skin exposure
    ⑥Custom to endure cold and heat
    ⑦Healthy custom, the posture of the woman being right, and teeth being strong

    5 poor customs of the Korea
    ①Dirty custom to occur by the lack of the hygiene idea
    ②Custom by lack of the public moral sense, and throwing away the garbage thoughtlessly
    ③The specific action for the Japanese, entering the Japanese houses without greetings and selling a thing to Japanese in high prices
    ④Lack of the mind of the savings
    ⑤Customs of early marriage

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